20 FEVRIER 2017 NEWS: Black Isle - Bolton - Dengkou - Ephèse - Naya Quila -






ROYAUME UNI94690656 a672ac41 eaee 4c41 86d5 04e87a1a6d7c 94686734 d08fc00c 06e2 47bf a0f4 233c3c5fecb3 Black Isle - The face of a Pictish man who was "brutally killed" 1,400 years ago has been reconstructed by Dundee University researchers. Archaeologists found the man's skeleton buried in a recess of a cave in the Black Isle, Ross-shire. Forensic anthropologist Dame Sue Black and her team at the Centre for Anatomy and Human Identification (CAHID) have now detailed the man's injuries. He was found in a cross-legged position with stones holding down his limbs. Prof Black said the first three impacts broke the man's teeth, and fractured his left jaw and the back of his head. She said: "The fourth impact was intended to end his life as probably the same weapon was driven through his skull from one side and out the other as he lay on the ground." The fifth blow was to the top of the man's skull.


ROYAUME UNI – Bolton - Bolton Archaeology and Egyptology Society is co-ordinating the Medieval Graffiti Survey locally to record the variety of marks that can be found on buildings to give an insight into past superstitions and fears — and the society wants to hear from anyone who knows of a building locally with elements that pre-date 1700. The Bolton survey got under way this week, with members of the society enjoying a tour of Hall i’th’ Wood, including rooms which are normally shut off to the public, where they saw witch markings, including daisy wheels, the VV sign, symbolising Virgin Virgins, and taper burns. Such symbols were carved on to stone or woodwork near entrances including doorways, windows and fireplaces to protect those living there from witches and evil spirits, as well as danger.


CHINE - China tomb seeds Dengkou  - More than 100 plant seeds dating back 2,000 years have been unearthed from an ancient tomb in northern China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, archaeologists said. According to the regional institute of archaeology, the discovery was made during the excavation of a civilian tomb, dating between the middle and late Western Han Dynasty (206 B.C.- 25 A.D.) and early Eastern Han Dynasty (25 A.D. - 220 A.D.), in Dengkou County, western Inner Mongolia. The half-moon-shaped seeds were found on the east side of the female tomb owner's head. They gathered in a round shape with a diameter of eight centimeters. They look like modern pomegranate seeds, but archaeologists have not concluded what they are. A rusted bronze seal was also found in the same tomb. Further 18 single-chamber brick tombs were also unearthed. Scattered among sand dunes, the tombs were not well preserved, with most of their tops being exposed to air.


TURQUIEN 109909 1 Ephèse - The Temple of Artemis in the Selçuk district of İzmir has turned into a swamp because of neglect and a lack of interest by authorities.  The temple resembles an empty, abandoned field with no environmental planning and traveling routes. Excavation holes in the temple area have been filled with rainwater, while security in the area is lacking. The ancient temple was built on the orders of Croesus, the king of Lydia, between 560 and 550 BC. The construction of the temple lasted for 10 years, but it was destroyed by Herostratus, a fourth-century BC Greek arsonist who sought notoriety by ruining the temple in 356 BC. The structure was then rebuilt with the same width and length but was three meters higher. The structure, which is 55.10 by 115 meters and was famous for its marble statues, was the biggest temple in the Hellenistic era. The temple, however, was not repaired after it was demolished by invading Goths in around 262 A.D. 


INDE - Naya quila Naya Quila - Excavations at the Naya Quila heritage precinct have unearthed two fountains from the Qutb Shahi period as well as terracotta pipes and a hammam. The Archaeological Survey of India  has been conducting the excavation at Bagh-e-Naya Quila in two segments. The recent discoveries are a part of what the archaeology juggernaut believes to be a chahar bagh, gardens in four blocks, keeping in line with the Persian style of landscaping. "The recent finds here are the hammam and two fountains. One can see them from the from the Dal Badal Chabutra, a raised platform, which overlooks the entire 30 acres of the Naya Quila which is within the fort walls.The unique feature of the garden is that there is symmetry. There are mirror images of structures and landscapes," said N Taher, superintending archaeologist of the Hyderabad circle. In addition, archaeologists have excavated large water tanks. Sources said that they are 37 metres long and 34 metres wide. An octagonal pavilion has also been unearthed along with the fountains. ASI officials believe that another tank lies hidden underneath the thick vegetation. "We believe that there is a 100 metre long tank buried underneath the vegetation.We can say that it exists based on the evidence available at the site. Clear boundaries are visible," an archaeologist working at the site said. The hammam and chinni khana, or, water cascades have small niches believed to have small lamps which would enhance the aesthetic appeal of the site. Officials said that research on this aspect is in progress.Officials have now set up a temporary interpretation centre at the site which seeks to explain the nature of the unearthed site and its unique features. The ASI believes that the entrance to the Baghe-Naya Quila could have been the Dal Badal Chabutra.

