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19 OCTOBRE 1017 NEWS: Montréal - Chogha Zanbil - Thirassia - Saqqara - Porrentruy






CANADA – Stamp jpg size custom crop 850x0 0 0 1200 832 0 0 Montréal - Archeologists exploring Montreal site of former Parliament of United Canada recovered 300,000 artifacts nearly 170 years after it was destroyed .Most everything that was contained in the prestigious building located just a block from the busy St. Lawrence River was lost when angry English rioters stormed the building eight days after Cameron’s letter was sent, resulting in a devastating fire on the night of April 25, 1849. The fire also destroyed the two parliamentary libraries, and an estimated 22,000 public documents from Upper and Lower Canada — Ontario and Quebec. Some of them dated back hundreds of years to the earliest days of French colonization. About 30 charred fragments of the 6,000 volumes contained in one of the libraries were recovered. One, which looks like little more than a carbonized crumbling mass, has since been identified as the minutes of the lower chamber of France’s parliament for the months of October and November of 1830.

IRAN 12 analysis 0 Chogha Zanbil - Located near the ancient city of Shush in the oil-rich region, the Chogha Zanbil archaeological site was inscribed on the World Heritage List in 1979. The site is known for antiquity as the sacred city of Dur-Untash, built by the Elamite king Untash-Gal in the mid thirteenth century BC. The Assyrians destroyed the city in 640 BC. Today, a huge mud-brick ziggurat dominates the site and three circular walls and the remains of temples, palaces, houses, tombs and other structures surround the ziggurat. The site was excavated by a French archaeological mission under the direction of R. de Mecquenem in 1936-39, and again by Roman Ghirshman in 1950-62.After some heavy rainfall, a UNESCO emergency mission, led by Italian expert in restoration of earth architecture Eugenio Galdieri (1925-2010), visited the site in 1998. The mission’s report gave specific recommendations regarding the consolidation and drainage of the mud brick structure. The meeting in Khorramshahr will be attended by two conservation experts Sajjad Pakgowhar and Najla Derakhshani. They will present a summary of their analyses on decay processes, localization of damages and geo-hydrological situations.

GRECE 1018greece Thirassia - Archaeologists working on the Greek island of Thirassia have uncovered what they believe to be an ancient monument of unknown origin, which may shed light on the earliest cultures to inhabit the area. In the area, they uncovered a series of different stone structures built on the mountainous island in terraces. The separate buildings appeared to be linked by a series of stone platforms in a dense formation, suggesting the island had a relatively high population when it was inhabited. One of the buildings among them appeared to be an ancient monument or temple from the Cycladic Bronze Age period, in the third and second centuries. The purpose of the monument has baffled archaeologists but the Greek Ministry of Culture and Antiquities has said in a statement that the oval structure was decorated with a number of ornamental features. It is unknown whether the monument was devoted to a particular god. The archaeologists were able to date the structure from a number of artefacts recovered from the site including pottery and polished stone tools. Implements for crushing and large storage vases were also found. Other important clues about the Bronze Age people were discerned from bones, shells, wood and some other organic items found in the settlement. Thirassia, formed by volcanic eruptions tens of thousands of years ago, was covered in layers of volcanic ash and lava which obscured the dig site. However the settlement had long been abandoned beforehand.

EGYPTEWireap 78b252363b004111be1f1dfa6f7a39e2 12x5 992 Saqqara - Egypt says archaeologists have discovered the head of a wooden statue, likely belonging to a female regent who ruled the country more than 4,000 years ago. Wednesday's statement by the Antiquities Ministry says the artifact was found in the district of Saqqara, near the ancient Pyramids of Giza. It says the part of the statue is in poor condition and will have to undergo restoration The uncovered head is believed to depict Ankhesenpepi II, the mother of King Pepi II of the 6th dynasty who ascended to the throne at the age of six. She ruled Egypt as regent during the early years of his reign. Earlier in October, archaeologists at the same dig uncovered part of an obelisk made of pink granite that belongs to the same dynasty.

SUISSE Image 20171017phf9207 Porrentruy - Une centaine de boulets en pierre ont été découverts au château de Porrentruy (JU) par la section cantonale d'archéologie et paléontologie, lors du suivi des travaux de réfection de l'esplanade. Ils servaient de munitions pour une catapulte durant le Moyen Âge. Taillés grossièrement, ces boulets en pierre calcaire mesurent entre 25 et 60 cm de diamètre et pèsent entre 30 et 250 kg, a indiqué mardi la Chancellerie d'Etat jurassienne dans un communiqué. Les pierres servaient de munitions pour une catapulte de type trébuchet, un engin utilisé durant le Moyen Âge pour assiéger ou défendre des places fortes. Les armes font partie d’un remblai aménagé derrière le mur de soutènement du château entre le XVIIIe et le XIXe siècles, période qui a coïncidé avec la fin de la présence au château du prince-évêque de Bâle, faisant de Porrentruy la capitale de l'Evêché. Les armes ont été déplacées de leur position d'origine, affirme le communiqué. Mais les archéologues, surpris par leur découverte, se demandent comment elles sont arrivées là. Les boulets seront prélevés et documentés durant les prochains jours.