Leang Bulu Bettue Cave - Researchers led by archaeologists of Griffith University have discovered two small carved stones in Leang Bulu Bettue Cave in central Indonesia. One of the stones is etched with an image identified as an anoa, a dwarf buffalo unique to the region. Prehistoric peoples are known to have hunted anoa for food and to have used its bones and horns for making tools. The other stone is carved with an image thought to resemble a sunburst, or an eye surrounded by lashes. The two figurative artworks, thought to date to between 14,000 and 26,000 years ago, may have been carried from place to place by the artists, but the researchers do not know why they were made or how they were used. “They were seemingly discarded amidst all the other refuse of day to day domestic life,” Brumm said. Burnt animal bones, beads, and ochre have also been recovered from the cave.
Laodicea - In the ancient city of Laodicea, located in Turkey's southwestern Denizli province, 1,750-year-old fresco travertine blocks, buried 7 meters underground by an earthquake in A.D. 494, have been re-erected. In excavations two years ago, the fresco travertines were unearthed with special techniques. In addition, a recently recovered wall featuring panels showing painted Corinthian blocks, figure drawings and various depictions will soon be on display for visitors. Şimşek told Anadolu Agency (AA). He said each recovered block and figure is listed and categorized, then prepared for display. "These legendary fresco travertines were preserved underground thanks to the debris that fell onto them after the earthquake," he explained. "In terms of its width and its depictions, we believe this structure is one of a kind in the world. We recovered a wall spanning 52 meters and towering 9 meters high (170 by 30 feet). Roman coins bearing the profile of Emperor Gallienus, who reigned in A.D. 253-268, were found in the excavations, he said. "These coins come from the third century, which proves that this wall and frescos date back to 1,750 years. This is the first time such a large wall was discovered.
Ferrandina - Excavations near Ferrandina in southern Italy, an area rich in sites dating from the Iron Age to the Lucanian period (8th-3rd century BC), have been investigating an ancient olive oil press identified during preventative archaeological work in 2007. Fieldwork in 2018 and 2019 has exposed more of this Lucanian complex, uncovering remarkably well-preserved olives on the 4th-century BC floor. It is the only pre-Roman oil press in Magna Graecia, and the archaeologists hope future palaeobotanical analyses will shed light on the origin of the Majatica di Ferrandina olive that is grown in the area.
Cat Tiên - Les archéologues ont entamé jeudi 12 mars des fouilles à grande échelle au site archéologique de Cat Tiên dans la commune de Quang Ngai, district de Cat Tiên, province de Lâm Dông (Hauts Plateaux du Centre). Menés conjointement par le Département provincial de la culture, des sports et du tourisme et le Centre d’archéologie de l’Académie des sciences sociales affiliée dans le Sud, ces travaux dureront un an jusqu’au 12 mars 2021. Découvert en 1985, le site est situé dans une vallée de plusieurs centaines d’hectares et d’une longueur d’environ 15 km le long du système fluvial Da Don - Dông Nai. Il a été reconnu comme vestige national spécial en 2014. Ces derniers temps, des centaines de milliers d’objets y ont été découverts, dont des œuvres d’art, des statues et des armes fabriquées à partir de divers matériaux tels que l’or, l’argent, le bronze, l’acier, les pierres précieuses et la céramique.