18 MAI 2016 NEWS: Shoreditch - Baratiabhata - Lunenburg - Zalewo - Serra di Ferro - Caernarfon -







ROYAUME UNIAn4128459this is an image i Shoreditch - Remarkable new archaeological discoveries in London are shedding fresh light on the birth of the English theatre.,Excavations of a 16th century Shakespearian playhouse in Shoreditch have revealed that, contrary to all expectations, the purpose-built theatre was rectangular – not polygonal or round like the Globe or the Swan. The rectangular shape reveals that the Curtain (and therefore potentially one or two other early theatres) were modelled on four-sided galleried inn courtyards – the major traditional venues for theatrical performances prior to the construction of the first purpose-built theatres. Excavations, carried out by Museum of London Archaeology over the past week, have revealed that the Curtain Theatre – one of the three earliest purpose-built playhouses in England – was 30 metres long and 22 metres wide. The investigation has so far exposed the gravel surface of the open yard where the less wealthy members of the audience would have stood. The brick footings of some of the theatre's outer walls have also been found – as have the inner walls which held the theatre’s galleries where better-off patrons would have sat. A substantial internal wall, immediately behind the stage, has also been discovered, as has part of the building's entranceway area – re-purposed from a previous structure on the site. But perhaps the most tantalising find unearthed by the archaeologists so far is a potential piece of Shakespearian era sound effect equipment – a late 16th century ceramic bird-song whistle. Although such objects were often used as children's toys in the Tudor and Stuart periods, the fact that this one was unearthed immediately outside the Curtain, suggests the possibility that it may have had some connection with the theatrical performances there. Interestingly, just such a birdsong whistle may have been used during the performance of Romeo and Juliet at the Curtain in around 1598. Certainly such a whistle would have been appropriate for the famous scene in the play in which the two lovers argue as to whether a bird singing outside their window is a Nightingale (a bird which often sings during the night) or a lark – the herald of the dawn


INDE404 02 26 42 menhirs at baratiabhata h ight 262 w idth 417 Baratiabhata - Baratiabhata is a megalithic site situated at 16 kms distance from Basna in Mahasamund district of Chhattisgarh.  Menhirs are memorial stones that were placed during the secondary burial of dead bodies during the megalithic culture that prevailed in Chhattisgarh also 3500 years ago. After a considerable time of the first burial, the people used to take out the bones from the burial place and together with the bones they kept any favourite thing of the deceased, like sickle, bangle or any other ornament and then used to place bigger stone on the centre of the burial. A big stone was surrounded by smaller stones making a circle. Each stone of smaller circle was to act as nucleus for another circle. These smaller circles were made by female folks of the community and family burials were also prevalent. A bigger Menhir is indicative of the social status like chieftain of village. With Baratiabhata, megalithic site in Mahasamund district, the local people believed that ‘Baratis’ of a marriage party camped there and due to some quarrel, a Brahmin cursed them and all the baratis turned into stones


CANADARemnants of fortress Lunenburg - An archeological excavation in Nova Scotia's Lunenburg has uncovered new evidence that points to the presence of a 250-year-old fort at the site of the Lunenburg Academy.  About a dozen adult students taking part in a continuing education class at Saint Mary's University spent the weekend learning the basics of archeology and searching for the remains of a British star-shaped fort from 1753. Cary said researchers found evidence of a British fort — previously only known about through historical records — through a geophysical survey. The survey measures magnetism of the soil and picked up possible remnants of a structure.  This weekend, the team uncovered two lines of stones, which look like they at one time supported a fence post or palisade.  Cary said the find confirms what was discovered in the geophysical survey. 


POLOGNE - Zalewo - In an arable field near Zalewo (province. Warmia-Mazury) a history enthusiast found treasure of 86 silver denarii, minted in the first and second century AD in the Roman Empire. The ancient find was deposited in the collection of the local museum in Ostróda.


FRANCE20160511 25 2 1 1 0 obj11715875 1 Serra di Ferro - Il n'est pas aisé de trouver le site archéologique sur la commune de Serra-di-Ferro, qui est actuellement exploré par un groupe de jeunes chercheurs du sud de la France. Il faut connaître le secteur, ne pas s'égarer, arpenter le maquis. Mais après une dizaine de minutes de marche, les fouilles effectuées depuis une semaine, valent le coup d'oeil En effet, même sans être un expert ès archéologie, on apprend beaucoup sur la vie des premiers agriculteurs en Corse, -5 000 av. JC. Thomas Perrin, docteur en préhistoire qui encadre les recherches, aidé par huit étudiants et collègues du CNRS, donne des indications précises sur la vie de ces hommes, grâce aux découvertes récentes. Il étudie actuellement la période d'apparition de l'agriculture en Corse, et son processus de diffusion. "L'agriculture et l'élevage ont été inventés au proche Orient, il y a -10 000 avant notre ère, pour se diffuser dans toute l'Europe. On va voir ensuite apparaître un mouvement de sédentarisation et de déplacement des populations, qui arrivent notamment dans un territoire occupé, par les derniers chasseurs cueilleurs", expose le chargé de recherches au CNRS. Cette période sur l'île correspond à -5 600 av. JC.


ROYAUME UNI - Original 6 Caernarfon - Archaeologists have confirmed the discovery of a small medieval castle, likely belonging to a local Welsh lord, near Caernarfon. Gwynedd Archaeological Trust teams, who spent more than two years carefully excavating and analysing the Hen Gastell (Old Castle) site in Llanwnda, said the small castle was occupied in the 11th or 12th centuries by “someone of significance.”  The experts have announced their final conclusions after receiving specialist reports back on their findings and confirmation of a further 10 radiocarbon dates. Site director Jane Kenney said: “The old people who named this site were right, as usual, and this was a type of small medieval castle, perhaps more like a manor house than a real castle. 

