Acapulco - A new archaeological find announced on Friday in Mexico attests to China's age-old vocation as an exporting powerhouse. Mexican archaeologists have uncovered thousands of fragments of a 400-year-old shipment of Chinese "export-quality porcelain" that was long buried in the Pacific Coast port of Acapulco.
Alberta - The Government of Alberta’s three-year archaeological survey of flood-affected waterways in southern Alberta will end this year, but the work to document and preserve discovered sites is far from over. Wendy Unfreed, regional archaeologist with the Archeological Survey of Alberta, said 100 new and 87 revisited sites were found along the banks of the Bow, Highwood, Kananaski, Sheep and Tongue rivers and creeks. “There are a small selection of sites ... we have been doing some archaeological excavation on because they looked to be significantly eroded,” she explained. “As a result, we thought it would be a good idea to explore whether there was anything left at some of these sites, which range from bison kill sites to bison processing sites.” Unfreed said the sites are from various points in time dating back to the prehistoric period, approximately 2000 years ago, up to the protohistoric period “where (we find) the infiltration of European trade goods in among some of the traditional life ways, but there hasn’t been full out contact yet.” She said archaeologists were excited to find this pattern throughout southern Alberta. “We are getting a lot more evidence from this period, which is really hard to see in archaeological records because it was a very short period of time, between 250 to 300 years ago,” she added. Unfreed noted archaeologists have excavated five sites south of Calgary along the Bow and Highwood in the past year. Among those sites, she noted several prehistoric campsites, a bison kill site and a trading post were discovered. She said it’s believed the trading post, located west of High River along the Highwood, was one of many locations of the famous Spitzee Post.
Pisidia - A big church in the ancient city of Pisidia, located in the southern province of Isparta’s Yalvaç district, has been finally unearthed after three years of work. The church, built in the sixth century, is believed to have been destroyed during a big fire in the 11th or 12th century. The head of the Pisidia excavations, Süleyman Demirel University Archaeology Department’s Professor Mehmet Özhanlı, expressed hopes that what remained of the church would help them acquire a clearer idea of the history of the area. “It was such a big fire and continued for so long time that the stones inside the church exploded because of excessive heat,” said the archaeologist. “We discovered that before the fire, the marble on the ground was removed and used as lime after being melted. A Seljuk coin that we found in a layer of fire in the northern part of the church boosts the idea that the church was burned in the 11th or 12th century. It may not be possible to glean this result from a small coin but our other observations make us think that the church was destroyed in those centuries,” Özhanlı said. The church was built on a temple that was built during the Antonine era. The four churches that have been discovered in Pisidia so far show that there were attempts to make the location a religious city. The city was divided into neighborhoods and the four churches each had a capacity of 300 people. The professor added that the fourth church in the ancient city, which was also discovered in 2013, was completely unearthed during recent works.
Rugby - A Roman settlement has been unearthed off Ashlawn Road during preparation for a new housing estate. Excavations at the site have revealed artefacts from a previously-undiscovered 2,000-year old settlement – and evidence of even older human activity dating back to the Bronze Age. The first human activity on the site is likely to date back to the Bronze Age, but it was most actively used in the late Iron Age and early Roman period, when it appears to have been a focus for pottery production. Archaeologists discovered a ‘pit alignment’ – thought to be an early form of dividing up land – which dates back to around 1000 to 500BC. Its waterlogged holes have preserved information about the local environment, surrounding landscape, forest clearance and farming. A second pit alignment, which dates from around 500BC to AD 43, contained Roman pottery, which suggested that they were open for a long period of time. And kilns found on the site are believed to have been used to produce ‘Belgic’ Mediterranean-style pottery – not usually found west of the Avon Valley.