Lindisfarne Castle - After months of painstakingly peeling back layers of paint and plaster, a multimillion-pound restoration of Lindisfarne Castle has revealed the hidden work of a 17th-century interior designer. The 350-year-old hidden wall paintings uncovered in the old kitchen of the castle have been likened to modern-day wallpaper. Perched just off the Northumberland coast on the idyllic Holy Island, the castle was originally built as a fort in 1550 and was later used as a temporary garrison to house soldiers. Nick Lewis, the house steward of Lindisfarne Castle, said: “If you imagine a wallpaper in anyone’s house today, they often have flowers on the wall. Well, this is what this is, it’s decorative and was intended to make them feel happier and at home.“They used charcoal to draw it, very simple carbon, and there are areas of red pigment so they might have been painted and coloured. We know it was done professionally, so you didn’t just sit and do it yourself, and in those days there was a guild of wall painters who they would have used.
Tetritskaro - Ruins of a previously unknown medieval monastery have been discovered in Georgia’s south during routine geological studies, with the monument now set to be studied by experts. The monument historians suppose to date back to the 8th-9th centuries was once a small church built with stones formed from shattered rock formations, and is located on a hilltop in the Kvemo Kartli province. Measuring 8,4m by 5m, the monastery was an unexpected finding made by professionals of an industrial mining company three kilometres from the 13th century Pitareti Monastery in the Tetritskaro Municipality, south-west of capital Tbilisi. The highly fragmented ruins of the site feature ornaments and sculpted elements on its facade, with what is supposed to be gravestones also discovered within its confines. Scribbles on walls of the Medieval church were left by pilgrims in various time periods, the agency said in its release.
CHINE - Shenyang - archaeologists have excavated the ruins of two houses dating back about 3,000 years in Shenyang, capital of northeast China's Liaoning Province. A bronze short sword was discovered at the ruins, which dated back to China's Western Zhou Dynasty (1,046 B.C. - 771 B.C.). The houses are part of the Beiwai Ruins, which covers an area of 100,000 square meters and dates back to the Bronze Age. In 2017, Chinese archaeologists began excavation at the site and unearthed pottery, stone and bronze wares, said Zhao Xiaogang, deputy head of the city's institute of archaeology.
Rép. TCHEQUE – Vyškov - Archaeologists believe they have uncovered a unique regional discovery in the form of a late bronze age woman buried hugging a small child. There were hardly any other artefacts found with the bodies. While children buried with adults are not rare, this form of burial is described as exceptional and never seen before in the Moravia region. The burial site was discovered in excavations ahead of the construction of an industrial zone near Vyškov. Further research is now being carried out.
Kattepally - A farmer unearthed what is believed to be either Mughal or Bahmani era silver coins while he was levelling his field. This discovery happened in Kattepally village in Athmakur mandal. He found 10 silver coins with inscriptions in Persian language and on Tuesday morning he discovered another 10 coins. The exact period of the coins is yet to be determined, as there is no Archaeologist in Wanaparthy district.
Caramany - Des archéologues ont fait une rare découverte à Caramany, dans les Pyrénées-Orientales. Ils ont mis au jour trois nécropoles, datées du 6e au 13e siècle. Une équipe d'archéologues fouille depuis deux mois le site de Caramany. Ils ont découvert 300 tombes réparties sur trois nécropoles datant du 8e au 13e siècle. "Ils sont tous installés sur le dos, la tête à l'ouest et les pieds à l'est. Une grande majorité d'individus sont inhumés en linceul. Le cercueil, tel qu'on le connaît aujourd'hui, n'est quasiment pas utilisé.", relève Camille Sneed-Verfaillie, archéologue spécialiste du funéraire. Parmi ces trois nécropoles, l'une interpelle particulièrement les archéologues, elle est d'ores et déjà considérée comme un scoop scientifique. "Le scoop scientifique, c'est la découverte d'un chemin où sur 150 mètres linéaires, ce qui est considérable, on a des tombes de gens qui ont été inhumés. On est entre le 12e et le 13e siècle, à un moment où normalement les morts sont enterrés autour de l'église, dans un cimetière, et non pas le long d'un chemin.", explique Olivier Passarius, responsable du service archéologie au Conseil départemental des Pyrénées-Orientales. Cette inhumation atypique serait peut-être la conséquence d'une épidémie. La poursuite des fouilles devrait apporter des réponses.