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Tell es-Safi - Archaeologists found evidence for gaming in the form of game boards and game pieces that were recovered in the excavations of the Early Bronze Age at Tell es-Safi in central Israel. Tell es-Safi – also known as Gath – is prominently featured in the Bible in events taking place several centuries later, including as the city of origin of David’s giant foe, Goliath. According to a report on the Biblical Archeology Society website, digging at the site found game boards featuring the Canaanite game known as 30 Houses and another included a game called Senet, which was played in ancient Egypt, where it was used in cultic contexts. One of the board games was double-sided. The report claims that the discovery proves they were made from readily available materials that were crafted locally and played throughout all levels of society.
Yongzhou - Archaeologists have found 25 tombs dating back to the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911) in Central China's Hunan province. More than 60 cultural relics, including porcelain jars, porcelain bowls, copper hairpins and copper knives, were unearthed at the Houbeishan tomb complex in the city of Yongzhou. Some of these porcelain jars, known locally as "food jars," were found with food residue inside. According to experts, there was a local burial custom to preserve food in tombs, and the practice continues to this day. Archaeologists said the distribution of the tombs suggests that they belonged to a family, and that the owners of two adjacent tombs were husband and wife.
Koroška - Archaeological probes conducted on the route of an emerging new expressway in the Koroška (N) region have yielded an exceptional find from the Roman period, a 430-kg roadside milestone with carved text. The first discovery so far of this type in Koroška is already on display at the Carinthian Regional Museum in Slovenj Gradec.
Hadrian'wall - Hadrian’s Wall (Vallum Aulium) was a defensive Roman fortification that ran 73 miles (116km) from Mais (Solway Firth) to the banks of the River Tyne at Segedunum (Wallsend).Following Hadrian’s accession to the throne in AD 117, he constructed a wall like no other in the Roman world, a wall that was a physical expression of Rome’s power to solidify the Roman policy of defence and indicate the most northern frontier of the Empire. Whether this would have deterred a threat from the northern tribes invading from Caledonia is unknown, with some scholars suggesting that the wall served to provide a means of immigration control and customs for taxation. In AD 142, Emperor Antoninus Pius extended the frontier further north and constructed the Antonine Wall (Vallum Antonini). This wall ran 39 miles (62.7 km) and annexed lands formerly ruled by the Damnonii, Otadini, Novantae, and the Selgovae tribes. Previous studies have mainly focused on the Roman archaeology, i.e. forts, road network, encampments and Roman settlements extending north into parts of Caledonia (Scotland) between the two walls. As part of a new research project published in the journal Antiquity, archaeologists from the University of Edinburgh have focused on the region around Burnswark hillfort in Scotland and expanded their study using Lidar (light detection and ranging) over an area of around 579 square miles (1500 km2).The team discovered 134 previously unknown Iron Age settlements mainly consisting of ancient farmsteads inhabited by the indigenous tribal population of Caledonia. The Lidar data paints a fuller picture of the ancient landscape, revealing often dense distributions of sites dispersed across the region with a regularity that speaks of a highly organised settlement pattern.
Bac Can - Over 700 prehistoric artefacts have been discovered inside Tham Un cave in the northern mountainous province of Bac Kan’s Ba Be district. Combing the entire cave, their team found traces of ancient people almost everywhere. Among the artefacts discovered were stone tools made from river pebbles. According to Associate Professor, Dr Trinh Nang Chung, based on the overall study of the relics as well as the structure and age of the sediment, researchers believe that Tham Un was a residence of many generations of prehistoric people. Its early inhabitants belonged to the late Bac Son Culture dating back 5,000 to 6,000 years, while the late inhabitants were from the Late Neolithic - Early Metal Ages dating back about 4,000 years.
