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22 MARS 2016 NEWS: Amdiha - Gleaston Castle -







INDEFrntjhatemple Amdiha - A chance discovery of a terracotta temple at a Bokaro village, 160km from the state capital, yesterday has led archaeologists to believe that the same family of architects who are famous for their intricate shrine work in Maluti built the embellished sister structures in different parts of Jharkhand over centuries. Harendra Prasad Sinha, eminent archaeologist and retired deputy director (archaeology) of the state art and culture department, said minister Amar Kumar Bauri had assigned him a regular survey in Bokaro. "As I travelled from Chas to Chandankyari block yesterday, I noticed a temple peeping out of hedges at Amdiha village, 10km east of the block headquarters. When I went closer, I was amazed to see that it is a replica of the Maluti temples in Shikaripara block of Dumka," he told The Telegraph. Sinha noted that Chandankyari and Shikaripara blocks were nearly 170km apart. "Yet the village temples had striking similarities - Bishnupur-style terracotta carvings with scenes from Ramayana along with floral designs on the walls, high arches and stone engravings in proto-Bangla script," he said. From the incredible likeness, Sinha inferred that the same family of architects had constructed the Maluti temples over a period of 200 years, beginning 17th Century, as well as the terracotta shrine in Amdiha. "There is also a possibility that the Bhakti Cult movement initiated by Chaitanya Mahaprabhu in the 16th Century in Nadia, Bengal, may have later swept over parts of tribal Jharkhand," the eminent archaeologist said, not ruling out the odds of similar findings in other parts of the state. "However, our survey is only at a preliminary stage and a detailed excavation needs to be carried out before conclusions can be drawn," he maintained. The only difference between the two sites, Sinha said, is that while 72 out of the original 108 Maluti temples remain at Shikaripara, the Amdiha one in Chandankyari is in ruins. "I will submit a preliminary report of my findings to the state minister of art and culture (Bauri) very soon. In the report, I will stress on the need for urgent conservation in Amdiha."

ROYAUME UNI Mainmediasize 0x480 x0 x1 y0 y1 format type image publish true alf ticket guest image Gleaston Castle - An archaeologist and a former Royal Engineer have combined to produce a unique view of a former Lancashire stronghold. Dan Elsworth, of Ulverston-based Greenlane Archaeology and Adam Stanford, of Aerial-Cam, presented a talk called Gleaston Castle, New Insights in 3D. Their work to photograph and record the ruins of the castle was funded by a grant arranged by the Morecambe Bay Partnership through the Castle Studies Trust.  Mr Elsworth said artwork aimed at antiquaries had recorded the ruined buildings in the 18th and early 19th centuries.  It was shown as a detailed engraving in 1727 by Samuel and Nathaniel Buck and again in 1805 by William Close. Gleaston Castle was probably built in the 14th century, although the first written reference to it is not until 1550.  Gleaston Castle has been a ruin since the 16th century.

INDE18bg bevkphi w0 19 2783105e Nagarmunoli  - A copper idol of Gautam Buddha was found in an agricultural field on Raibag Road at Nagarmunoli village in Chikkodi taluk on Thursday evening. Shivamogi Krishna Bane, a farmer, found the idol while he was excavating his field to construct a pond to store rainwater for irrigation. He was thrilled when he saw the idol buried in the soil after digging a couple of feet into the earth. As the news spread, a large number of people from the village came to the spot. Also, Chikkodi Tahsildar Chidamber Kulkarni rushed to the village in the evening and seized the idol and deposited it with the Taluk Treasury Office in Chikkodi town. He has informed the Department of Archaeology and Museums in Dharwad to ascertain the historical significance of the idol. Mr. Kulkarni told The Hindu that the idol was made of copper and measured less than one feet, around 8 inches in height. He could not throw more light on the idol stating that experts from the Archaeology Department would inspect and give their opinion on the idol soon.

TURQUIEN 96700 1  Datça - Excavations in the garden of a 19th-century Greek church in the western province of Muğla’s Datça district have unearthed a grave, human skull and pieces of bone.  The church, situated in the Hızırşah neighborhood six kilometers from the district center, has undergone recent restoration as part of a project backed by Datça Municipality.  Restoration experts working on the rear façade of the historical church recently found the grave and human bones, informing the Marmaris Museum Directorate of their discovery.  Officials from the museum began examining the grave and other artifacts, with expectations that an expert team from the Culture and Tourism Ministry will open the grave and begin closer inspections. The grave is believed to date back to the Byzantine era.

CANADAPresentation des resultats du chantier archeologique du berceau de montmagny Montmagny - La campagne de fouilles a été réalisée en juillet dernier sur le site de la maison Bélanger. Il s’agit de la troisième fouille sur les terres du fief Saint-Luc, situé à environ un kilomètre à l’ouest de l’emplacement de la première église. Depuis 2008, six interventions archéologiques ont été effectuées sur le site que l’on surnomme le berceau de Montmagny. L’intervention s’est déroulée sur un affleurement rocheux contourné par un ruisseau. Elle a permis de déterminer les dimensions ainsi que d’émettre des hypothèses sur les usages d’un grand bâtiment, dont une partie était visible en affleurement du sol. L’occupation de ce bâtiment de plus de 21 mètres de longueur et de 10,5 mètres de largeur a pris fin, selon les hypothèses émises par l’équipe d’archéologues, par un incendie le 4 décembre 1757.

CHINELongmen details 37fef Longmen - Les autorités chinoises viennent d’ouvrir au public dans l’ensemble archéologique des grottes de Longmen 龙门石窟 à proximité de la capitale provinciale Luoyang, (Henan) ( 河南), le temple de Kanjing. Depuis 63 ans le temple de Kanjing était fermé au public. Les grottes de Longmen 龙门石窟 sont un des joyaux de la Route de la soie et de la pénétration du bouddhisme en Chine. Le temple de Kanjing est le plus grand des temples de Longmen, il a une hauteur de 9m pour 10,50 de large et 10m de profondeur. Il contient 29 statues de pierre datant de la dynastie Tang (618-907).

COREE DU SUD1458512823460 - Gosan-ri - The archaeological site in Gosan-ri, which is presumed to be from early Neolithic Age some 10,000 years ago, about 99,000 stoneware and 1,000 earthenware were found. The prehistoric archaeological community sees that the remains would hold some clues to the early New Stone Age in North East Asia. Jeju National Museum is currently holding a special exhibition, “Gosan-ri, Jeju opens Neolithic Age” showcasing some 600 Gosan-ri type earthenware, which are about 2,000 years earlier than comb-pattern pottery. The exhibition displays some clues of residential areas that might give some ideas about the life back then and compares them with relics from Japan’s early Neolithic Age. It also shows ground stone (polished stone tools), boat-shaped earthenware that demonstrates the existence of boat, poles, various fishing gears, whale bones with arrowhead and more. Other earthenware of innovative dietary life and various types of tombs are also exhibited. The show continues until June 5.
