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24 MAI 2018: San El-Hagar - Yiyang - Talakadu - Jerusalem - Cartagena - Brest - Ancienne-Lorette - Halifax -






EGYPTE2722945157277294469 Egypt red brick bath San El-Hagar - Egyptian archeologists say they have discovered parts of a huge red brick building dating back to the Greco-Roman period north of Cairo. Antiquities Ministry says Wednesday the building was found in the Sa El-Hagar archeological site in Gharbia province. It says archeologists found a gold coin depicting King Ptolemy III, who ruled Egypt in the 3rd century B.C. and was an ancestor of the famed Cleopatra. It says the coin was made during the reign of King Ptolemy IV in memory of his father. The ministry says archeologists have unearthed other artifacts in the area, including pottery vessels, terracotta statues, bronze tools and a small statue of a ram.

CHINE -  Yiyang - A total of 86 ancient tombs have been unearthed in central China's Hunan Province recently, the provincial archaeological research institute said Wednesday. The tombs were located in the city of Yiyang and the excavation started in December last year. Among the discovered tombs, 82 were built in the late Warring States period (475 B.C.-221 B.C.), and four date back to the Six Dynasties (222-589) to Ming Dynasty (1368-1644). More than 400 items of pottery, bronze, iron, and jade ware, including swords, mirrors, and scales have also been discovered in the area. "These items indicate that the owners of the tombs might be common people and aristocrats from middle and lower social classes," said Deng Jianqiang, from the city's cultural relics management bureau, adding that the tomb owners could be craftsmen and businessmen.

INDE1527052612 fifth century wall found talakadu mysuru Talakadu - A team of archaeologists recently uncovered a largest masonry wall in Mysuru district upon an excavation in Talakadu. The wall, which has been dubbed as one of largest masonry walls in South India, dates back to the 5th century. Archaeologists stumbled on the wall on a desert-like town on the left bank of Cauvery river. It is located about 45 km from Mysuru. According to experts, the masonry wall left a strong evidence of the expertise by the ancient engineers as some portions of the wall still stand strong. Also, it is said to have been built to save the town from floods. The lead archaeologist in the excavation, MS Krishna Murthy, recently spoke about the excavation at an event organized by the southern regional centre of the Indian Council of Historical Research (ICHR). "We have excavated the wall up to a length of 15ft. But evidence from the site shows the wall was once 1-km long. It is the largest masonry wall in South India. Historical and archaeological analysis shows it stood strong for at least 1,000 years from the 5th to 15th century," he said. "The wall is even more significant as it is mostly built of bricks, clay, and mortar as stones were not available in large quantities in the region. It has three layers and an interesting design, which indicates how skilled the people were during that era. It may have been built during the regime of Kiriya Madhava, a ruler from the Ganga dynasty," he added. Murthy also revealed that his team has been conducting extensive excavation work in Talakadu since 1992.

ISRAELSilver ancient coin Jerusalem : Five exceptionally rare ancient coins from among the very first ever minted by Jews were discovered on the Temple Mount, evidence of Jewish activity at the disputed site. The small coins – three in pristine condition and two showing signs of wear – were discovered as part of the Temple Mount Sifting Project, an archaeological initiative started in order to sift thousands of tons of dirt illegally excavated and dumped in the Kidron Valley by the Islamic Waqf in 1999. The Waqf excavations compromised the archaeological integrity of the Temple Mount and sparked outrage in Israel, leading many to suggest that the Waqf was intentionally attempting to eradicate evidence of two Jewish Temples which stood on the Mount for over 800 years. The newly-discovered coins bear the letters “YHD,” or Yehud, the Aramaic name for the biblical kingdom of Judea, and are dated to the end of the 4th century BCE. According to one of the co-directors of the project, Zachi Dvira, only five other coins of this kind have been found in the 150 years of archaeological digging in ancient Jerusalem sites. Dvira noted that Jewish pilgrims would bring offerings of first fruits of the season to the Temple around the time of the Shavuot holiday, and would often convert their value to silver in the days of the Second Temple. He also noted that the Temple was a center of commerce and public administration, making it a prime site for finding coins. These were the first coins ever minted by Jews,” Dvira said in an interview with Israel’s Ynet news. “They express the people’s return to their land after the Babylonian exile, and their ability to hold and maintain diplomatic ties with the ruling empire—then Persia—similar to our relations with the United States today.” He noted that the New Israeli Shekel also bears the letters YHD, exactly as they appear on the newly unearthed coins.