Mikulovice - You can now see what a woman who lived near the Czech city of Pardubice in the Bronze Age looked like. This image is not an artistic guess. New forms of DNA analysis plus unusually well-preserved personal items allow us to now make a highly accurate picture.The woman, estimated to have died at around age 35, came from the upper social strata. Her grave in Mikulovice in Eastern Bohemia is one of the richest in Europe from her era.She had fair skin, brown hair, widely spaced brown eyes, a prominent chin, and a petite figure adorned with bronze and gold jewelry and a beautiful amber necklace. Her grave is the richest one for a woman Únětice culture, a group that lived in Central Europe from about 2300 to 1600 B.C. The culture is named for the village of Únětice, near Prague. A large burial site was found there in 1879. Other sites have now been found across Central Europe. Radiocarbon dating places the Mikulovice tomb between 1880 and 1750 BC. The woman was buried with five bronze bracelets, three bronze pins, two golden earrings, and a three-row amber necklace with over 400 beads and at least five spreaders. The precise anthropological reconstruction was possible thanks to the almost completely preserved skull and also thanks to DNA extracted from the bones. The analysis not only confirmed the skeleton’s sex, it also revealed information about the color of her skin, hair, and eyes.
Galilée - Archaeologists have unearthed a 2,100-year-old agricultural farmstead in northern Israel’s Galilee region. According to Dr. Amani Abu-Hamid, director of the salvage excavation for the IAA, the occupants of the homestead appear to have left in a hurry, leaving behind their possessions.“We were very lucky to discover a time capsule, frozen in time, in which the finds remained where they were left by the occupants of the site, and it seems that they left in haste in face of an impending danger, possibly the threat of a military attack,” she said. According to Abu-Hamid, it is the first time remains from the period were found in the Galilee. “It is a very important and valuable site to teach us about the spread of the Hasmonean Empire and daily life in the Hellenistic period,” Abu-Hamid said. The dig revealed loom weights used for weaving garments, large ceramic storage vessels, and iron agricultural implements, including various picks and scythes.
CHINE - Houbeishan - 25 tombs dated to the Qing Dynasty (A.D. 1644–1912) have been discovered at the Houbeishan tomb complex, which is located in southern China. The burials are thought to represent the remains of a family group, with a husband and wife buried in adjacent tombs. Li Yiyuan and his colleagues at the Hunan Province Cultural Relics and Archaeology Research Institute have recovered more than 60 artifacts, including jars and bowls made of porcelain, and hairpins and knives made of copper. Possible food residues have been found within the porcelain jars, he added.
Thebes - Des archéologues ont découvert un visage massif sculpté dans la roche, rappelant le Grand Sphinx de Gizeh. Ce visage gigantesque, qui surveillait la nécropole royale dans l’Antiquité, s’illumine pendant les solstices. Au centre de la nécropole thébaine se trouvent de nombreux secrets cachés du monde antique. En 1881, les archéologues sont tombés sur la tombe TT 320, qui contenait plus de 40 momies d’anciens pharaons égyptiens bien connus tels que Ramsès II, Seti I et Thoutmosis III. Les archéologues ont fait une autre découverte fascinante : ces momies étaient toutes gardées par une statue massive sculptée dans le flanc de la montagne. Bien qu’elle ait été gravement détruite, les chercheurs ont identifié une partie du temple, l’arcade sourcilière et même le creux du nez, le tout dans des proportions exactes. Appelée Royal Cache Wadi Survey (ou projet C2), la mission a identifié un grand nombre d’écritures sur les rochers du site, des animaux momifiés, des offrandes, une tombe inexplorée, et cette effigie de 20 mètres de haut dont on ne savait absolument rien jusqu’à présent. Elle semble représenter un visage perruqué, peut-être similaire à celui de la déesse Hathor, fille du dieu Soleil Rê. Et bien qu’il ne s’agisse pas exactement d’un Sšhinx car il n’a pas le corps d’un animal, il occuperait le même rôle de gardien que le Sphinx de Gizeh . Les archéologues pensent que le visage sculpté sur le flanc de la montagne n’est pas tombé en ruine à cause de l’érosion, mais a été défiguré intentionnellement. Les matériaux coptes trouvés lors des fouilles suggèrent que cette vandalisation a eu lieu « très tard, presque à l’époque médiévale ».