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24-25 MARS 2014 NEWS: Anantagiri - Ripley - Grece - Lusignan - Lisbonne - Abousir - Whitby -






INDE24ngtkrhi w017 hy 1808657e Anantagiri - After copper pots and idols were unearthed from a house at the historical Anantagiri village in Nalgonda district, experts from the State Department of Archaeology and Museums plan to excavate the 200-yard site on Thursday. It is believed that the artefacts probably belong to the rule of the 13th century Kakatiya Dynasty. Senior Caretaker Y. Bhanu Murthy, Assistant Director Ramulu Nayak, Technical Assistant P. Nagarju and others visited the site on Sunday. Mr. Murthy told The Hindu that the nine copper pots, two idols and other puja material – the Harathi Plate and Satagopam – belong to the Sri Venugopala Swamy Temple. The two idols had been identified as Venugopala Swamy and Satyabhama, Mr. Murthy said, adding that various designs and marks on the artefacts conclusively point to their links to the Kakatiya period. The idols, he said, were those of the processional deities of the temple, not those of the presiding ones. They would normally be covered in copper pots after the completion the temple procession. Located just eight kilometres away from Kodad municipality, the Anantagiri village is one of historical prominence. The fort on the hillock here was constructed during the period of the Qutub Shahi Dynasty and is a protected monument. The village also has another Shaivite temple, constructed during the reign of the Kakatiya dynasty. The visiting team found that the soil at the site, which belongs to local farmer Damuri Bhadraiah, is composed of patti matti (ash-mixed clay), a sign that there was once human settlement. Officials have instructed those people mining in the area, to cease work.

ROYAUME UNI -  Ripley - A team of archaeologists are excavating part of the Roman road at Ripley. The newly discovered road cutting is on the Roman road from Ilkley to Aldborough (Margary 720b), where it passes through a man-made cutting in Hollybank Wood. The team, comprising of mainly amateur archaeologists from the Yorkshire Archaeological Society, South Leeds Archaeology, 3D Archaeology and other societies, have revealed remains of the roaditself and remains of the revetment structure of the cutting through which it ran 1,900 years ago. It was previously believed that the course of the road ran past Hampsthwaite parish church and crossed the River Nidd where the current bridge stands, however as a result of the excavation, the team has revealed that the Roman bridge was probably a few hundred metres downstream.

GRECEArchimedes Some of the most well-known objects of our daily lives originated in ancient Greece. Aside from such concepts as philosophy and democracy, ancient Greeks contributed many inventions we still use today. Alarm clock: The first alarm clock was created in ancient Greece, by Ctesibus, a Hellenistic engineer and inventor. He developed an elaborate system of dropping pebbles on to a gong in order to make a sound. This sound was set to happen at specific time intervals. Odometer: There is a dispute around the Greek inventor of the odometer as some say it was the Hero of Alexandria while others claim that it was Archimedes. The invention of the odometer helped the ancient Greek civilization by boosting its economy.  Central heating: According to archaeological findings in ancient Greece, the Temple of Ephesus was kept warm using flues under the floor to circulate the heat of the fire. Thermometer: The original concept of the current thermometer dates back almost 2,000 years. The Greeks of Alexandria were the first who figured out how air expands when exposed to high temperatures. Philo of Byzantium was the first to apply this technique. Map: The Greek scientist Anaximander was the first who conceptualized the ideas of longitude and latitude. Later, Strabo and Eratosthenes created maps spanning the world. Lever:  The lever was first described by the Greek mathematician Archimedes in 260 BC. The use of the lever contributed to the impressive constructions of the ancient era.

