25 JUILLET 2014 NEWS. Cromarty - Rhodope - Afghanistan - Mossoul - Ben Bullen - Murphysboro -






ROYAUME UNICromarty dig 660x496 Cromarty- People of all ages have been working throughout the summer at the site, in Reeds Park, as more evidence of medieval and post-medieval deposits are found. The ultimate aim of the project is to discover the layout of the original town, which dates back to around 1266, as well as early trade and commerce artefacts.


BULGARIEPhoto verybig 162275 Rhodope mountains - An international expedition will seek signs left by an ancient civilization in the prehistoric sanctuaries of Belintash, Tatul and Harman Kaya in Bulgaria's Rhodope mountains. This initiative is supported by the Credo Bonum foundation, Bulgarian Telegraph Agency informs. The team of researchers includes Professor Ana Raduncheva from the Archaeological Institute at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BAS), archeoastronomer Robert Bauval, geologist Dr. Robert Schock and NASA astrophysicist Thomas Brophy. They will explore the traces of a civilization that inhabited Bulgaria's land before the Thracians in the region of the Eastern Rhodopes. Their work will be filmed and will show for the first time the mysterious Stone Forest in the Eastern Rhodopes. The documentary seeks to attract international media interest in Bulgaria's ancient heritage, which undoubtedly occupies a key place in the millennial civilization process, the Credo Bonum Foundation notes.


AFGHANISTAN Thumb2 1235305 1406297238 Pictures of war and waste may spring to mind when the average Australian thinks of Afghanistan, but that’s an impression the Western Australian Museum hopes to challenge through its new exhibition. Artefacts dating back to the Bronze Age are among the items on display, which are on loan from the National Museum Kabul. Dr Smith, the WA Museum’s head of archaeology and anthropology. said Afghanistan played a central role in the trade routes in the ancient world, with Greek, Indian and Chinese influences present in many of the pieces. These include Corinthian columns, an elephant carved from ivory, carvings of Chinese-style dragons and a bronze statue of Herakles (the Greek equivalent of Hercules). She said Alexander the Great made his mark on the region in around 330 BCE. So Alexander, the young Macedonian general, comes sweeping through from the west. He’s battling Persians, he’s battling everyone and winning,” said Dr Smith. He leaves people behind as he goes to embed his conquest, leaving nearly 14,000 of his people in Afghanistan.” One of the towns they established was Ai Khanum, where there were all of these things from a quintessentially Greek city in a completely different landscape.” A ornate gold crown, recovered from the ancient tomb of a 20-year-old woman of high rank, is one of the exhibition’s most eye-catching displays. A blue fish-shaped vessel is one of Dr Smith’s favourite pieces, an item she said is in remarkably good condition given that it’s made of glass. She said the vessel probably once held cosmetics, a theory which would be very difficult to prove without damaging the artefact.


IRAQJonah tomb 512x357 Mosul mosque Mossoul - As Iraq selected a new president, Islamic militants blew up a revered Muslim shrine in Mosul traditionally said to be the burial place of the Prophet Jonah, several residents of the city told The Associated Press. The militants first ordered everyone out of the Mosque of the Prophet Younis, or Jonah, then blew it up, the residents said, speaking on condition of anonymity for fear for their own safety. Several nearby houses were also damaged by the blast, they said. The mosque was built on an archaeological site dating back to 8th century BC and is said to be the burial place of the prophet, who in stories from both the Bible and Quran is swallowed by a whale. It was renovated in the 1990′s under Iraq’s late dictator Saddam Hussein and until the June militant blitz, remained a popular destination for religious pilgrims from around the world.

AUSTRALIE5623970 3x2 700x467 5624164 3x2 340x227 Ben Bullen Cave - Environmental groups say Aboriginal rock art at a site earmarked for a controversial coal mine, has been proven to be authentic.Lithgow Environment Group's president Dr Richard Stiles, says the finding poses questions about the original archaeological investigation at the unique Pagoda landscape in the Ben Bullen State Forest."There was a question of the authenticity of a white hand stencil, they found that hand stencil to be authentic, they found a number of other hand stencils in the cave, in the floor of the cave they found chert stone tools, which suggested previous Aboriginal habitation.


USA4292139 g Murphysboro - A group of archeologists has uncovered a nearly 1,000 year old Native American village near the Southern Illinois Airport in Murphysboro Illinois. The Illinois State Archaeological Survey was contracted to survey land so the state of Illinois could build a roadway.The investigation uncovered a 700 to 900 year old Native American village. The group of people that lived in the village would have pre-dated European contact according to Senior Research Archaeologist, Patrick Durst, of the Illinois State Archaeological Survey.The site shows remnants of charcoal in the soil, which leads Durst to believe that several of the homes burnt down.
Clay pots, tools and even stones are being used to determine exactly how old the site is, according to Durst.The archaeological team has also found mussel shells and deer and fish bone on the site. Durst said that is an indication that the group was utilizing the local river ways.

VIDEO = http://www.kfvs12.com/story/26097516/archaeologists-uncover-a-nearly-1000-year-old-village-in-murphysboro
