Mandalay - The stone inscription from Kuthodaw Pagoda in Mandalay has been included in the UNESCO's Memory of the World Register. Situated inside the grounds of the Kuthodaw Pagoda at the foot of the Mandalay Hill, the Stone Inscription or the world's largest book is a collection of 729 stone slabs on which Buddhist scriptures have been inscribed under King Mindon's instruction in the 18th century.
Neikaia - A range of historical artifacts such as medical material, coins and ceramics found in the Neikaia ancient city in the Ödemiş province of İzmir are being exhibited at the Ödemiş Museum. There have been many historical artifacts found at the site of the 2,300 year-old ancient city of Neikaia such as medical materials, coins, architectural and ceramic material. The ancient city is 10 kilometers away from Ödemiş, between the Türkonü and Kurucuova villages. The ancient city has an importance of being a health center of the time and also being connected to the Ephesus with the name Nikopolis in the sixth century B.C. The findings could not be promoted in the best way before, due to the fact that the city was in a hilly area. The art historian Prof. Dr. Necla Sevin emphasized the importance of Neikaia in history and added, “One of the most important specialties of Neikaia is that it was a health center at that time. There is much evidence of this in the findings. Ancient documents are talking about this area. The richest mercury sources of the world are in this area. These mine pits have been used since the ancient times. The importance of these mines is that they have been used in varied areas such as medicine. At the ancient era, people imported medicine and cosmetics to the world, via the Ephesus port. Another specialty of the city is that they had minted coins.”
Highland Clearances - A smashed pot uncovered at the site of an 1800s longhouse could be evidence of a potentially violent eviction, archaeologists have suggested. Hundreds of the homes were abandoned during the Highland Clearances, when families were moved off land to make way for large-scale sheep production. Thatched roofs of longhouses were set on fire and walls toppled to prevent people from moving back into them. The pot at Lower Caen in Sutherland was found under a collapsed wall. Site director Dr Keir Strickland, of Orkney College UHI, said pieces of broken pottery were found directly under the wall. He said: "It really suggests the pot was dropped, smashed in place and there was no time to pick up the pieces and the wall has then come down almost immediately, or certainly within days." Dr Strickland added: "There is a sense of, if not violence, then a very forceful eviction and demolition of buildings to prevent people coming back to this place." A feature of the Clearances in Sutherland was the displacement of about 100 people from the Strath of Kildonan in 1813. Several of the families sailed to Hudson Bay, in north east Canada, where they were forced to build their own shelters to protect themselves against severe winter conditions. The following spring, they set off on foot for the Red River Settlement around Lake Winnipeg in Canada, where Scottish aristocrat, the Earl of Selkirk, had promised them land. Many made the 100 mile (161km) journey in handmade snowshoes. Surviving examples of thatched longhouses include The Corr at Latheron, near Wick in Caithness.
Saint Martin des Bois - Dans l'église, plusieurs peintures murales viennent d'être mises au jour lors des travaux de remise en état du crépi des murs de la chapelle sud. La litre funéraire, ornée de 8 blasons du XVIe siècle représentant les armoiries des seigneurs locaux, ajoute encore à l'intérêt que présentait l'église avec ses peintures murales des XIIIe et XIVe siècles révélées déjà lors de la première tranche de travaux faits en urgence en 2009 sur le côté sud de la nef. La municipalité, fière de son patrimoine, souhaite « que l'église du village fasse désormais partie de la chaîne des églises à fresques de la Vallée du Loir et contribue ainsi au développement du tourisme régional ».
ALGERIE – Annaba - Une enquête a été ouverte sur les dégâts subis par le site archéologique protégé de la Kalaâ El Hafsia, dans la ville de Annaba, lors des travaux de construction de l’hôtel Sheraton, a-t-on appris, jeudi, auprès de la direction de la culture. L’entreprise chargée des travaux a aménagé un endroit pour mettre en place sa base-vie sur ce site renfermant des tombeaux, et sur un terrain de statut wakf (propriété de mainmorte), ajoute la même source. L’enquête est menée par une commission de wilaya, selon la même source. La Kalaâ El Hafsia date du XIIIe siècle. Elle couvre une superficie de 13 000 m2, à l’est de Annaba, et a été classée monument protégé en 1978.
My Son - After 16 years of excavation and restoration work, a group of tower temples and monuments belonging to the My Son Sanctuary, once the religious and political capital of the Champa Kingdom, were inaugurated by the Director-General with Vietnamese authorities and the Ambassador of Italy to Viet Nam on 22 June. Under steady rainfall, dancers and musicians lined the path leading through lush forest to the G Group of monuments, where a brief religious ceremony was held to consecrate the restored temples. A World Heritage Site since 1999, the My Son Sanctuary, located in Quang Nam province amidst a hilly landscape, comprises eight groups of 71 monuments built throughout the 7th to 13th centuries.