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25 NOVEMBRE 2015 NEWS: Tell el-Dab'a - Huaca de la Luna - Louxor - Manitoba - Rome -







EGYPTE12247149 439576322914184 427168568838440108 n Tell el-Dab'a - Antiquities Minister, Dr. Mamdouh Eldamaty declared the discovery of a massive wall at Tell el-Dab'a Area / Avaris- Sharqeya Governorate (Nile Delta). The wall dates back to the late Middle Kingdom and might be of an ancient city that has not been discovered until now. The wall was unearthed during the recent excavations carried out by the mission of the Austrian Archaeological Institute, Cairo at Tellel-Dab'a / Sharqeya. Eldamaty said that this excavation will participate greatly in revealing the secrets of one of the major periods of history because Avaris was one of the largest cities of Egypt, an important harbor town and the capital of the Hyksos in the Second Intermediate Period. He also added that the area is still in need of many researches because today its remains are mostly covered by agricultural land. According to the Mission's report :" The wall is more than seven meters wide and at least 500 meters long. It was constructed of whitish- yellow sandy bricks, and is built on top of a natural sandy bank. It is aligned with long and deep depression to the east which may be interpreted as a harbor. The wall most probably a city wall, controls the access between this depression and the densely settled city quarters to the west."

PEROU624x468 26 Huaca de la Luna - El Niño climate phenomenon threatens to wash away the archaeological site made of adobe from thousands of years ago. A neighbor of Chan Chan in Trujillo of northern Peru is the archaeological complex Huacas de Moche including the Huaca de la Luna and the Huaca del Sol—sites currently undergoing protection measures against El Niño. Culture authorities have begun what will be a total of 13,000 square meters of coverage of archaeological structures, particularly at Huaca de la Luna. Prior phenomenons helped us to create systems of protection for the zones of major archaeological importance,” said the director of the Huacas del Sol y la Luna Archaeological Project, Ricardo Morales, reports El Comercio. The Ministry of Culture has allocated funds to the project that is attempting to cover these archaeological sites vulnerable to being washed away by the climate phenomenon’s heavy rains. The covers will protect the structures themselves as well as paintings, murals and relieves that date back thousands of years.

EGYPTEAntiquities minister mamdouh al damaty checks on renovations at the horemheb tomb in luxor 1 Louxor Rive Ouest - Antiquities Minister Mamdouh el-Damati will announce a new archaeological discovery on Luxor's west bank Thursday. He will also open the TT 110 tomb after it is completely restored. Mostafa Waziry, general manager of Luxor's antiquities, said tomb TT 110 dates back to the 18th dynasty. “It was built for Djehuty, a senior statesman under Queen Hatshepsut and Tuthmosis III,” he explained, adding that the tomb was restored by the American ARCE Research Center. He also said that tests will continue in Tutankhamun's tomb to search for a hidden chamber behind the walls.

CANADAManitoba Manitoba - A Manitoba man wants to sell a 7,000-year-old spearhead that he found near Sagkeeng First Nation, but an archeologist says that could land him on the wrong side of the law. He has been showing it to experts in Winnipeg, including Kevin Brownlee, curator of archeology with the Manitoba Museum. "I was quite excited when I first saw it," said Brownlee. "There was no question in my mind that we were looking at one of the early points from southeast Manitoba." Brownlee dated the spearhead — comparing it to different examples from Manitoba's past — to 7,000 to 8,000 years ago — a time, he explained, when Manitoba was a much different place. Southeastern Manitoba had been under a glacier 1,000 years prior to this spearhead being made, he explained, and it would have been a mix of open woodland and meadow, which is much different than the rock and forest that dominate the area today. The climate would have made the area an ideal place for hunters at the time."You had bison, moose, elk and woodland caribou," said Brownlee.

ITALIE 25c5d5e52b307d624847067163dee14639ec3d850c57222aea501e20798016fa Rome - Routine roadworks to install a gas pipeline under a busy street in central Rome have brought to light a 2000-year-old room plastered with frescoes. The partial discovery of the room has excited archaeologists who have dated the find to the first century AD, based on the depth at which it was found and the pictures speleologists took of the frescoes. The area around the site once belonged to the luxurious Emperor's gardens known as the Horti Lamiani, which is the place where Julius Ceasar was partially cremated and buried. In the first century AD the area comprised a complex of luxurious villas, gardens and pavilions. Archaeologists are hoping the new find will prove to be of considerable historical interest.