Thang Long - An archaeological excavation at the Thang Long imperial city in 2017 has uncovered many traces of former buildings and other artefacts dating from the period of Chinese domination up to the Nguyen Dynasty. The findings were announced at a workshop held in Hanoi on April 17. The excavation was carried out on a nearly 1,000-square-metre area to the east of the foundation of the Kinh Thien Palace, where the highest ceremonies of imperial dynasties took place. According to the Thang Long - Hanoi Heritage Preservation Centre, the archaeological remains show that the area once held major structures of the Ly, Tran, and Le Dynasties but their sizes and functions have yet to be determined and further research is needed. The vestiges include stone bases of columns, walls, and courtyards, stone foundations, perimeter walls, and drainage passages. The 2017 excavations also unearthed the largest ever number of bricks and tiles that were used to decorate palace roofs in the 15th and 16th century, the Centre said. It is hypothesised that the Kinh Thien Palace was roofed with yellow and azure enamelled tiles and decorated with intricate dragon patterns, which researchers say are significant materials that could help with the reconstruction of the palace.
Karnak - An Egyptian archaeological mission operating around Luxor’s Karnak temple discovered on Sunday architectural remains of the Osiris Ptah Nab Ankh’s compartment. Chief of the Egyptian monuments Sector in the Ministry of Antiquities Ayman Ashmawy said that the compartment was established inside the Karnak temple in the south of the tenth edifice of the god Amun’s temple. Chief of the archaeological mission Essam Nagy said that the compartment’s location is important because it was built in the southern area of Amun’s temple, contrary to the other Osiris compartments which were constructed in the temple’s northern and western areas. The compartment reveals the doctrine of Osiris during the 25th dynasty as well as its connection to the processions road and the Mut temple. The mission’s works of excavations led to the discovery of the compartment’s entrance, lobby and internal walls, as well as remains of foundations of a third room located in the eastern parts and stone tiles of the compartment floor.
EGYPTE – Kom Ombo - The Egyptian archeological mission operating at a groundwater reduction project at Kom Ombo Temple discovered the head of the statue of Emperor Marcus Orlius. Ashmawy clarified that the head of the statue is one of the unique pieces of the emperor due to the scarcity of his statues in Egypt. It embodies the emperor with thick and curly hair and beard. The mission further found part of headless sandstone statues and lower parts of the feet measuring 18 cm x 12 cm.
Mes Aynak - The Ministry of Information and Culture (MoIC) has started the third round of archeological excavations at Mes Aynak copper mine in Logar province. More than 4,000 relics have been recovered from the sites in the past nine years, the acting minister of information and culture, Mohammad Rasul Bawari, said. Archaeologists have recently found many temples, buddha statues and relics at the site. An archaeologist from the ministry, Sultan Massoud, said some relics and structures discovered during excavations in the area date back 5,000 years.