Lampertheim - L’opération préventive a été conduite en printemps 2013 par Antoine Tenud, suite à un projet de construction d’un lotissement résidentiel. La prescription a porté sur une surface d’environ 1600 m², axés principalement sur la portion centrale de la zone à bâtir. Les résultats du diagnostic portaient l’attention sur la présence de plusieurs fours gallo-romains, datés du Bas-Empire, ainsi que sur quelques structures en creux protohistoriques. La fouille n’a pas permis de mettre au jour une zone d’habitat structurée néanmoins, dix fours gallo-romains, ont été mis au jour, ainsi que de très nombreuses fosses et silos. L’occupation du site a pu être sériée en quatre phases. La phase d’occupation la plus ancienne date du Néolithique moyen (Michelsberg), comprenant plusieurs fonds de fosses et des silos. La fouille de l’un d’entre eux a permis de mettre au jour une inhumation d’un enfant âgé entre neuf mois et un an et demi. La seconde phase comprend plusieurs fosses et silos datés de La Tène ancienne. La troisième phase a livré des structures de La Tène finale. Enfin, la dernière phase date de la période du Bas-Empire, pour laquelle dix fours, vraisemblablement domestiques, ont été fouillés, ainsi que de nombreuses fosses et silos.
Hatra - Well-known for its high walls full of inscriptions and watchtowers dotted around the fortified city, Parthian Hatra, about 290 km (180 mi) northwest of Baghdad and 110 km (68 mi) southwest of Mosul, Iraq, is now in the verge of disaster. The region of Hatra become part of the Persian Empire in 539 BC, to become a key city during the third Persian dynastic Empire, the Parthians (248 BC-224 AD). It withstood repeated attacks and played an important role during the Second Parthian War against the Romans. It repulsed the sieges of both Trajan (116/117) and Septimius Severus (198/199). After the fall of the Parthian dynasty, Hatra was included into the new dynastic Empire, the Sasanians in 224 AD. The region remained Persian over 1100 until 637 AD when it was invaded by the Arab Muslims.The ancient city was inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1985, the first such site in nowadays Iraq. For the past decade of unrest following the 2003 US-led invasion, the ancient Persian city has been suffering from inadequate excavations and maintenance and few tourists have ventured into the historic site. Around the temples and ruined walls of Hatra where Persian architecture and decorative features blended with the Roman art, several Iraqi interior ministry policemen stood idly with rifles in hand, guarding a sprawling and virtually empty site. “Tourists stopped visiting the site years ago because of the insecure situation in the area, even foreign archaeological teams’ safety cannot be ensured,”says a local security source. Lack of security is explained due to fears of regular attacks by armed groups, particularly the Saudi Arabia sponsored terrorist group al-Qaida, which considers antiquities like the statues are prohibited in the Islamic Sharia law.
CHINE- Caijiafen - Archaeologists have started a three-month excavation project in north China's Hebei Province, where they expect to discover an ancient state capital dating back more than 3,000 years. The excavation project is taking place in the village of Caijiafen. The State Administration of Cultural Heritage approved the excavation in April. Archaeologists and historians believe the area to be excavated served as the capital of the Guzhu state, a vassal state of the Shang Dynasty (1600 BC to 1046 BC), according to Xie Fei, an expert from the Hebei Provincial Cultural Heritage Bureau. The excavation will help to unveil the history and culture of the ancient state, Xie said. About 30 archaeologists from Renmin University and the Hebei Provincial Cultural Heritage Bureau are participating in the excavation.