St Clement - Five stones, which could date back to the Island’s neolithic past when the dolmens were built, were discovered by a team from the Museum of London Archaeological Services at the former Samarès Nursery site. The archaeologists have returned to the UK and a report on their findings is expected to be ready next month. ‘Archaeologists from the UK have been over for the past two weeks excavating trenches over the whole site to establish if there was any archaeology present.‘They found five stones of various sizes between approximately two to three feet in diameter located in the northern part of the site.’The location of the stones was recorded by GPS before the archaeologists filled in the trenches.
Mer Noire - The Black Sea MAP underwater archaeology project, which has discovered some 60 well-preserved ships from the past 2,500 year on the bottom of the Black Sea, has also found and explored an Early Bronze Age settlement off Bulgaria’s coast underneath the present-day seabed submerged as a result of environmental change. “Ancient landscapes and prehistoric settlements lost to rising seas [have been] revealed by underwater excavation, remote sensing and geological sampling," the team of the research project has said. The submerged Early Bronze Age settlement, which has now been found and explored by the Black Sea MAP archaeologists, is located close to the mouth of the Ropotamo River on Bulgaria’s Southern Black Sea coast.“The Black Sea MAP completes its final phase of fieldwork having excavated the remains of an Early Bronze Age settlement at Ropotamo in Bulgaria near the ancient shoreline when the sea level was much lower than today," the project team says. It explains that as the waters of the Black Sea rose, the Bronze Age settlement was abandoned. The archaeologists have found remains of house timbers, hearths and ceramics off Bulgaria’s present-day shoreline, lying 2.5 meters below the seabed. As a result of the advancement of environmental change and the advancement of the sea waters, the valley in which the Bronze Age settlement had laid turned into a Black Sea bay. “The village… became a sheltered bay visited by Ancient Greek colonists of the Archaic period, then a harbor for Early Byzantine seafarers and finally an anchorage used by the Ottomans," the team of Black Sea MAP elaborates.
CHINE - Fudi - A total of 110 tombs dating back more than 2,000 years have been discovered in northern China's Hebei province. The tombs were used to bury the remains of children, and archeologists estimate there might be 500 to 700 more such tombs in the surrounding area. The graveyard located near the Fudi city ruins in Huanghua, Hebei, is dated between the Warring States (475-221 BC) period and the reign of Emperor Wu (156-87 BC) in the Han Dynasty. Zhang Baogang, curator of the Huanghua city museum, said the tombs were all of the urn burial type, featuring urns made of pottery. It is the largest such burial site ever found in China. Archeologists started to excavate the tombs and preserve the artifacts in August. "The earthen coffins were buried 3 meters underground. Most of the skulls were well preserved because the squashed earthenware helped squeeze out oxygen," Zhang said. He said archeologists had collected samples of the remains for lab research to determine the gender and age of the people buried. They will also carry out tests on DNA and the children's teeth. Zhang said archeologists were curious why there were so many children buried together. Many were only two to three years old, with others just a few years older. Skull and foot bones were separately arranged in two small pots, with the main body sections put in larger drum-like pots. Zhang said there were composites of sea shell found in the clay earthenware. Huanghua is located on the west coast of the Bohai Sea. People accordingly used local materials for making the urns. He said there were no other burial objects found in the tombs except some silk which decayed quickly after the tombs were opened.The earthenware also decayed with the red ones decaying faster than the black ones. Adults were only found in six of the tombs. Li Jun, an archeologist from Shanxi University, said such a large child burial suggested the children were concentrated for a specific purpose. A Chinese legend says that first emperor Qin Shi Huang sent the explorer Xu Fu to sail east and find the Peng Lai Island to seek immortality. Xu is said to have taken 5,000 children and young workers with him. The Xu Fu legend is shared in China, Korea and Japan, and there are commemorative events held every year for the legendary explorer. In Japan he is worshipped as a deity. Li said the ancient city of Fudi in Huanghua might have been a temporary settlement for Xu Fu's team. He gave three possible reasons for the child deaths -- sacrifice, pandemic plague or exhaustion from hard work. Bai Yunxiang, deputy director of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Institute of Archaeology, said this urn burial type appeared as early as the Neolithic period in China, with the custom spreading to the Korean Peninsula and Japan during the Warring States period. In Japan, there are urn burial sites dating back to the Yayoi Period (300 BC-250 AD) found in Saga prefecture on the island of Kyushu.
FRANCE - Saint-Colombe - Voyage au fil du Rhône pour remonter le temps à Saint-Colombe (Rhône). Face à Vienne, dans un méandre du fleuve, un site archéologique exceptionnel, une petite Pompéi avec ses villas, ses ateliers, ses marchés, révèle des secrets enfouis depuis 2 000 ans. L'un des trésors est au cœur de cette villa romaine : entouré d'éphèbes, de danseuses et autres satyres, le dieu Bacchus qui abreuve de vin sa panthère pourrait nous raconter les dernières festivités du lieu. Il faut préserver ce témoignage qui a traversé le temps. Moment magique et délicat de la dépose. Le dieu de la fête et du vin a rejoint une vingtaine de mosaïques déjà sauvées et en attente de restauration. Depuis le mois d'avril, les archéologues travaillent sans relâche. Les vestiges variés de ce faubourg s'étendent sur 7 000 m² et couvrent une période de huit siècles.
Boulogne sur Mer - Des vestiges archéologiques découverts sous la place de France, à Boulogne ! Depuis quelques jours, deux archéologues creusent le sol jusqu’à plus de 5 mètres de profondeur. Les scientifiques ont en effet découvert des caves et une rue pavée datant du 19ème siècle. Ces caves avaient été remblayées après les bombardements de la seconde guerre mondiale.