Xi'an - Archaeologists discovered the wreckage of an ancient ship subsequent to the discovery of the ruins of five large-scale ancient bridges in the old course of the Weihe River in the northern suburbs of Xi'an, capital of Northwest China's Shaanxi province, on Jan 16. According to archaeological materials, few ancient ships were found in Shaanxi, with only one unearthed in the Lintong district of Xi'an. To keep the ruins warm, archaeologists covered the wreckage with canvas, and they did not begin cleaning the wreckage until 10 o'clock when the temperature in the area rose. So far, as the body of the ancient ship has not been completely revealed, it's impossible to proceed with carbon-14 dating, which may reveal when the ship was built. Archaeologists faced another puzzle. As the wreckage was discovered buried under the earth at two different sites, there is no way to make sure it belongs to two ships or just one that had broken into two parts. Liu Rui, leader of the archaeological team for the Weihe River ruins, said that they will take three days to clean the wreckage of the ancient ship. Adjacent to the wreckage, archaeologists also found traces of "sao", or a mattress used to build dykes in the ancient times.
Mysore - An ancient tunnel was discovered on Tuesday near Vishwamanava Park at Gun House circle in Mysuru. The tunnel was unearthed while laying new sewer drains. The tunnel, which is touted to be at least 150-years-old, is at least 5-5.5 feet in height and constructed using bricks and lime mortar. The members of Archaeology department could only walk inside the tunnel up to 10-15 feet from the entrance as mud, dirt and rocks are blocking the way further. However, they said that the tunnel was in good condition. Another pit was also found near the tunnel. NS Rangaraju, retired professor, Department of Ancient History and Archaeology, University of Mysore, said the tunnel could have been used for three possible reasons: storage, drainage connection or to transport weapons to the nearby Gun House from the palace. It is to be seen, whether the tunnel connects to the Mysore Palace, which is just 500 meters from the Gun House circle. Last year, two pits were discovered near Gun House. The Archaeology Department officials who inspected them said they were manholes.
Langenenslingen - Archaeologists in southern Germany have discovered a Celtic cult site featuring a 4-metre-high stone wall that could be 2 600 years old, a state conservation office announced on Tuesday. "The discovery of a sacrificial well with human skeletal remains shows that this gigantic structure served as a place of cult worship until the 3rd century BC," the Historic Preservation Office in the state of Badem-Wuerttemberg said in a statement. Located east of the Black Forest near Langenenslingen, in the foothills of the Swabian Alb plateau, the limestone wall had only been exposed at its edges. No conclusive dating of the structure had been possible. Preliminary findings suggest that the wall could have been erected between the 7th and 5th centuries BC. Ceramic and metal objects from the so-called "Old Castle" mountain ridge and similar findings at the early Celtic hill fort of Heuneburg about 9km away also point to the wall's construction in the early Celtic era.
Al-Hallabat - The Edict of Emperor Anastasius I - The reading of the al-Hallabat imperial edict is one of the most exciting achievements of recent research on the cultural heritage of Jordan. This hitherto unknown Greek text is of great importance for the military history of the Limes Arabicus in the 6th century AD prior to the advent of Islam.
Pompéi - Cerreto Vecchia, or Medieval Pompeii as it is known, was an Italian city which was buried by an earthquake in 1688. Now scientists are using a drone to create a 3D map of the city. The drone, which is nicknamed Indiana Jones uses laser impulses, offering scientists the opportunity to create a relief map of the city which is buried beneath Cerreto Sannita in the province of Benevento, not far from Pompeii in the northeast. The project includes various stages, with 3D mapping being only the beginning. Scientists plan to dig the site, perform restoration works and produce a 3D reconstruction of the site.
Codex Mendoza - L'accord passé entre la Bibliothèque Bodley d'Oxford et l'INAH est à ce titre salutaire. Il est donc désormais possible d'accéder directement à une version en haute résolution du Codex Mendoza. Disponible normalement à travers une page sobre, la nouveauté réside en une application téléchargeable sur iTunes.Chaque folio du manuscrit est disponible en deux formats. Une version réduite permet de situer la page qu'on cherche. À gauche, différentes icônes permettent d'interagir avec le documents. On trouvera une icône Sections qui permet d'accéder à un découpage du document par séquence. L'icône Hypermedia, symbolisée par un trombone, permet d'observer la page dans une excellente résolution. Le lecteur dispose d'un autre bouton appelé Transcription pour lire l'écriture cursive : il s'agit des transcriptions effectuées par Francés Berdan et Patricia Rieff Anawalt dans une éditionfac simile de 1992. L'icône Matérialité est représenté par un parchemin est . Le quatrième icône en forme de punaise carte permet de situer géographiquement les lieux mentionnés soumis au tribut à la Triple Alliance. Curieusement la carte a été préparée sous Google Maps. Au fur et à mesure de l'expansion mexica, on peut voir les pages du Codex qui sont prises en compte. Une frise chronologique placée sur la partie inférieure s'anime afin d'établir les phases d'expansion à l'époque de tel ou tel tlatoani. L'internaute pourra également effectuer trois lectures thématiques du Codex Mendoza : Expansion territoriale, Tribut et Vie quotidienne. Ils sont disponibles sur la partie supérieure gauche de la page. Tout en haut, on dispose de liens qui nous renvoie vers l'accueil, le codex, des extras et une bibliographie d'une rare amplit. Le troisième lien propose une présentation du projet de numérisation et une paléographie. À droite de l'écran, on notera l'échelle qui permettra d'avancer ou de reculer pour observer le folio en détail ou de manière plus générale.
THAILANDE - Khao Srivijaya - Following the recent discovery of Khao Srivijaya ancient site in Surat Thani's Phunphin district, the Fine Arts Department plans to study the site and then restore it as a tourist attraction. The 1,300-year-old artefacts found at the site would be moved to the Nakhon Si Thammarat National Museum. Anat Bamrungwong, director of the 14th Fine Arts office in Nakhon Si Thammarat, said his office received a budget of Bt4.5 million this year to excavate and restore the 1,500-square metre Khao Srivijaya ancient site, which had begun last month and would end this September. The discovery of 1,300-year-old items, including the Lord Vishn statue and Hindu phallic symbol, dating from the 12th to the 14th century of the Buddhist era, showed links with other ancient sites of the Srivijaya culture in Southern Thailand, he added. Project supervisor and archaeological expert Sarat Chalorsantisakul said this ancient site comprised 19 earthen duns along the mountain ridge of Khao Srivijaya. So far, 11 duns have been excavated and a recent dig at the site's northern part yielded some building ruins and pottery dated from the 14th century of the Buddhist era.