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25 JUILLET 2012 NEWS : Bapska - Abou Roach - Weawer - Coos Bay - Buehl -




 INSCRIPTION  2012 /  Session III : Juillet 2012

   REGISTRATION 2012 /  Term III : July 2012

CROATIEnaxf1pu9-large.jpg Bapska - Archaeologists in Bapska, eastern Croatia have stumbled across 6,500 year old deer antlers. The hunting trophy was found hanging on the wall of prehistoric house along with valuable items of jewellery, writes website "We have the oldest deer hunting trophy in Croatia," said Marcel Buric, the head researcher at the Department of Prehistoric Archaeology of the Faculty of Philosophy in Zagreb. According to Buric, local hunters from Bapska have estimated that the deer, where the antlers trophy has come from, would have weighed between 220 and 250 kilograms and would have been extremely strong due to its 12 antlers. "It was in prehistoric times and would have needed real skill to catch such an animal, and with only stones as weapons. It is a known fact that deers are fast animals," concluded Buric.,500_year_old_hunting_trophy_found_in_eastern_Croatia

EGYPTE2012-634788165343084201-308.jpg Abou Roach -  Archaeologists from the French Institute of Oriental Archaeology in Cairo (IFAO) have discovered a roughly 5,000-year-old pharaonic solar boat in an expedition in Abu Rawash, west of the Egyptian capital. The antiquities minister, Mohammed Ibrahim, said the funerary boat was up to 5,000 years old. "It goes back to the era of Pharaoh Den, one of the First Dynasty kings," he said in a statement.  Unearthed in the northern area of Mastaba number six (a flat-roofed burial structure) at the archaeological site, the boat consists of 11 large wooden planks reaching six metres high and 150 metres wide, Ibrahim said.  The wooden sheets were transported to the planned National Museum of Egyptian Civilisation for restoration. The six-metre (19.6 feet) long and 1.5-metre wide boat "is in good condition," he added. The IFAO started its excavation works at Abu Rawash in the early 1900s where several archaeological complexes were found. At the complex of King Djedefre, son of the Great Pyramid King Khufu, Emile Chassinat discovered the remains of a funerary settlement, a boat pit and numerous statuary fragments that bore the name of Fourth Dynasty King Djedefre. Under the direction of Pierre Lacau, the IFAO continued its excavation work and found new structures to the east of the Djedefre pyramid. However objects bearing the names of First Dynasty Kings Aha and Den found near the pyramid indicate an earlier presence at Abu Rawash. In 1954 an Egyptian archaeologist discovered what may be the Pharaoh Khufu's 43-metre solar ship, made of cedar, in a Giza pyramid. The 4,500 year-old intact vessel is on display near the pyramid.

ROYAUME UNImills.jpg Weawer - Expert archaeologists have been working in Burnley’s historic Weavers’ Triangle as work starts on the town’s University Technical College. Large industrial boilers dating back to the mid-18th Century, that were once filled with coal and used to power Victoria Mill, were found by developers at the site, off Trafalgar Street. Coun Andy Tatchell said the discovery of the old industrial features shows what an important economic centre the Weavers’ Triangle was.

USAbilde-1-4.jpg Coos Bay – Southern Oregon University archaeologists and students this month uncovered one of the earliest white settlements on the Oregon Coast, remnants of a small village of soldiers marooned by a shipwreck at Coos Bay in January 1852. The wreck of the Captain Lincoln and the makeshift village created from its spars and mast, Camp Castaway, was known to historians. But the village had been lost among coastal sand dunes until found this year by archaeologists using coordinates recorded by a surveyor a decade after the wreck. The schooner, badly leaking on a voyage from Benecia Station, Calif., to Fort Orford, was run aground on the North Spit of Coos Bay to save crew and supplies, says SOU archaeology professor Mark Tveskov, leader of the dig. Working over a big table of artifacts from the ship, Tveskov points out square, rust-resistant copper nails, many encrusted iron ship objects, barrel bands, 69-caliber musket balls, smaller sidearm balls, percussion caps (to fire guns), glass trade beads (probably from Venice, Italy) and broken glass bottles that once held liquor and beer.

ALLEMAGNEthe-german-nazi-official-and-chief-of-the-schutzstaffel-ss-heinrich-himmler-1900-1945.jpg – Buehl - Heinrich Himmler, obsessed with Celtic mysticism, stole golden artefacts from an ancient tomb of a noble couple in South West Germany. An underground pyramid from 500BC and suspected of containing untold treasures has been found near a Celtic tomb raided by Heinrich Himmler. The SS chief, obsessed with Celtic mysticism, stole golden artefacts from an ancient tomb of a noble couple in Buehl, South West Germany. The loot, thought to be worth £500million, was never seen again. But now archaeologists are excited by a nearby Iron Age burial chamber that is even bigger at 18 square feet, probably the grave of a great chieftain. Chief area archaeologist Frieder Klein said: “We are flabbergasted. It is unique. "There is nothing to compare it with in the early Celtic world.” Geologist Martin ­Waldhoer said his company Terrana, which hi-tech soundwaves to find the pyramid, hopes to excavate it later this year.


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