21 MARS 2012 NEWS : Chedworth - Schwabwiller - York - Maryland - Eastbourne - Potigny - Brebières -




INSCRIPTION  2012 /  Session II : Avril 2012

REGISTRATION 2012 /  Term II : April 2012

ROYAUME UNIbbc-1.jpg Chedworth - One of the country's finest examples of Roman archaeology is being shown to members of the public following an 18-month conservation project. Some of the mosaics at Chedworth Roman Villa in Gloucestershire have not been on display for more than 150 years but a new building has now been built to protect and better display them for years to come.

VIDEO = http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-gloucestershire-17441848

FRANCEun-site-funeraire-decouvert-1.jpg Schwabwiller - Près de 5 000 m² de terrain sont actuellement fouillés par les archéologues de l’institut national de recherches archéologiques préventives (Inrap) à Schwabwiller, où un ensemble funéraire du II e siècle a été mis au jour.


USA20120320-034135-shoe-300.jpg York  - In the Dritt Mansion, which dates to the mid-1700s, local archaeologist Jan Klinedinst discovered a "W" -- similar to the Volkswagen "W" -- carved in a wall leading to the attic. Research showed it was a ritual mark, a symbol for the Virgin Mary, Klinedinst said. It was intended to protect the house against witches. That symbol, she said, was found in a cave in Skipton, England -- where Col. Thomas Cresap hailed from. In the early 1700s, he owned the property called "Pleasant Garden" where the house sits at Long Level. Klinedinst found what are believed to be numerous ritual marks in the house during an archaeological survey more than 10 years ago. They included shoes in the walls, a flattened toad, and a cat that looked as if it had been "freeze-dried." At the time, though, Klinedinst said she didn't know the significance of these items. This level of archaeology only has been studied well within the past five to 10 years. "I threw away a lot of stuff, because I thought they didn't mean anything," Klinedinst said. In Gettysburg, crews recently made a similar find while renovating Schmucker Hall at the Lutheran Theological Seminary. Some shoes -- one of which was ritualistically cut -- was concealed in a wall. The significance isn't known. Klinedinst likened these ritual marks to the Hex symbols, which some believe were used to ward off evil.


USA – Maryland - The Maryland State Highway Administration (SHA), the US Navy, and Maryland Historical Trust (MHT) are currently searching for the USS Scorpion in the Patuxent River. Past underwater archaeology surveys revealed a War of 1812 wreck in these waters, but not enough evidence was gathered to identify her as Commodore Joshua Barney’s flagship. Join us and learn more about this fascinating investigation!


ROYAUME UNI – Eastbourne – Eastbourne Museum Service is preparing for an exciting year in 2012 with plans for a ground-breaking project to discover more about Eastbourne’s ancestors – including its second annual community dig. This year’s community excavation will take place on land formerly known as Pococks on the Rodmill Estate, between Burton Road and Kings Drive. The Museum Service hope to find out more about the site, which was believed to have once been a medieval manor house.


FRANCE120321121435493-28-000-apx-470.jpg Potigny - Le sondage effectué ces derniers jours par l’Institut national de recherches archéologiques préventives (Inrap) sur le terrain d’un futur lotissement a permis de réaliser une découverte importante : celle d’un monument funéraire qui pourrait bien être une petite nécropole familiale, ainsi qu’un ensemble de petit mobilier (parures et armes). Cette formation remonte au premier âge du fer et date d’environ 700 avant J.-C.


FRANCE913719-fouilles-a-4f6743df-jpg.jpg – Brebières - L'aménagement d'une zone d'activité commerciale et industrielle sur la commune de Brebières a conduit les archéologues de la communauté d'agglomération du Douaisis à réaliser un diagnostic archéologique (opération qui consiste en une exploration partielle d'un site pour en déterminer le potentiel archéologique).  Depuis le 16 mars et jusqu'au 13 avril prochain, la communauté d'Agglomération du Douaisis (CAD) présente, une exposition intitulée " Mille ans avant notre ère : Brebières. les Béliers, la naissance d'un territoire. "  Les visiteurs vont pouvoir découvrir le résultat des fouilles archéologiques menées sur la ZAC des Béliers à Brebières, de janvier 2008 au printemps 2010 par les archéologues de la CAD. Au nord du site, ces investigations ont permis de mettre au jour une ferme, datée de l'âge du bronze final. Elle se compose d'une maison et de deux greniers entourés d'une palissade de bois dans laquelle sont aménagées trois entrées.

