Jerusalem - Une amulette égyptienne datant de plus de 3.200 ans, avec le nom de l'ancien pharaon Thoutmôsis III a été découverte lors de fouilles archéologiques au Mont du Temple à Jérusalem. L'amulette a été découverte par une jeune fille de douze ans, Neshama Spielman, qui participait avec sa famille au projet archéologique israélien "Temple Mount Sifting" où des archéologues et des bénévoles tamisent des tas de terre retirés du mont du Temple dans le but d’extraire des morceaux de l'histoire de Jérusalem. "Thoutmosis III était l'un des pharaons les plus importants d'Egypte, il a créé la province impériale égyptienne en Canaan, et a mené 17 campagnes militaires à Canaan et en Syrie et a vaincu une coalition de rois cananéens dans la ville de Megiddo en 1457", a déclaré le Dr Gabriel Barkay, co-fondateur et directeur du projet Mont du Temple ans un communiqué. "Au cours de l'âge du bronze Canaan et la ville de Jérusalem étaient sous la domination égyptienne, ce qui expliquerait la présence de cette amulette à Jérusalem ", a-t-il ajouté. L'amulette en forme de pendentif mesure 21 mm de large, 4 mm d'épaisseur et 16 mm de long, et était destinée à être portée en collier. On peut y aperçevoir des hiéroglyphes égyptiens avec le nom de l'ancien dirigeant égyptien, ainsi qu'un oeil et les restes d'un hiéroglyphe de cobra. L'amulette sera reconstituée sur la base d'une amulette identique découverte dans le nord d'Israël en 1978.
Tokat Castle - Works have been initiated again to further open a hidden tunnel, which was discovered during restoration work in the Tokat Castle, also known as the dungeon of Dracula. Restoration was completed in 2010 and last September, work began again to reinforce the defensive bastions of the castle that were used in the Seljuk and Ottoman periods. Over the course of the restoration, three archaeologists discovered a military shelter, two dungeons and a secret tunnel to the Pervane Bath in Tokat’s city center. In one of these dungeons, it is claimed that Wallachian Prince Vlad III “The Impaler,” also known as Dracula, was held captive in one of the castle’s dungeons in the early 15th century. Last year, nearly 80 meters of the tunnel were opened. Tokat Provincial Culture and Tourism Director Abdurrahman Akyüz said works recently restarted in the castle, and continued: “Everyone in the city is excited about the castle. It is very important to revive millennial history. This tunnel was built in the Byzantine era. We estimate that it was a waterway but it is really interesting. People should see this place. We will bring it to light so that more people will come to see Tokat. We have so far opened a part measuring 80 meters. We need to open 80 more meters.” He said the dungeon served as a prison for 300 years during the Ottoman times. “[The fact that Dracula stayed here] is a positive promotion for us and we want to display this fact here.”
Londres - Experts from Oxford University have helped to recreate an ancient monument destroyed by so-called Islamic State in Syria. The replica of the Arch of Triumph – which stood in the city of Palmyra until it was blown up by the terrorist group – has been made by the Institute for Digital Archaeology using cutting-edge 3D technology and pictures of the original. It has been standing in Trafalgar Square since yesterday and is due to be there until Thursday as part of World Heritage Week.
Philadelphia -Surgical instruments and burial chambers unearthed during excavations in the ancient city of Philadelphia in the Central Anatolian province of Karaman’s Gökçeseki village have boosted the idea that the ancient city was the health center of the Taşeli region. Karaman Museum Director Abdülbari Yıldız said the remains of the ancient city of Philadelphia lay on the 20th kilometer of the Ermenek-Mut highway north of the Çamlıca and Gökçeseki villages. Yıldız said various architectural remains of the settlement survived on a hill, with a necropolis located on the northern part of the hill. He said part of the mountainous Cilicia and Laconia regions, where Philadelphia was located, was gifted to Komagene King Antiochus 4th and his wife Lotape Philadelphos by Roman Emperor Caligula in 38 A.D. “Antiochus established the Germanikopolis [Ermenek] and Philadelphia [Gökçeseki] cities and named them Germanicus, one of the titles of the emperor, and Philadelphia, his wife’s name. The name Philadelphia means ‘brotherly love’ at the same time,” he said. Yıldız said Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey University started excavations at the ancient city’s necropolis in 2015, and explained: “The excavations unearthed eight sarcophagi and a burial chamber in a field where illegal excavations were always carried out. In the west of the second sarcophagi group, an ancient field of waste was found. The artifacts found in this field were vows gifted to sarcophagi during ceremonies. The excavations have unearthed 2,100 movable cultural assets. Among them are 11 busts made of limestone, nearly 600 sharp objects such as catheters, medicine bottles and surgeon’s knives, coins, ceramic and glass pieces and ornaments.”
Sarsakhti Castle - Archeologists came across to 8,000-year-old potteries during the first season of excavations in Sarsakhti Castle in Shazand, Markazi Province. Ghafoor Kaka, head of the excavation team, said extensive excavation has been made in the prehistoric site of the region. He added that the unearthed potteries pertain to Neolithic and Chalcolithic eras. Also, photos were taken of the Sarsakhti site for photogrammetry used in aerial and topographic mapping, he said. Almost 1,200 ancient sites have been discovered and excavated in Markazi Province in recent years. In addition, Atashkooh Fire Temple, Jam Hill and Qiz Qaleh near the city of Saveh have been registered on the National Heritage List. Excavation activities on ancient sites including Aveh in Saveh, Meshkin Tappeh in Zarandiyeh, Zolfabad in Farahan, rock-cut reliefs in Tahigh Village in Khomein and Khorheh in Mahallat were completed in recent years.
CHINE - Nanchang - Archaeologists recently have found the teeth of Liu He, the controversial Chinese emperor who was deposed and stripped of his nobility after just 27 days in office, but later made a marquis. The new discovery from the remains of the "Marquis of Haihun" may help uncover the marquis's mystery of death, said experts attending an international archaeological symposium in Nanchang, capital of Jiangxi Province. The remains of the "Marquis of Haihun" were found in a coffin from a 2,000-year-old tomb that historians have thought to be his last resting place since the site was discovered near Nanchang, five years ago. The coffin was hoisted out in January and taken to a lab for examination. A seal inside the coffin bore the characters for Liu He, the marquis' name, helped confirm his identity. Earlier, excavators had found another seal with the characters for "Seal of Master Liu," and his identity was also confirmed by inscriptions on gold coins and bamboo slips found inside the tomb. Progress of the tomb's cleaning up has been under the spotlight since it is the best-preserved tomb of its age found in China, and the condition of the remains of the head has not been revealed earlier. Researchers told the symposium that a large number of teeth have been found from the remains. The cause of Liu's death may be uncovered following a DNA test, said Yang Jun, researcher at the Archaeological Research Institute of Jiangxi Province. Liu He was the grandson of Western Han Dynasty (BC 2002-AD 8) Emperor Wu, whose reign ushered in one of the most prosperous periods in Chinese history. According to historical records, Liu was born in 92 BC. He became the Prince of Changyi (in today's Shandong Province) at the age of five, when his father died. He was given the role of emperor in 74 BC, after his uncle, Emperor Zhao, died without an heir. Liu's rise to power may have been swift, but his demise was even swifter. Accusing Liu of incompetence, the royal clan worked with powerful officials to banish him to his former residence in Changyi to live as a commoner. Several years later Liu was made the Marquis of Haihun, and he died in less than five years.