Karaganda - Earliest pyramids were thought to have been built in Egypt. But archaeologists discovered an Egyptian-style pyramid in Kzakhstan, and it was believed to be built 1,000 years earlier than certain Egyptian pyramids. Archaeologist Victor Novozhenov from the Kazakh National University has called it a "sensational discovery" by specialists at the Saryakinsky Archaeology Institute in Karganda led by Igor Kukushkin. According to Novozhenov, the 3,000-year-old pyramid or mausoleum, which is located at the Sary-Arka steppes near the city of Karaganda about 3,900 miles northeast of Cairo, is similar in appearance with the Pyramid of Djoser, a great structure built for the Pharaoh Djoser in Egypt between 27th century BC and 26th century BC,Yahoo News reports. Both are "step pyramids," which are said to be the world's oldest man-made cut-stone structures. But Novozhenov said that the newly discovered structure could even be 1,000 years older than the ancient Begazy-Dandybai pyramids located nearby, and was built sometime during the Bronze Age.
Aylsham - More than 5,000 finds have been unearthed during the first week of a north Norfolk community dig on a Roman site. Archaeologists are already thrilled at the discovery of two pottery kilns, thousands of broken pots, late Roman coins, and fragments of jewellery. The nursery is believed to sit on the site of a Roman villa, including a bath house, and experts are hoping funding will be available in future to excavate it. Among discoveries which caused most excitement during last week’s dig was a piece of kiln lining on which the Roman maker’s finger and thumb prints are clearly visible.
Bulgarie –
Pliska - A stone-made channel has been discovered during emergency-rescue studies close to the Great Basilica of Pliska. The facility is more than 4 m deep and about 100 m long, the press office of the National Museum of History announced. The archaeological excavations have been underway for a second month. They are headed by Pavel Georgiev with the National Archaeological Institute with Museum of the Bulgarian Academy of Science and archaeologists with the Shumen Museum of History, financed by the National Museum of History. As a result of the work so far, the archaeologists have discovered dug installations, connected with the functioning of the Great Basilica and the preceding martyrium of Enravota, which was destroyed during the anti-Christian mutiny in 865.
Bandpey - A newly excavated site in Bandpey, southeast of Caspian Sea in Mazandaran provides major evidence for a Neanderthal settlement in the region. Hamed Vahdatinasab, local head of an archaeological expedition in Mazandaran told Mehr News correspondent that a stone tool cutting workshop had been formerly by a British expedition six decades ago in Kiaram site of Golestan province, miles away from the present site which had been discovered serendipitously; “the cultural material providing evidence of a Neanderthal settlement were discovered when a student of archaeology in Marlik College of Nowshahr was trotting mountains in the vicinity of Bandpey, Nowshahr; Fatemeh Shojaeifar found stone tools in an accidental walking,” he detailed. “Preliminary examinations and a visit to the site by Mohammad Ghamari Fatideh, a professor of archaeology in University of Mazandaran, Babolsar, revealed that the site had ample evidence, which was regularly visited by the Archaeology College.” “To the expedition came the contribution by Kourosh Rostaei, also an archaeologist; this is the first report of discovery of a Paleolithic site in northern massifs of central Alborz; the group carried out a week-long explorative itinerary in a wider areas, which found that the stone tools had been spread in areas far more wider than thought before in the mountainous area,” Vahdatinasab told Mehr News. “Our estimations show that the area would host hundreds of thousands of stone tools of Neanderthals; most stone tools belong to mid-Paleolithic age (250,000-40,000 years ago), when Neanderthal man flourished,” he added. “A specific section of the site belong to smart man of late Paleolithic age (40,000-18,000 years ago).” “Easy access to raw material and food staples would justify the widespread activity of Neanderthal man in the region,” he concluded.
Montréal - Des travaux devant la chapelle Notre-Dame-de-Bonsecours, rue Saint-Paul dans le Vieux-Montréal, ont permis de faire des découvertes archéologiques inespérées. Des fouilles archéologiques ont lieu depuis mercredi dans le cadre des travaux de réfection de la rue Saint-Paul et des fondations de la chapelle, construite dans la 2e moitié du XVIIe siècle, incendiée en 1754, puis rebâtie en 1771. L’équipe de l’archéologue Simon Santerre, de la firme Ethnoscop, a déterré plusieurs artéfacts français et exposé un mur de pierre qui formait l’enceinte de l’ancienne chapelle. Un possible foyer et un fragment de poterie d’origine amérindienne ont aussi été retrouvés dans la couche la plus profonde, près du sol naturel. «Dans le Vieux-Montréal, les sites amérindiens ne sont pas très nombreux, donc quand on en trouve, c’est excitant», affirme M. Santerre. Il ajoute que des artéfacts français ont été retrouvés dans la même couche que le fragment de poterie amérindien, ce qui pourrait suggérer une cohabitation. «On est vraiment à la phase contact. Si les Français et les Amérindiens ne se sont pas croisés ici, les Français sont arrivés sur le sol qui venait d’être quitté», explique l’archéologue.
Allonnes - Depuis la mi-juillet et jusqu'au 26 août, une vingtaine d'étudiants bénévoles travaillent sur le site archéologique du Grand Chêne, à la sortie d'Allonnes. Découvert en 2007 par photographie aérienne, le site a révélé l'année dernière un enclos gaulois. "La grosse surprise, ce sont des pièces de monnaie et des meubles romains,explique Emmanuel Nantet, qui dirige les fouilles. On pense donc que l'enclos gaulois a été réutilisé par les Romains environ deux siècles plus tard, peut-être pour recycler le métal en faisant refondre des objets pour en fabriquer d'autres." C'est la dernière année de fouilles sur le site du Grand Chêne. "Il faudrait vingt ans pour tout découvrir, affirme le maître de conférences à l'Université du Maine. On préfère aller explorer les autres sites aux environs, pour mieux comprendre les liens qui existent entre eux."
Ladakh - The Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) has discovered an ancient camping site dating back to ninth century BC in the rugged terrain of Ladakh. The site located on the way to Saser La was discovered by an ASI official during exploration work in Nubra Valley. Saser La leads to the Karakoram Pass in Ladakh. It was a small flat area with snow-covered peaks on one extreme, dry barren land with loose rocks all around and gushing stream within the deep western gorges. A charcoal sample collected from the site was subsequently sent to the BETA LAB, Florida, US, for radiocarbon date determination in order to understand the antiquity of the campsite. The outcome, i.e. 8500 BC (10,500 years ago), was beyond even the ASI’s expectation. Such an early antiquity on the basis of a scientific date was the very first for that region,” the ministry said. During this visit, more charcoal samples and associated bones were collected. “Two of the charcoal samples from lower and upper deposits sent for dating have provided new radiocarbon dates of c. 8500 BC and c. 7300 BC (c. 10,500 and 9,300 years before present) respectively. These dates have indeed confirmed the earlier date,” the ministry said. Besides, the new dates also indicated “repeated human activity” at this camping site for about 800 years. Preliminary studies of charred bones collected from the site, by P P Joglekar of Deccan College, Pune, have shown the presence of Gorel and Yak.