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19 OCTOBRE 2016 NEWS: Bath - Trichy - Les Pennes-Mirabeau - Bethonea - Ikaria -






ROYAUME UNI Baal20161017b 011 c Bath - Remnants of city centre beer houses and brothels were among the discoveries at an archaeological excavation on the banks of the River Avon. The archaeological trial trenching, completed by Wessex Archaeology, uncovered elements including a medieval defensive ditch, a 1690s bridge (originally built over the defensive ditch) and foundations for a range of 1720-1900 buildings. Among these is the floor to the Duke of York Beer house, which closed in 1847, and the foundations of the Milk Street Baths, a popular 18th century public laundry and bathing house. In the 18th and 19th century, Northern Bank was a much built up area also known as the 'Avon Street Slum'. It was very densely populated and had numerous trade warehouses, beer houses and brothels. It was an area notorious for crime and prostitution.

INDETrichy 1 Trichy -  In Tamil Nadu, the significance of a town is mostly associated with its temples. Each town is known for at least one ancient temple. But Trichy is special, according to archaeologist K Sridharan, as it is the only place in the state where one can see temples influenced by the architectural styles of all great dynasties such as the Pallava, Chola, Pandya, Vijayanarara and Nayak who had ruled the region called today's Tamil Nadu. To study the architecture of various dynasties and how it influenced the construction of temples in olden days, Sridharan chose eight temples in and around Trichy. He found that all the temples that he chose had the influence of these main dynasties with regard to its architecture."Trichy is a vibrant town because it inherits a cultural mix of various styles of our ancient dynasties. One can see this in the construction and stylistic pattern of many temples here. It's a mixture of various elements and I doubt whether you can see such a stylistic architectural coexistence in other parts of TN," said Sridharan. With a detailed plan, Sridharan first went to the temples in Thiruchendurai and Pazhur in Trichy. "The Tiruchendurai temple was built by the daughter-in-law of Parantaka Chola (AD 957-970). As the temple was built by the queen of the Irukkuvel (a local dynasty which ruled the region), it attained speciality. Both the temples inherit a lot from Chola and the local style that prevailed on the Cauvery basin," he said. Although the influence of Chola architecture had a major presence in all the eight temples he visited in Trichy, strong and clear stylistic presence of other dynasties was visible.

FRANCE - 20161016 1 2 1 2 1 obj13023307 1 Les Pennes-Mirabeau - Au troisième siècle avant notre ère, on trouve trace de l'habitation des premiers Pennois qui avaient érigé des oppida, sortes de hameaux situés en hauteur, au-dessus du quartier actuel du Plan-des-Pennes. "A cette époque-là, souligne l'historien gignacais Michel Métenier, il était vital de ne pas être surpris et de voir arriver l'éventuel ennemi sur cet axe stratégique entre Marseille et l'étang de Berre. Même s'il y a beaucoup de contraintes de s'installer à 235 mètres de hauteur, et notamment pour le transport de l'eau, il eût été impensable d'habiter en plaine." Les trois oppida de la commune portent les noms de Teste Negre, La Grande Cloche et La Cloche. Des deux premiers, il ne reste plus rien. Quant au troisième, l'oppidum de La Cloche, pourtant classé monument historique par le ministère de la Culture en 2004, il se délite doucement, sous l'usure de la nature et du temps. les premiers habitants étaient relativement évolués. Ils avaient notamment créé des voies à ornières, sortes de rails creusés dans la pierre pour faciliter le passage des chariots tirés probablement par des boeufs. Ces chariots transportaient l'eau des sources de la Gazane ou de Cossimond dans une grande citerne pouvant contenir 60000 litres d'eau, équipée d'un escalier intérieur pour le récurage." Les ornières sont toujours visibles en maints endroits, ainsi que l'emplacement de la cuve. On a pu retrouver cinq fours domestiques servant à cuire des galettes de céréales. Sur une poutre à l'entrée de l'oppidum, étaient cloués des crânes humains. Etait-ce pour impressionner le visiteur ou pour mettre à l'honneur de valeureux guerriers ? "Un peu les deux, répond Michel Métenier, car la tête a toujours eu une symbolique de force, celle qu'on captait à son ennemi en l'occurrence." Ce site aurait été détruit lors du siège de Marseille en 49 avant notre ère par Trebonius, un lieutenant de César. Les différents objets collectés par Louis Chabot ayant été répartis dans divers musées marseillais, que reste-t-il de visible sur l-oppidum de La Cloche ? Des murs d'enceintes, une rue principale, plusieurs cases séparées par des murs, des cases en remblai avec des escaliers, au vu de la pente du terrain, des trous de drainage, des restes de foyers. "Il faudrait avoir la volonté et les moyens de préserver ce patrimoine avant qu'il ne s'éteigne de lui-même", conclut Michel Metenier.

TURQUIEArqueologia vasijas Bethonea - archaeologists of the Bethonea site, in the westernmost part of this city, announced today they found aboujt 700 small cheramic and glass bottles with remains of antidepressants and medicines for heart conditions. The discovery has important implications, on the one part it is the first time such number of vases is found in the same archaeological excavation of such ancuient period, while on the other hand it gives concrete evidence of the siege of Constantinople by a joint force Avaro-Sasanide in the year 626. According to the expert responsible for the excavation, Sengül Aydingün, together with the vases, medicinal plants were found 'mortars of several sizes and stove, indicating there was a production center of pharmaceuticals here'. The analysis of the residues found in the bottles was made by the State Council of Scientific and Technological Research (Tübitak) and the results showed the existence of methanone and phenatrenum, which are substances used for depression and for having a calming effect. Also, samples of carbon analyzed by the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography Wroclaw of Poland offered evidence of an invasion of Avaros between the years 620 and 640, 'opening a new page in the history of Istanbul, according to Aydingün. The excavations in the ancient Roman city of Bathonea, located in the district of Avcilar, by the banks of lake Kücükcekmece, revealed traces of the oldest farming actifvities of Europe, dating back to 7000 a,C, as well as hitite remains four thousand years old and ports that were used by the Vikings in the 9th and 11th centuries.

GRECEB9ee776aa5fe8d61c44856dc062bd8fa Ikaria - An ancient tomb dating back to the 5th century BC has been discovered in the area of Prospera on Ikaria. A number of artifacts, including pottery from Attica, have been recovered. According to the supervisor of the local Antiquities Ephorate of Samos Panagiotis Hatzidakis, the find allows a glimpse into the island’s unknown history.