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24 AOÛT 2016 NEWS: Camelon - Crimée - Metropolis - Osnabrück - Monmouth - Israel -






ROYAUME UNI V0 master 71 Camelon - Archaeologists say Roman socketed bolt-heads, an ox-goad, hobnails and a possible oven, discovered at a former fort annexe where years of excavations have repeatedly revealed remains from the period, could help shed light on life in central Scotland as far back as the Iron Age. Signs of pre-Roman activity resound at Camelon Roman fort. But experts believe Roman pottery at the site near Falkirk could show the early contacts and trading enjoyed by people in Britain around 2,000 years ago. The blunt heads of the bolt-heads suggest they could have been used as less deadly ammunition during frequent target practice for soldiers. Much of the industrial waste was found in a large pit radio carbon-dated to between 41 BC and 116 AD. Antonine-era pottery from Northern Gaul was also dated to between the mid-1st and early 3rd centuries, when iron smelting took place. Fort annexes could have been used by military personnel and civilians, according to evidence found at similar annexes around Scotland. Bath houses, ovens and metalworking at the forts indicate multiple usage by different groups of people.

RUSSIE62eba2fd 893a 4745 9a26 946cbd63edc7 Crimée - Russian archaeologists have discovered a medieval baby alarm while excavating an ancient cemetery in Crimea. The find was kept in a child's grave next to its owner's remains. Excavators say the bracelet with a small bell rang and alarmed the parents where their child was. The cemetery was discovered in 1930 when the first graves started to fall from this cliff. The inhabitants are believed to be Greeks or their descendants who arrived in the seventh and sixth centuries BC. Another child burial was found with beads made of Egyptian faience and two pendants. 


TURQUIEN 103154 1 Metropolis - Preserved brick vault has been unearthed in İzmir's Torbalı district during archaeological excavations at Metropolis Ancient City. The vault is believed to be part of the ancient city's public bath and it dates back 1,900 years ago. Serdar Aybek, an associate professor at Manisa Celal Bayar University who is heading the excavations, said the structure is one of the best preserved brick vaults in the world. He also said the service corridors were an incredible discovery for the science of archaeology as they are "still standing strong." Offering information about the current exhumation process, Aybek said archaeologists at the site have excavated a Hellenistic-era theater, a parliament building, a gallery with columns and buildings reflecting the ancient city's structure such as two public baths, a hall with mosaics, a villa, shops and streets built during the Roman Empire. He said they also unearthed over 10,000 artifacts belonging to the Hellenistic and Roman eras such as ceramics, glassware, architectural pieces, sculptures and artifacts made of bone, ivory and minerals. Aybek said that the archaeologists discovered a prayer area in the northeastern part of the ancient city dedicated to Zeus, the chief god in Greek mythology. "Zeus was called 'Krezimos' for the first time in Metropolis. We were previously aware of the existence of such a temple thanks to the documents we uncovered but we were not able to locate it. The epigraph sources on the columns suggest that the building we discovered is most probably the temple dedicated to Krezimos [Zeus]."

ALLEMAGNE - Osnabrück - A group of ancient copper items found at a construction site in June, including three pieces of jewelry and an ax, has turned out to be possibly of "national significance," the northern German city of Osnabrück said on Friday. It said a collection of this size and type had never before been found in Germany. The artifacts, which are thought to date back to the end of the Neolithic Age between 2,500 BCE and 2,000 BCE, were reportedly found at a building site on the edge of the inner city by a volunteer worker from the city's archeology department. Experts said the artifacts were made using techniques developed in the southeastern European region.

ROYAUME UNIImage437 Monmouth - Timbers believed to be from a 5,000-year-old logboat have been discovered on a building site in Monmouth. The prehistoric remains have been radiocarbon-dated to 3210BC, in the New Stone Age, and Monmouth archaeologist Steve Clark says that the craft could be unique in marine archaeology. Work in the area of the discovery on Wonastow Road was temporarily suspended by David Wilson homes to give archaeologists enough time to recover the finds from the deep drainage excavations. The site lies on the shore of what was once a huge lake caused by an Ice Age blockage in the Wye gorge and covering much of today’s town.“As we had just discovered a rich Bronze Age settlement a few fields away we thought the remains would turn out to be Bronze Age,” said Mr Clarke, “so it was a real surprise when the dates came back as being twice as old.” Two years ago, and less than 1500 metres away at Parc Glyndwr estate, Monmouth Archaeology found boat-shaped channels in the clay at right angles to the lake with evidence of woodworking with flints. They interpreted this as prehistoric boat-building, possibly a first such site in Europe. On the same estate they identified remains of what appears to be only the second crannog in England and Wales, a building on stilts, out in the lake, dated to 2917BC. The identification of the logboat is confirmed by criteria set out by maritime archaeology expert Professor Seán McGrail in 1978 under which the remains have to meet at least two of six features The Monmouth boat meets four of the six. There are five timbers, all oak, and all of which have been partially burned. Two of them have worked features, two others could also be part of a boat while the fifth piece appears to be an unworked oak log. The largest of the worked timbers is assumed to be the gunwale at the stern or the bow of the logboat. It has an enigmatic oval-shaped open-ended hole, 4.8cm wide, and cut vertically into the surface of the wider end of the gunwale. If this was to take a rope it was broken where the pressure would have been greatest. There was also a deep ‘U’ shaped groove, possibly a cut in the stern, which may have been to accommodate a central steering oar. The second worked timber appears to be part of the wall of the boat or the hull; it has a large round hole, this time 7.5cm wide, cut through it horizontally where there are extensive signs of wear. This feature may be to take an oar or be associated with the attachment of an outrigger or of the boat to a second one.

ISRAEL130461331 - A family has turned over to the state a treasure of priceless antique artifacts found over years in the Mediterranean Sea by the father, who had worked for the Israel Electric Corporation. The oldest piece found by the late Marcel Mazliah is about 3,500 years old, says the Israel Antiquities Authority. One of the most striking artifacts Mazliah had hung onto is a beautifully decorated hand grenade, of a type commonly used during the Crusader, Ayyubid and Mamluk periods. The grenades of yore were quite like today's, being made of metal, though theirs were gorgeously embossed while today's are more likely to bear a serial number at best. In any case, though the technology has changed over the centuries, the concept remains that you toss the thing at the enemy and it's supposed to blow up (or disseminate burning naphtha) then, not before. It bears adding that some experts suspect the so-called ancient grenades were more likely to contain perfume than deadly chemicals.
