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23 FEVRIER 2016 NEWS: Laval - Oetzi - Bethlehem - Chapainawabganj -







FRANCE- Laval - Avant la plantation d'arbres, rue du Jeu de Paume, des fouilles ont permis de retrouver le mur nord de la collégiale Saint-Tugal. Ces fouilles, qui ont démarré lundi et s'achèvent ce vendredi, constituent une petite opération, « mais très riche d'informations ». Dans ces larges trous, les archéologues ont essentiellement découvert un mur, dont l'épaisseur atteint 1,35 mètre. « C'est le mur nord de la collégiale Saint-Tugal, poursuit l'archéologue. On avait beaucoup de questions. On maîtrisait le flanc sud, avec l'église dont il reste le choeur du XVe, l'Est avec la sacristie qui est conservée, mais le Nord, il n'y a plus rien. On ne comprenait pas la réorientation, où court la galerie... »

ITALIE6f7bac18ebea77271d5f4c5dbda4159c Oetzi -  Researchers are working to recreate the voice of the 5,300-year-old mummy dubbed Oetzi the Iceman, using software developed at the National Research Council's Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies (ISTC). Scientists used tomographic imaging to develop a reconstruction of Oetzi's vocal tract, and a team led by ISTC Coordinator Piero Cosi is using software created at the Institute to synthesise the iceman's voice. Oetzi the Iceman was discovered in 1991 in a thawing glacier on the slopes of the Similaun mountain in the Oetztal Alps, and is housed at the South Tyrol Museum of Archaeology in Bolzano.

PALESTINE - Bethlehem - An ancient icon of "great religious and historical value" has been found by craftsmen working on the restoration of the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem. The icon, made of brass, silver, shells and stones, was found two months ago near a window in the church built in the fourth century by the Emperor Constantine and his mother Helena over what is believed to be the place of Jesus' birth.

BANGLADESHChapainawabga Chapainawabganj - The 12th century Shiva mandirs, ancient temple structures,  built during the Sen era of 1156-1206 AD in Bholahat upazila of Chapainawabganj, stands on the verge of extinction. Locals alleged that the temple was gradually falling apart down due to negligence by  authorities. The authorities have never taken any steps to preserve this ancient structure that has huge archaeological and historical value. The temple is 19ft 10 inches in height, 19ft in length and has a width of 13ft. It has outer walls of brick structure covered with terracotta artworks depicting mythological tales and religious events. Today it almost resembles a thatch hut, with a tree growing through it. Part of its roof has collapsed. Cow dung cakes cover the lower half of the temple’s walls on the outside. Deep cracks have developed on the walls of the 12th century structure while weeds have covered most of its body. Most of the terracotta tiles that once decorated the body of the temple have eroded. Others have been lost over the years.