Asasif - During excavation and cleaning work carried out in the tomb of the 25th Dynasty Thebes Mayor Karabasken in south Asasif, on Luxor's west bank, the Egyptian American South Asasif Conservation Project discovered his burial chamber and sarcophagus. “The sarcophagus is a unique example of Kushite sarcophagi in an elite tomb,” Mahmoud Affifi, head of the Ancient Egyptian Antiquities Department at the Ministry of Antiquities told Ahram Online, adding that the sarcophagus is carved in plain red granite and does not bear any engravings or paintings. Elena Pischikova, director of the archaeological mission, explained that the burial chamber was found accidently during excavation work carried out in a room of the tomb. As an was found in its centre and it led to the burial chamber. Pischikova said that the base and lid of the sarcophagus bore deliberate damage — evidence of two attempts to break into the sarcophagus at some time in antiquity. “The interior of the sarcophagus was flooded after the first attempt, but further cleaning work will show if any fragments of the wooden coffin or other burial equipment are still preserved inside,” Pischikova said.
Totolapan - A new market is in the works for the city of Totolapan, Morelos, but some residents are convinced, despite archaeological studies to the contrary, that there’s a five-century-old tunnel under the site, and possibly some relics and pots of gold. The project, due to be completed next year, has been halted by older indigenous residents and others who claim it would be erected over a tunnel built in the 1500s. They say evidence of the historical construction has been passed down orally by previous generations who always spoke of the tunnel, which supposedly connected the city’s church to a former convent, as a fact.
Chaggalytepe - ANAS informed that on result of the research in Chaggalytepe they identified clay object, which is referred to in the literature as "tokin", Fineko/ reports. “Such things were first discovered in the ancient village Makhta, located in Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic. Clay objects shaped pearl used in the Near East until the end of the IV millennium BC as a unit. At a later stage they were replaced cuneiform. Identification of these items shows that starting from the end of IV millennium BC Early Bronze Age society governed from an administrative point of view. This finding confirms that the traditions of statehood in addition to the Nakhchivan region have 5,000 years of history in the north-eastern regions of Azerbaijan,” ANAS said. Initial studies show that the monuments related to the end of IV - beginning of III millennium BC and occupy a special place among relating to this period other monuments north-eastern regions of Azerbaijan and Dagestan.
Ahlat - Geophysical works have been continuing in the world’s largest Islamic graveyard, the Seljuk graveyard in the eastern province of Bitlis’ Ahlat district, known as the entrance gate of Anatolia. BEU Deputy Rector and Faculty of Engineering member Prof. Aydın Büyüksaraç said they were carrying our geophysical work in the graveyard within the scope of the project. He said that the graveyard had been used by the Seljuks as a burial place from 1040 to the final era of the Ottomans, adding, “Currently the field is home to nearly 6,200 graves. Most of them can be seen on the surface. The excavation team, led by Professor Recai Karahan, is working here every year. As the geophysical team, we try to find the graveyard ruins underground. We have so far worked on an area of 25,000 square meters on the surface without excavations or damaging any find.” Büyüksaraç said they would survey 12 domes in the second stage of the work, adding that all these activities would be carried out without damaging the domes or taking any samples. In this way, he said, the domes would be preserved, adding, “These artifacts will be protected from any risk of getting lost and other effects.” Büyüksaraç said the Ahlat Seljuk graveyard was a very important field, adding: “Because the Seljuk graveyard is a symbol of Turks’ entering Anatolia. Burial operations started here in 1040. It shows that Turks settled here before the Battle of Manzikert in 1071. It is known that the population increased to 300,000 after the Seljuks moved to this region. Later on, the population decreased to 10,000 in this region because of some natural disasters like earthquakes and epidemic diseases.”The geophysical works in the graveyard will be evaluated in detail and used for future works.
Burnswark - There's growing evidence that a landmark flat-topped hill in Dumfriesshire was the site of the first major battle of the Roman invasion of Scotland. Archaeologists have been trying for 300 years to assess the role of Burnswark in the Roman occupation. New excavations suggest the truth is more bloody than had been thought up to now. On its summit the remains of a native hill fort. On the north and south slopes, two huge Roman camps capable of housing 6,000 soldiers or more. But what went on here? One theory is that the Romans used the abandoned fort to train their men in weaponry - an early firing range. Another suggests that the fort was still occupied by local tribespeople and came under prolonged siege to starve them out. But new evidence points to a third - much bloodier - version of events. Lead archaeologist Andrew Nicholson believes it was the first assault in the Roman invasion of Scotland around 140 AD.
Acemhöyük - A 4200-year-old toy, equivalent to today's rattle, has been discovered at the Acemhöyük excavation site in Yeşilova, Aksaray. The toy dates back to the early Bronze Age. The terra-cotta toy was found in a layer dating back to 2200 BC. It's shaped like a bag, and probably used to have a handle. The toy is sealed but has tiny ornaments, probably small pebble stones, inside, which produce a noise when it's shaken. As well as the toy, which was found in the seventh layer, a piece of necklace made out of bones, metal needles, and cups have also been found in different layers
Gloucester - A flood bank built by the Romans has been discovered under a recently demolished bus station in Gloucester. Experts say the area would have suffered from flooding around the 3rd to 4th century AD so banks would have been created to protect the city. The findings revealed that residents of the Roman city of Glevum used discarded bricks and stones from demolished buildings to reinforce the southern bank along the River Twyver, which was likely to be used as a flood defence.