El Dorado - Archaeologists in Colombia have found eight ceramic jars, with metallic figurines and emeralds inside, within a temple and its adjacent graves. The ancient Muisca (also called the Chibcha) crafted the jars called "ofrendatarios" about 600 years ago. The Muisca, a people whose civilization flourished in the region at the time, were famous for their metal-crafting skills, and their work may have inspired the legend of El Dorado — a legendary city made of gold. Between 1537 and 1540, the Spanish conquered the region, and many of the Muisca were killed during fighting or due to disease. Archaeologists uncovered the temple and graves in the remains of an ancient Muisca town located near Bogotá. Some of the figurines look like snakes and other animals, while others look more like people with headdresses, staffs and weapons. The temple where the ofrendatarios were found may be related to ancestor worship.
Bizmoune Cave - The world's earliest known piece of jewellery has been found by archaeologists, who say the 150,000-year-old beads may have been worn as earrings or on a necklace. A set of 33 shell beads were discovered between 2014 and 2018 at the mouth of Bizmoune Cave, about 10 miles from Essaouira, a city on Morocco's Atlantic coast. The beads date to between 142,000 and 150,000 years ago. This is the earliest known evidence of a form of nonverbal human communication and hints at the origin of our cognitive skills.This suggests that human behaviour of saying things about themselves through jewellery and other adornments, started much earlier than previously thought. The beads uncovered were made from sea snail shells, and each measures roughly half an inch long. Holes in the centre of the beads, as well as other markings from wear and tear, indicate that they were hung on strings or from clothing. The beads are like many others found at sites throughout northern and southern Africa, but previous examples date back to no older than 130,000 years. Ancient beads from North Africa are associated with the Aterian, a Middle Stone Age culture known for its distinctive stemmed spear points, whose people hunted gazelles, wildebeest, warthogs and rhinoceros, among other animals.
Çavuştepe Castle - Two graves belonging to the Urartian period were unearthed in a necropolis during excavations that started five years ago in Çavuştepe Castle in eastern Turkey’s Van province. The graves reveal a new burial type in the region. The two newly unearthed graves in these areas provide information about the burial traditions and lifestyles of Urartians. While one of them belongs to an adult, the other is a grave of a child. In the tombs examined by archaeologists, it was determined that the valuable grave goods of the deceased were not in place and their bones were in a different area. Emphasizing that the latest graves gave them new information about the burial customs of the Urartians, Çavuşoğlu said, "Previously, there were cist graves, chamber tombs, normal graves that are buried in the ground, and urn tombs in the necropolis area. We have encountered a new type of tomb now. In this type, the dead bodies are buried near a platform.” “We usually found the belongings of individuals in the graves in this site. However, the latest adult grave did not have anything with it and his/her corpse was found in a mixed state. For example, we found the head of the corpse next to the feet. This indicates that it was destroyed. We think that the tomb was opened by someone to take the jewelry.” Çavuşoğlu said that the next work on the site will provide much clear information.
Basrur - A typical Menhir stone slab, about seven feet in height, was found at Basrur, a medieval historical city, on the west coast of India. “The local legends, associated with Menhir, mentioned them as pregnancy stones. But we do not know whether they werther they were built in memory of a deceased pregnant woman or not. The Menhir found at Basrur is oriented to the north-west direction and is slightly leaning to the east,”said Prof Murugeshi T. He said, “Basure or Basiru means pregnant in the local language, Kannada. Basrur, a medieval trading city of coastal Karnataka is known by various names like Basurepattana, Basurepura, Vasupura and Basaruru. It is known for many temples as a mark of its splendid wealth. Devi Temple of Basrur has special importance.Upright standing stones of the Megalithic period, Menhirs are normally erected above or near the burial as a memorial stone of the dead. The discovery of a Menhir near Venkataramana Temple at Basrur dates back to the Megalithic period of 1000 BC. Stylistic Menhir of Basrur has a close similarity to that of Menhirs of Baise and Nilskal of Shivamogga district, added Prof Murugeshi.
BOSNIE HERZEGOVINE - Kadica Brdo - On Kadica Brdo, near Sokolac, after a 30-year break, archaeological research has continued at the Gradina site with new methods that will enable more precise data on the prehistoric settlement . The research began with a new method – geomagnetic prospecting, which is non-invasive means that even without excavations it can be determined whether there are structures in the suburbs of this fortification. This is very significant for archaeological research, in order to answer the question of whether this prehistoric settlement was inhabited, whether it functioned as a fortification or as a fortification with its suburbs, which would mean a much wider complex and much more interesting organization, and that is the goal of continuing research. Gradina dates somewhere around 3.500 years to 350 BC. “There are some details which show that Gradina on Kadica Brdo was very productive in terms of the remnants of life we come across, and we need to get new data on the typology of certain material that will help us solve some burning issues regarding the typology of some periods. This is very important for us and it does not refer only to Glasinac, ” Goveradica pointed out. Further, Govedarica said that for the locality of Gradina on Kadica Brdo, earlier research has shown that it is a settlement from the Middle Bronze Age, for which there are no typical forms of the ceramic material on the basis of which period it is determined, so the latest method would help solve this issue far more broadly in research in the field of archeology.
FRANCE – Arras - Depuis juin, les archéologues de l’INRAP travaillaient, sous la direction de l’archéo-anthropologue Sophie Oudry, pour mettre à jour une nouvelle sépulture en plomb du IVe siècle et un cercueil en pierre de calcaire, sur le site d'une nécropole où 130 sépultures antiques ont été référencées..
Konthagai - Des archéologues ont effectué une fouille dans le village de Konthagai, qui se trouve dans le sud de l’Inde. Cette fouille fait partie d’un effort d’excavation majeure menée dans l’État du Tamil Nadu afin de trouver plus d’informations sur l’ancienne et mystérieuse civilisation Keeladi. Au cours de leur recherche, les archéologues ont trouvé un poignard en fer rouillé conservé dans une urne funéraire à côté de restes squelettiques. La lame en acier faisait 40 centimètres de longueur, mais elle était rouillée et cassée en deux. Néanmoins, une partie de son manche en bois est restée intacte. Ce type d’arme était utilisé par les guerriers durant la période Sangam. Cette période s’étend du troisième siècle avant notre ère jusqu’au troisième siècle de notre ère. Il faut savoir que depuis le début de la saison des fouilles, en février dernier, les archéologues de Konthagai ont trouvé 25 urnes funéraires. Certaines contenaient des os, d’autres des armes et autres objets. Konthagai aurait pu être un lieu de sépulture pour la civilisation Keeladi. Le département d’archéologie du Tamil Nadu a déclaré que la datation au carbone des artefacts découverts les situait en l’an 580 avant J.-C. Ces artefacts ont révélé que les membres de cette civilisation jouaient à des jeux de société. De plus, Sivanandam a déclaré que les découvertes sur les sites de Keeladi montrent des preuves d’existence d’anciens sites de production industrielle. Les archéologues ont effectivement trouvé des outils pour filer et tisser ainsi que des objets servant à teindre les tissus en plus de fours à briques et des ateliers de céramique. Ces découvertes attestent de l’existence d’« une culture urbaine autochtone, bien développée et autonome, avec une industrie et une histoire indiquant que les gens de cette époque étaient très alphabétisés ».