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19 SEPTEMBRE 2018: Assouan - Pembroke - Plovdiv - Reims - La Guerche-de-Bretagne







EGYPTE 2018 636728717482835261 283 2018 636728716814160982 416 2018 636728716186475159 647 Assouan - Excavations carried out by an Egyptian mission near the Aga Khan Mausoleum on Aswan's west bank uncovered an anthropoid sandstone sarcophagus with a mummy inside of a Late Period tomb. Mostafa Waziri, the secretary-general of the Supreme Council of Antiquities, told Ahram Online that the mummy inside the sarcophagus is wrapped in linen and in a very good conservation condition. Waziri pointed out that more studies are needed to identify the sarcophagus’ owner. He noted that the mission also uncovered a couple of Late Period tombs with walls decorated with scenes depicting several deities such as Isis, Hathor, and Anubis. A fragmented collection of coloured stone sarcophagi was also unearthed, along with the remains of a wooden coffin inscribed with hieroglyphic text. Abdel-Moneim Saeed, the director of Aswan and Nubian Antiquities, explained that a large number of mummies, which were haphazardly buried in the tomb, were also unearthed, suggesting that the tomb was used as a communal burial site. Saeed added that excavations inside the tomb revealed an unidentified sandstone head of a statue, as well as a collection of amulets and scarabs carved in faience and a wooden statuette of the deity Horus.

ROYAUME UNI 4360156 0 image a 27 1537266010685 Pembroke - The exact birthplace of one of England's most famous kings has been discovered, archaeologists claim. Historians already knew that Henry – victor of the Battle of Bosworth Field – was born in Pembroke, Wales, in 1457, but were unsure of the exact location. However, researchers now believe they have found the specific part of the Pembroke Castle grounds where the founder of the Tudor dynasty was born. Archaeologists have uncovered a large, high-status home on the grounds of the castle, which was previously known — but researchers had not been able to confirm whether it was residential. It appears to have served as the home for the most affluent residents at Pembroke Castle, with the cesspit brimming with oyster shells and bones. The building is about the size of two tennis courts and would have made a far more pleasant place to give birth than the inner part of the castle, historians say.  Henry VII's forces defeated King Richard III at the Battle of Bosworth Field, which marked the end of the Wars of the Roses.

BULGARIEPlovdiv episcopal basilica sept 2018 1 604x272 Plovdiv - The archaeological team examining the Episcopal Basilica site in Bulgaria’s second city Plovdiv are studying a large structure beneath the building, which they believe could be some kind of water facility. The Episcopal Basilica in Plovdiv dates from late antiquity, and was built at the beginning of the fifth century CE. It is the largest early Christian house of worship found in Bulgaria and one of the largest from that era in the Balkans. The structure beneath the level of the basilica had impressed the archaeological team with its exceptionally sound and high-quality construction, Plovdiv news website reported. The head of the archaeological dig team, Zheni Tankova, said that she was more than 50 per cent sure that it was a water facility of some kind. The structure features masonry about of a width of about 1.3m, and the interior has well-crafted brick masonry and waterproof mortar. The team believes that the structure could be linked to another earlier building, which many specialists believe pre-dated the basilica and was a pagan temple. According to several specialists, the building in question that dates from earlier than the basilica. Tankova’s team has uncovered the entire external face of the apse of the early Christian house of worship. The Roman construction was designed to last for centuries, the report said. Barring adverse conditions, the archaeological team will continue this year’s work on the site until October.

FRANCE - Reims - Le chantier de fouilles archéologiques au pied de la basilique Saint-Remi de Reims s'est ouvert au public lors des journées du patrimoine. Plus de 700 sépultures datant du VIe au XVIIIe siècle ont déjà été mises au jour dans cet ancien sanctuaire. L'occasion pour un millier de chanceux de découvrir l'histoire de ce cimetière et le travail des archéologues.


FRANCE 25617 180913104357123 6 854x592 La Guerche-de-Bretagne - C’est une découverte remarquable qu’a faite Bastien Lancelot, expert en argenterie-orfèvrerie ancienne, à la chapelle Saint-Nicolas. Cet été, au cours des travaux de cristallisation des vestiges du monument, le Guerchais d’origine, qui est aujourd’hui antiquaire à Vitré, a repéré de nombreux ossements humains dans les déblais du chantier. Le spécialiste se lance donc bénévolement dans un travail de diagnostic du site, et met à jour peu à peu, des pièces de monnaie, des bagues, des dés à coudre, mais aussi des ossements humains. Avec l’aide de Jean-Claude Meuret, un historien et archéologue qui travaille depuis 25 ans sur toute cette région, il date les corps inhumés au XVIe siècle. Comme le constate Bastien Lancelot, les corps semblent empilés les uns sur les autres, comme c’était le cas lors des inhumations à l’époque. Une preuve qui en révèle en fait bien plus sur l’histoire du lieu de culte, qui ne serait pas qu’une simple chapelle. Pour l’historien, qui a reconstitué un plan de l’édifice initial au début du XIIe siècle, à partir d’indices architecturaux et archivistiques, l’église mesurait environ 35 mètres d’Est en Ouest.
