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19 - 20 MAI 2012 NEWS: Monflanquin - Nine Mile Canyon - Empire - Morganton - Babylone - Lambayeque - Urville Nacqueville -




 INSCRIPTION  2012 /  Session III : Juillet 2012

   REGISTRATION 2012 /  Term III : July 2012

FRANCE201205190028-w350.jpg – Monflanquin - Les techniciens en archéologie de l'INRAP, Institut national de recherche archéologique préventive 47, que dirige Philippe Couture, ont entrepris sur un terrain situé à proximité de la bastide de Monflanquin, des recherches en zone archéologique classée sur un site de sépultures. Le club d'archéologie de la MJC, avec son responsable Guy Jouï et en présence de la présidente Françoise Paul, s'est intéressé à ce travail de terrain, assistant aux travaux de détection de 16 fosses subcirculaires découvertes sur un sol calcaire creusé à une quarantaine de centimètres. Ces vestiges se signalant par un alignement de formes ovales « marrons » sur un sol calcaire totalement blanc. Isabelle Souquet, archéologue-anthropologue, a pu « gratter » délicatement et trouver sur une de ces « marques ocrées » quelques ossements qu'elle a prélevés afin d'en dater précisément l'origine. Toutefois, cela se situerait probablement entre l'époque mérovingienne et les XI et XIIe siècles… Les tranchées ont permis de découvrir des fondations « architecturales » et des trous de poteau ayant servi à soutenir une construction.

USA24989324.jpg  Nine Mile Canyon - "We rarely, rarely get to excavate in the canyon," said Jody Patterson, principal investigator for Montgomery Archaeology Consultants Inc. "Being able to look at some of these sites — being able to excavate — we're finding out stuff we had no idea existed out here, in places where we didn't know they would be," he said. The pit house Patterson's crew is excavating is the first of its kind to be found so far up Nine Mile Canyon, he said. It's also the first to be found with a burnt roof, which means the site could provide "a snapshot of daily life" once it's completely unearthed, Patterson said. "It's extremely exciting," he said. The structure was discovered during the construction of a new low-water crossing on the Nine Mile Road. Work on that crossing was halted as soon as evidence of the prehistoric site was spotted, and won't resume until the find can be documented and processed. Nine Mile Canyon has been dubbed "the longest art gallery in the world." It's steep walls are home to at least 1,000 rock art sites, which contain more than 10,000 individual images that date back to the Fremont Indians. There are also Native American granaries and dwellings, as well as ranch houses built by the area's earliest pioneers.

USAgreatlakes-conference.jpg Empire -  A group of underwater archaeologists are preparing for a project off the shores of Empire. The goal is to discover clues about the village's booming history, a history that currently lies several feet below Lake Michigan. The action will begin on June 8th, when a team of divers will employ the latest electronic and underwater sonar technology to find evidence of a once thriving lumber town.  Dave Taghon says, "There were two 50 feet wide by 500 feet long docks used in shipping between 1887-1917."  It's those huge piers that has history buffs intrigued. While the lumber company burnt down in 1917, the piers are still out there and a group of underwater archeologists are setting out to rediscover them.

USA – Morganton - Five hundred years ago, a Native American village hugged the banks of the Catawba River in present-day Morganton. Circled by a wooden palisade, buildings would have stood in a meadow where gardens flourished in the rich river-bottom soil. Richardson also imagines a day in the 16th-century when villagers may have looked up from their toil and seen Spanish explorers arrive. After that, life would never have been the same.

IRAK - photo-1337247734988-1-0.jpg Babylone - Babylon's Hanging Gardens were one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, but heritage appears to be no match for Iraq's booming oil industry in a dispute over a new pipeline.  As Baghdad is working to get UNESCO to list Babylon as a World Heritage Site, archaeologists and oil ministry officials are in a battle over a pipeline that one side insists threatens the site and could cause irreparable damage to the ruins.

PEROU20120516094441khrw.jpg  Lambayeque - A priceless piece of Peru’s cultural heritage was put up for sale last week at Sotheby’s Auction House in New York, where it fetched $212,500. The object in question was a gold Sicán funeral mask, dating from somewhere between 950 and 1250 A.D., with its origins in the Pomac Forest region of Lambayeque. The mask was looted by grave robbers from the area over 40 years ago.

FRANCEurville.jpg  Urville Nacqueville - Depuis plusieurs années, un universitaire et une équipe d'archéologues de l'Inrap mènent des fouilles sur la plage de Nacqueville où les restes d'un village gaulois vieux de 2000 ans dorment sous le sable. Reportage de Stéphanie Potay et Florine Ebbah

