28 SEPTEMBRE 2015 NEWS: Halifax - Durankulak - Formby -







CANADAApril 19 2012 Halifax - More than 20 people scooped dirt into dust pans at a Halifax-area park today in search of artifacts as part of a public archeological dig. Diggers were excavating what is believed to be a worker's cottage or bunkhouse from the original construction phase of the Shubenacadie Canal between 1826 and 1831. Relics like animal bone, pearlware ceramic and pipestems were dug up from the ground at Shubie Park in Dartmouth. Archaeologist Laura de Boer says public digs allow people to take part in uncovering their own heritage. She says her team gains a few artifacts and discovers a bit more about the site, while diggers learn about the area's industrial history. De Boer says the artifacts will be bagged, recorded and sent to the Nova Scotia Museum.


BULGARIE 150925 cult wenn22910757 Durankulak  - Archaeologists have unearthed a prehistoric cult complex in Durankulak Lake, some 280 miles from the capital Sofia in the North East of Bulgaria.  The settlement, which dates back 7,500 years, is known among specialists as 'the Dobrudzha Troy', located on the Big Island on the lake.  Researchers have described the Palaeolithic settlement as "possibly prehistoric Europe's largest stone building".  Archaeologists working on the site, which once covered an area of over 200 square meters, have found traces of about 1400 graves. The site could be even larger if archaeologists can prove that it had two floors.  Researchers say that the structure collapsed because of an earthquake, but they were able to identify a kiln which was in use for 80 years.  Excavations of the peninsula began in the 1970s when researchers found what they believed was Europe's first stone city, originating from around 5500-5400BC when the Neolithic Hamangia-Durankulak Culture was in full effect. Petar Zidarov, an archaeologist from New Bulgarian University in Sofia, told Archaeology in Bulgaria, "The challenge we are now facing is to reveal the sequence of the layers, or the stages of life, in one of the most monumental buildings ever in prehistoric Europe. The people who lived in this place were not just excellent builders but they were also among the first people in the world who started to smelt metals such as native copper and native gold, to forge jewels out of them, and to trade with them as far as the Mediterranean coast."


ROYAUME UNI – Formby 01 Formby - A community archaeology project in Formby will be launching this October in an attempt to find evidence for the origins of the settlement. The first phase of excavation will begin on October 17 near land behind St Luke’s, Formby - a Victorian church that is believed to have been built upon a much earlier medieval chapel. It is believed that the excavation could provide evidence for the earliest phases of Formby’s settlement.
