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20 MARS 2017 NEWS: Haifa - Héliopolis - Pontefract - Ampelakia - Nilphamari -






ISRAELImg 20170317 111354734 burst001 e1489763155767 635x357 Haifa - An identical replica of a 2,500-year-old merchant vessel that ran aground off the coast of present-day Israel set sail from the port of Haifa yesterday. The original ship ran aground 500 years before Christ’s birth, but was discovered in 1985 south of the northern Israeli city. The small vessel was pulled from the depths three years later, a statement from the University of Haifa and the Israel Antiquities Authority said. It had been exceptionally conserved as it was buried under sand for two millennia and was therefore protected from erosion, archaeologist Avner Hilman of the Antiquities Authority said. “The ship was loaded with a very heavy cargo of shale coming from Cyprus, and following a navigation error it ran aground on a sandbank near the coast and was buried,” he told AFP. He said the wreck’s state was “exceptional” considering its age. The keel, numerous wooden plates, 14 cross bars and the base of the mast were found intact, offering researchers rare insights into how such ships were built, the statement said. Work on building a replica began two years ago using ancient techniques, including a toolbox found in the wreck.

EGYPTE2017 636252892007862900 786 Héliopolis - Minister of Antiquities Khaled El-Enany said on Thursday that the royal colossus discovered last week in Matariya district, Cairo is probably a statue of 26 dynasty king Psammetich I not King Ramses II as believed earlier. Hieroglyphic signs and initial studies carried out on fragments of the colossus suggest that it belongs to king Psammetich I(664-610 BC)-26 Dynasty, El-Enany said.  The minister explains that the torso’s back-pillar has preserved one of the five names of king Psammetich I. "If it belongs to this king, then it is the largest statue of the Late Period that was ever discovered in Egypt," he said. This date explains the puzzling features of different ancient stylistic details since the Late Period, which is known for its archaizing art. Dietrich Raue, the head of the German archaeological mission which participated in the discovery mission, pointed out that the colossal statue is carved in quartzite which was hailed from from Al-Gebel Al-Ahmar in what is now modern eastern Cairo. The statue originally measured about 9 meters in height. The two fragments of the statue were discovered under the water table, which made their location and extraction extremely difficult, Raue explains.

ROYAUME UNIPontefract Pontefract - Archaeologists unearthed the encampment after being given the opportunity to examine the site of Barratt Homes’ new Ashmeade Park housing development off Cobbler’s Lane. They came across a roundhouse and other structures as well as objects including a bone needle, tweezers and part of a brooch. A large amount of pottery, including broken bowls and jars which were used for cooking, and at least 12 ovens were also uncovered in the find.

GRECEImagehandler 22 Ampelakia Bay - Archaeologists have discovered the site where the Greek fleet gathered for the Battle of Salamis against the Persians (480 BC), after finding antiquities in the waters of Ampelakia Bay. A 20-member scientific team was involved in the underwater research that took place in three sides of Ampelakia Bay on the eastern coast of Salamis island in the months of November and December 2016. According to the Ministry of Culture and Sports, the 2016 main field of research (which is under a three-year program) was the inner (western) part of the Ampelakia Bay. “This is the commercial and possibly military port of the Classical and Hellenistic city-municipality of Salamis, the largest and closest to the Athenian state, after the three ports of Piraeus (Kantharos, Zea, Mounichia),” says a Ministry of Culture statement, adding that “It is also the place where at least part of the united Greek fleet gathered on the eve of the great battle of 480 BC, which is adjacent to the most important monuments of Victory: the Polyandreion (tomb) of Salamis and the trophy on Kynosoura. References to the ancient port of Salamis responded to works geographer Skylakos (4th c. BC), the geographer Stravonas (1st Century BC-1st Century AD) and Pausanias (2nd century AD).” The statement also confirms that submerged antiquities were found on three sides of the Ampelakia Bay (north, west and south), “which gradually sink and emerge depending on the change in sea level, with the ebb, especially the February, reaching half a meter. The ancient remains found in shallow waters include traces of harbor structures, fortifications and various buildings.

BANGLADESH - Nilphamari - Recovery of archaeological findings has started in Nilphamari district. Located near Binna Dighi, a huge pond in Gorgram Union Parishod (UP) of Sadar Upazila, the excavation initiative was opened by Cultural Affairs Minister Asaduzzaman Noor yesterday. According to perception and myth King Virat of the eighteen century excavated the pond. Archaeological materials were hidden nearby the pond which would be excavated. The historical Binna Dighi pond, what has been renamed as Nilsagor, now is located eight Km northwest of Nilphamari municipality. The size of Nilsagor pond comprises 55 hectares of land and its depth is 28 feet to 32 feet.