23 JUIN 2016 NEWS: Szigetvar - Ipplepen - Eaucourt sur Somme -







HONGRIE442 Szigetvar - A Hungarian excavation team claims to have found the ruins of an Ottoman-era mosque next to what it believes is the shrine of Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent in southern Hungary. Dr. Norbert Pap from the University of Pecs in Hungary, who heads the research team, made the announcement Tuesday. Pap recalled that when researchers last year announced they had found the shrine where the internal organs of the sultan were interred in 1566, he said they now needed to find a mosque and a dervish lodge around it. The latest discovery backs up his original claim, he said. "Based on our research results, we have found the ruins of the mosque right next to the shrine," Pap told Anadolu Agency. "According to the information from that period, Sokullu Mehmed Pasha [grand vizier] had built a mosque next to the shrine of the Magnificent in Szigetvar [a town in southern Hungary]," Pap said, adding that the newly-uncovered remains was bigger than the shrine and appears to be directed towards Islam's holy city of Mecca, as all mosques are supposed to be. Historians believe Suleiman's heart and internal organs were buried in the tomb and his body taken back to Constantinople, as Istanbul was then known. His death at Szigetvar was kept secret for 48 days to prevent his troops from giving up the fight. Szigetvar was defended by locals led by Croatian-Hungarian nobleman Miklos Zrinyi. The siege was a pyrrhic victory for the Turks and delayed their ultimately unsuccessful advance toward Vienna for decades.


ROYAUME UNIV0 master 118 Ipplepen -Large jars used to serve wine, olives, olive oil and fish sauce have been discovered at Ipplepen, the Romano-British settlement which could have been home to a 1st century Devon tribe and has been at the centre of a long-term large-scale archaeological investigation. A series of late Prehistoric features, related to an Iron Age settlement set up years before the Romans entered the south-west, were found at the site last week, including several large, circular-shaped water drains known as ring ditches. The amphorae vessels were accompanied by Samian fine table wares, imported into Britain from modern France. “The presence of these kinds of vessels demonstrates that the people living here were at least influenced in some way by the Romans,” says Danielle Wootton,  “They have adopted Romanised ways of eating and drinking. At least some of the locals developed a taste for Mediterranean products such as wine and olives.


FRANCE – Eaucourt sur Somme - Résultat des investigations entreprises au chateau en août dernier. Ces fouilles, menées par une douzaine d’archéologues se sont avérées très fructueuses. Le premier sondage de reconnaissance a mis au jour une tour avec un escalier en vis. Ce qui laisse supposer l’existence d’un grand bâtiment à usage résidentiel, un logis seigneurial datant de la seconde moitié du XVIe siècle et courant XVIIe. Le deuxième sondage a permis de faire une découverte majeure : deux pièces délimitées par des maçonneries, ce qui confirme qu’il s’agit bien d’un site fortifié d’une petite aristocratie chevaleresque. À ces trésors, s’ajoute la découverte de mobilier : marmites, pichets, céramiques cassées. Les résultats du sondage effectué le mois dernier  portent sur la tour de guet du château. Cette tour, jusqu’alors, était estimée ronde selon les plans du XIXe siècle, conservés aux Archives municipales d’Abbeville. Or, les fouilles de ce printemps font apparaître un angle droit. Elles contredisent donc l’hypothèse d’une tour ronde et affirment qu’elle est demi-ronde, car sa face avant est droite rejoignant l’arrière par deux angles droits.

