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17 AOUT 2011 NEWS : Haldummulla - Sazane - Lezoux - Bodrum - Jefferson Patterson Park - Xinglongguan - Handan - Marseille -


 - 17  AOÛT 


     PRE-INSCRIPTION : 15 Juin – 31 Août

     PRE-REGISTRATION: June 15th - August 31st

 - SRI LANKA – Haldummulla - Professor Raj Somadeva of the Post Graduate Institute of Archaeology at Kelaniya University says that excavations in Haldummulla in Badulla district have led to the discovery of the oldest human dwelling identified on the island so far. The archaeological site in Koswatta, Haldummulla, is situated 850 meters above sea level and it is the highest ground that remains of ancient human dwellings have been reported. The archaeologists have recovered the foundations of four houses and believe more remain under soil. The excavations started last year and the second phase, now under way, will end in the next two weeks. Many pieces of red-colored pottery, clay beads, and ironware are among the findings.

 - ALBANIE – Sazane - Des équipes d'archéologues ont retrouvé au large des côtes méridionales de l'Albanie l'épave d'un navire romain, de 30 mètres de long, coulé au Ier siècle avant notre ère, et qui transportait plus de 300 amphores. L'épave a été découverte la semaine dernière par une équipe internationale composée notamment de membres de l'Institut américain d'archéologie nautique (Key West, Floride) et de l'Institut albanais d'archéologie. Le navire de 30 mètres de long a été découvert à 50 mètres de profondeur à l'ouest de l'île de Sazane, à 80 km au sud de Tirana. Sa coque contient plus de 300 amphores romaines qui étaient utilisées pour le transport du vin et de l'huile d'olive. Les amphores retrouvées dans le navire coulé il y a 2100 ans sont en bon état.

 - FRANCE – Lezoux - Une nouvelle fois à Lezoux, les archéologues sont dans les pas des Gallo-Romains, suite à la découverte fortuite survenue lors de travaux en vue d'une construction d'une villa. Les vestiges d'un dépotoir de céramiques pour l'essentiel à parois fines et à décors en épingles ou guillochés, des céramiques d'une grande finesse et par conséquent d'une grande fragilité, un four et les tuiles à rebords d'une aire de préparation de l'argile ont été ainsi mis au jour.

 - TURQUIE –  – Bodrum - Archeologists in Bodrum town of south-western province of Mugla have discovered an ancient theatre that was constructed in 400 B.C..Dr. Derya Sahin, a faculty member of the Uludag University's Archeology Department, said Monday that the 2,500-year-old ancient theatre was discovered during excavations in Myndos ancient city in Bodrum. The theatre belongs to the Hellenistic period. We can say that it is a huge theatre, Dr. Sahin said. How big the ancient theatre is really will be known at the end of excavations in Myndos, said the archeologists on site.

 - USA - Jefferson Patterson Park - Excavations on the 18th Century Smith Plantation. From 1711 to 1754, the Smith family lived at the mouth of St. Leonard Creek on property that is now part of JPPM. While the house has largely washed away, archaeological traces of the kitchen and other outbuildings are still preserved below ground. Excavations have uncovered a number of structures, including one of the oldest horse stables in the Chesapeake region.

 - CHINE – Xinglongguan - An archaeological team of Shaanxi Institute of Archaeology excavated Zhidao Roads in Qin Dynasty (221-206 BC) in Huangling, Northwest China’s Shaanxi province and got breakthrough results. The excavation was in Xinglongguan area between Shaanxi province and Gansu province. Eight exploratory trenches were excavated. Two fire beacons were dissected. The total area is about 250 meter square. The excavation was from July 21 to October 31. The excavation team chose Xinglongguan area as the location. Four exploratory trenches were excavated in the south Zhidao Roads in Qin Dynasty of Xinglongguan. Two trenches were excavated on the Ancient Road of north Xinglongguan. It is the first time to excavate Zhidao Roads in Qin Dynasty around Xinglongguan.

 - ROYAUME UNI – Norton - 2011 Summer Dig is of a henge site confirmed last year. It is proving to be of national importance. The finds seem to confirm it as one of the earliest henges in the country provisionally dated at about 3000 BC. The first phase consists of a circular ditch of about 55m in diameter externally with a ditch of about 3 or 4m wide. At a later date the henge was converted into a classic type with an internal ditch. The recent find of a large post hole at the centre of the henge means we can now begin to understand the structure above ground.

 - CHINE – Zhoujiazhuang - A large graveyard, some pottery kilns and ruins of houses were unearthed at the Zhoujiazhuang site in north Shanxi Province. The ancient graveyard is unusual in that it contains the remains of both adults and children, according to the field archaeology research center of the China National Museum. The discovery will provide materials for the research of social structure, ancient burial rituals and the area's development. The Zhoujiazhuang site was discovered in the 1950s. Its history dates back to the Neolithic Age.

 - CHINE – Handan - Tombs estimated to date back to the Warring States Period (475BC-221BC) have been excavated in the city of Handan in north Hebei Province. The 30 tombs were discovered beside a construction site. Also found were 99 pieces of cultural relics, including some bronze and iron wares, jade crafts, pottery and accessories. Handan was the capital city of the ancient Zhao during the Warring States Period. The discovery will help researchers study the ancient city's handicraft industry and its population.

 - FRANCE –    Marseille - C'était l'une des nombreuses découvertes du Commandant Cousteau. En 1952, il avait trouvé ces amphores datant du 3ème siècle, à bord de l'épave du Grand Cloué échouée au fond de la calanque Debié sur l'archipel du Frioul.  Après avoir été étudiées et analysées, 250 d'entre elles ont retrouvé leur sanctuaire. En les immergeant à nouveau,  le Département de Recherches Archéologiques sous-marine veut créer un site archéologique sous-marin.