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20 SEPTEMBRE 2018: Krông Nô - Newport - Babunja - Amasya - Ra’s Al Hadd -







VIET NAMVna potal ha noi cong bo ket qua khai quat buoc dau trong hang dong nui lua krong no tinh dak nong 4336286234955pm Krông Nô  - In a September 18 announcement, the National Museum of Nature released new details on a shocking discovery of prehistoric corpses in the central highlands. A report filed earlier this month to demonstrate the Krông Nô volcanic park in the central highlands province of Đắk Nông meets UNESCO criteria for recognition as a global geopark also revealed that the corpse of a baby girl had been discovered in one of the area’s many caves. Museum director Nguyễn Trung Minh’s recent announcement said the excavation had uncovered two additional corpses, all of which date back nearly 7,000 years. Pieces of ceramics, stone and animal bones were also found in the cave. “This finding is the first of its kind in the area,” Minh said. “It is a shocking discovery – the Krông Nô volcanic cave system is one of the largest of its kind, and the only one in Southeast Asia where we have found traces of prehistoric people. Professor Nguyễn Lân Cường, general secretary of the Việt Nam Archaeology Association, said the three corpses included two adults and a child of about four years old. The bodies were found around one metre below the surface of the cave, surrounded by trace remains of ten total corpses. “It seems the early people who lived in this cave system ate snails and mussels, the shells of which contain a lot of calcium that has changed the makeup of the environment inside the caves and helped to preserve the corpses,” he said. Scientists have also found traces of fires and rubbish, suggesting each cave had a designated purpose. Some could have served as long-term residences while others were merely temporary hunting camps.

USA1 the ship in the wake of captain cook tv television programme Newport  - The wreck of Captain Cook’s famous ship Endeavour may potentially have been discovered off the east coast of America almost 250 years after it departed from Plymouth. Marine archaeologists believe they may have found the final location of the vessel used by explorer to reach Australia in 1770. The Rhode Island Marine Archaeology Project (RIMAP) has been attempting to find the vessel and believe it may have been found in Newport Harbour. It is the 250th anniversary since James Cook’s departure from England in the Endeavour and 2020 will be the anniversary of his claim on Australia for Britain in 1770. After Cook’s voyage to Australia and New Zealand, the ship went on to be used by the British Royal Navy in the US war of independence. It was scuttled with other vessels off Newport, Rhode Island in 1778. Dr Abbass said she was hopeful the ship could be excavated next year, in time for the April 2020 celebrations marking 250 years since Cook’s arrival at Botany Bay. She said the identity of the ship will only be definitively proven after its excavation, which will require significant funding. Details about the condition of the vessel, which has been underwater for over 200 years, have not yet been disclosed. It follows a 25-year search by marine archaeologists, who have narrowed their focus from 13 possible vessels to five. They have now identified one potential site which could be the Endeavour.

ALBANIE - Babunja - Experts believe it is a settlement made of houses, walls and roads that have been there since the 6thcentury b.c and until the 3rd century a.d. The purpose of the project is to build a map of the habitation in Albania. “We are trying to understand who has been living here between Apolonia and Durrachum, and who founded this settlement. The urban organization of this settlement is perfect. There is a main road with 15 smaller ones”, says Manuel Fidler, archaeologist at the Berlin University.


TURQUIE2e20b925 535d 4bb9 a1af f434f2818c69 w1023 r1 s Amasya  - Recent excavations by Turkish archeologists near the northern Anatolian city of Amasya have unveiled the remains of a 2,500-year-old Persian Achaemenid palace, a reception hall, a throne chamber, and a fire temple, Turkish media has reported. Most of today’s Anatolia, or the Asian part of Turkey, was conquered by the Achaemenid Emperor Cyrus in 500 BC and remained part of the Achaemenid dominion until Alexander the Great conquered it 200 years later. Donmez is leading a team of 37 academics, archeologists, and students carefully digging the Oluz Mound, just a few miles away from the center of the Amasya province. “The excavation works started a few months ago, resulting in many findings such as a path, six columns that were probably part of a reception hall, and a fire temple,” Donmez said. According to the scholar, the fire temple may have been the site of an “Eternal Fire” that would have been kept burning for at least 200 years. In the Zoroastrian faith, the religion of the ancient Persians, fire was considered sacred, and the “mobads,” or Zoroastrian priests, maintained temples where a flame was kept constantly lit. Donmez said excavations will continue until they put together the “bits and pieces” of what seems to be a “considerable old Persian town” in ancient Anatolia. “We still have no written text from or about [this old Persian town resting below] the Oluz Mound,” Donmez said. “But [ancient Greek historian] Herodotus had suggested a city in this part of Anatolia which he called ‘Critalis.’ Oluz Mound could potentially be that old Persian town.”

OMAN933499 Ra’s Al Hadd - Fossilised baskets, ropes and nets that date back to the early Bronze Age, between 3,100 BCE and 2,700 BCE, have recently been discovered, the National Museum Oman has announced. The new set of archaeological discoveries were found at a human settlement near Ra’s Al Hadd and are over 5,000 years old. These discoveries have shed light on how people in Oman lived during that age. Back then, Ra's Al Hadd was an important seaside town in the Arabian Gulf and happened to be its easternmost point, jutting into the Sea of Oman. Originally made from organic materials and fibres, chemical reactions over thousands of years have turned the discoveries into hardened, calcified fossils. “Inside the houses of an Early Bronze Age settlement at Ra’s al-Hadd, archaeologists have discovered fossilised imprints of baskets, ropes and nets,” said a spokesperson for the museum.

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