Researchers from various academic and professional backgrounds are working together to better understand submerged prehistoric landscapes and their significance through a four-year EU-funded research network project entitled Submerged Prehistoric Archaeology and Landscapes of the Continental Shelf. Eight project partners from six EU countries recently travelled to Malta to join representatives from the University’s Department of Classics and Archaeology to dive to some unique submerged geological features. The project also seeks to provide training opportunities for young researchers, with the latest workshop being organised in Malta on modern underwater recording techniques
ROYAUME UNI - Yearsley Moor - Archaeology volunteers have unearthed a watermill believed to be at least 500 years old in North Yorkshire. The discovery was made on Yearsley Moor, near Helmsley in Ryedale. As well as finding the remains of the building, the Yearsley Moor Archaeological Project and North York Moors National Park apprentices also discovered pottery, bone, coins, glass and some stone objects which have mystified the volunteers. By analysing fragments of pottery recovered from the site, volunteers estimate the mill went out of use during the mid-eighteenth century. Although documentary evidence is scarce, the volunteers believe it was owned by the Fairfaxes of Gilling in 1560, after it was sold to them by William Wyldon of Yearsley. The archaeology team now hopes to confirm its theories about the mill and to find out how it worked and when it was first constructed.
Demre - Akdeniz University (AÃ) Archaeology professor Nevzat Cevik has called on the Vatican to return to Turkey the bones of Saint Nicholas (the original Santa Claus), which were taken out of the country in 1087, in an interview with Anatolia news agency. Cevik said the bones of Saint Nicholas were taken from Turkey "by force" to be buried in a church in the Bari province of Italy, and should be returned to the place where the saint lived. Cevik said, adding that Saint Nicholas would himself like to be buried in the funerary chapel next to his church in Demre. Cevik also emphasized the importance of the Saint Nicholas Church in Demre as a place of pilgrimage for 1500 years. Saint Nicholas was born in the Aegean region and he lived in ancient town of Myra, in Lycia, which is today called Demre. The Saint Nicholas Church was built in the 4th century A.D., and is now a museum that attracts scores of visitors
Bruniquel - There are many examples of Palaeolithic portable engravings that have been discovered, long after their excavation, among the collections stored in museums. For example, a remarkable pair of bear figures was spotted in the mid-1980s on a rib fragment housed with the bone industry from the Magdalenian cave of Isturitz in the western Pyrenees; the rib came from a level excavated by the St Périers in 1931 (Esparza & Mujika 2003). It is far rarer, however, for a new engraving to be found among faunal material curated within a palaeontological collection. In the article publish in Antiquity 285 (2011) the researchers report on the discovery of a horse engraving in the collection of the Palaeontology Department of the Natural History Museum (NHM), London, some 140 years after the excavation and acquisition of the specimen. The new engraving was found among the horse remains from the Late Magdalenian site of Roc du Courbet, Bruniquel, France.
France – Nesle/Mesnil-Saint-Nicaise - Le canal à grand gabarit anime les débats : se fera-t-il ? En attendant l'avenir, le canal s'est aussi la mise à jour du passé...Le canal Seine-Nord Europe, c'est l'avenir, aime proclamer les institutions locales et les industriels. Mais à l'heure actuelle, le canal, c'est avant tout la mise à jour du passé. Une centaine de secteurs longeant le futur canal ont été fouillés ou sont en cours de fouille. Ces fouilles ont permis de mettre à jour des sites historiques datant pour le plus ancien de 300 000 ans avant Jésus-Christ à Etricourt-Manancourt. Sur ce site, des silex taillés ont notamment été retrouvés. Le site le plus récent date du 10e siècle après JC à Bourlon : un fond de cabane du haut Moyen-âge a été mis en évidence. «C'est extrêmement rare», lance-t-on à l'Inrap, institut national de recherches archéologiques préventives.Parmi les objets ou lieux retrouvés, les archéologues ont fait de «belles trouvailles», notamment une nécropole de 153 tombes à Marquion ou encore une dédicace à Apollon à Mesnil-Saint-Nicaise, des vases gaulois peints à Eterpigny... Tous les objets ainsi retrouvés sur place, également appelés «mobiliers», sont ramenés à l'Inrap de Croix-Moligneaux pour les nettoyer et les étudier. Les relevés des archéologues sont alors informatisés.