FRANCEArton98112 267x375 Lusignan - Personne ne soupçonnait son existence à douze mètres sous terre. Une salle de l’ancienne forteresse vient d’être mise au jour. Une découverte exceptionnelle. L’épopée de la puissante famille des Seigneurs de Lusignan, qui partirent du Poitou vers l’Orient où ils furent rois de Chypre, de Jérusalem et d’Arménie (XII - XV siècles) est au coeur du patrimoine de la ville de Lusignan. Cette histoire qui remonte à plusieurs siècles, vient de ressurgir à la faveur d’une découverte tout à fait exceptionnelle. Peu des 2.680 habitants de la commune le savent, et ils sont encore beaucoup moins à avoir pu pénétrer dans ce lieu situé sous l’une des deux tours de la porte occidentale du centre-ville. Il ne s’agit pas du fameux trésor de la Fée Mélusine que certains habitants cherchaient encore dans les années cinquante dans des souterrains du bourg, mais d’une salle voûtée en parfait état de conservation, avec ses arcades romanes. Elle comprend une archère et l’emplacement d’une canonnière. Elle est située sous l’une des deux tours que la ville a acquis l’an dernier. Selon les premières études, il s’agirait d’une salle de garde dans des douves sèches profondes de 10 à 12 mètres, qui a pu servir de prison à une époque. Après cette découverte, « on se pose la question maintenant, comment c’était Lusignan ? On parle de souterrains. Vraisemblablement il doit y avoir des salles ailleurs, réfléchit le 1 mélusin. L’histoire nous ramène à la réalité. Bien sûr, on ne va pas détruire tout Lusignan, rassure-t-il, mais on veut essayer de comprendre comment la ville était construite à l’époque ». En mai prochain, on devrait en savoir davantage grâce à l’aide des nouvelles technologies de l’école de géophysique d’Orsay et de ses étudiants qui se rendront à Lusignan pour faire des recherches à l’aide de sonars. Et peut-être d’autres découvertes exceptionnelles.

PORTUGALPortugal le parking cais do sodr expose ses vestiges arch ologiques 1 Portugal le parking cais do sodr expose ses vestiges arch ologiques 1 1 Lisbonne - Les travaux pour la mise en place du parking avaient débuté en 2010, près de Cais do Sodré, et arrivent à termes cette année. Parmi les découvertes figurent des amphores et des morceaux de poteries romaines. En 2012, une rampe de lancement du XVIIe siècle (pour la réparation ou le lancement des bateaux) et des parties d'un navire de cette même époque, ont été mis au jour sur le site.  Ils ont aussi trouvé un escalier et un mur du Fort de Saint-Paul (XVIIe siècle), une partie de la jetée de la Casa da Moeda (XVIIIe siècle) et les fours de la fonderie de l'Arsenal Royal (XIXe siècle). Plus tard, les archéologues trouveront une zone de mouillage romaine (un ancrage local pour les navires) utilisé entre le premier siècle avant JC et le 5ème siècle après JC. Un des bateaux découvert contenait une cinquantaine d'amphores et des céramiques.

EGYPTE – Abousir - In collaboration with the Ministry of Antiquities, a Czech mission working in the area of Abu Seer in Giza discovered a skeleton of a senior statesman called Nefer who lived under rule of the King Nefer-ir-ka-Re of the fifth dynasty from ancient Egypt’s Pharaonic era. The team team was resuming studies on his tomb, which was discovered last year, when Nefer's skeleton was found inside the coffin, according to Minister of Antiquities Mohamed Ibrahim. Ali al-Asfar, head of the Egyptian antiquities sector, Nefer’s tomb was rocky and unfinished, located within mortuary complex for burial that consists of four corridors. The eastern side is for Nefer and one of his family members. It extends from the north to the south. It also contains five wells and a false door.  Asfar indicated that the owner of the tomb was the priest of the mortuary complex of King Nefer-ir-ka-Re. He had many titles such as “supervisor of the scribes of royal documents.”  Alaa al-Shahat, general director of Sakkara archaeologist area, said several pots and golden items were found. All the items were sent to Saqqara. The mission said work at the tomb has not been finished yet seeking discovery of more antiquities.

ROYAUME UNI1430612517 Whitby - A 1300-year-old chapel has this morning been discovered within the grounds of Whitby Abbey.  Archaeologists working at Whitby have identified the building at the centre of an ancient graveyard which features around 300 graves. The small sandstone chapel measures just 10m by 5m and was previously unknown to historians. Diggers working on the site 15 years ago managed to uncover some of the stones, but did not realise they had an entirely new building until today. An archaeological dig that is underway is the final part of a 20 year project to discover some of the Abbey’s secrets. The Anglo-Saxon monastery on the Abbey site was founded in 657 and the chapel is believed to originate from these earliest times.