COLOMBIEColombia san jose Cartagena : The wreckage of San José has been discovered under 2,000 feet of water off the coast of Colombia by a team of researchers from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI), Maritime Archaeology Consultants, Switzerland AG, and the Colombian government. The ship, a three-masted Spanish galleon carrying 62 guns and a cargo of ceramics, gold, silver, and emeralds, sank in 1708 during a battle with British ships that was part of the War of Spanish Succession. The ship was identified by its engraved bronze cannons, which were first spotted on the sea floor by research engineer Jeff Kaeli of WHOI using the REMUS 6000, a remotely operated vehicle carrying cameras and sensors. “I’m not a marine archaeologist, but ... I know what a cannon looks like,” he said. “So in that moment, I guess I was the only person in the world who knew we’d found the shipwreck.”


FRANCE 25483 180516163611865 0 854x636 Brest - Commandée par Hervé de Portzmoguer, La Cordelière a coulé en 1512 après une bataille navale épique en Rade de Brest. D'importants moyens sont déployés pour retrouver ce navire. Cette nef de 600 tonneaux, 40 m de long et 12m de large a coulé au large de Brest le 10 août 1512 lors d’un combat épique entre les forces franco-bretonnes et l’armada britannique. À la fin du mois de juin, une campagne de recherches va débuter pour essayer de retrouver ce navire mythique mais aussi le navire anglais Regent.L’équipe a ciblé une zone d’investigation de 27 km2 vers l’entrée du goulet, en s’appuyant sur deux témoignages sur les conditions de mer de ce 10 août 1512, sur la marée, sur les quelques récits retrouvés… En 1491, Anne de Bretagne se marie avec le roi de France Charles VIII. À sa mort, elle épouse le nouveau roi de France Louis XII en 1499. Le duché de Bretagne est véritablement intégré au royaume de France dès 1514 à la suite du mariage de Claude de France, fille d’Anne de Bretagne, avec le futur François 1er. Hervé de Portzmoguer, fidèle serviteur d’Anne de Bretagne, commande La Cordelière ce 10 août 1512. Il disparaît dans le naufrage. « 800 à 1500 personnes ont péri. Mais on ne trouve nulle trace des corps ni des débris des bateaux qui ont, semble-t-il, explosé… » L’énigme est donc entière. Les épaves permettraient de répondre à toutes ces questions et surtout de compléter un pan entier de l’histoire navale bretonne et anglaise. « Nous n’avons quasiment pas retrouvé de bateaux de la fin du Moyen Âge. En Angleterre, Le Regent est l’un des derniers bateaux construit selon une technique bien précise, abandonnée ensuite », reprend Michel L’Hour. Les chercheurs espèrent aussi retrouver du mobilier, des éléments d’accastillage, de la vaisselle…


CANADA L’Ancienne-Lorette - Pendant huit semaines, une vingtaine d’archéologues fouilleront le sol sur pas moins de 700 mètres carrés, à la recherche d’artéfacts pouvant documenter le mode de vie des Hurons-Wendat, des Français et des Anglais, qui ont vécu tour à tour à cet emplacement qui donne sur la rue Notre-Dame. Les fouilles exploratoires menées l’an dernier laissent présager la découverte de dizaines de milliers d’objets, a indiqué Stéphane Noël, président de GAIA coopérative de travail en archéologie.


CANADACarte halifax histoire centre ville province house Halifax - Les jardins de Province House, au centre-ville d'Halifax, pourraient être un terrain fertile pour les archéologues, qui croient que son sol contiendrait des vestiges datant de la fondation de la ville. Selon un rapport le jardin sud de Province House et son stationnement, sur la rue Hollis, seraient demeurés relativement intacts depuis la fondation de la ville, en 1749. Le site pourrait contenir des vestiges archéologiques susceptibles de fournir des informations sur le 18e et 19e siècle. Les trous en dessous des latrines présentent un intérêt pour les archéologues. C’était à cet endroit que les gens jetaient souvent les plats, les casseroles et la verrerie qui n’étaient plus nécessaires. « C'est un bon endroit pour s'en débarrasser », a déclaré Ron Jeppesen. « Jetez-le simplement dans le trou et c'est parti. » Le terrain sur lequel se trouve Province House était un site où il y avait aussi deux pompes à eau publiques jusqu'à environ l'année 1830, ce qui en faisait un lieu de rassemblement très fréquenté.
