Laval - La fouille en cours s’étend sur deux zones de 5 500 m2 et 3 500 m2. Les archéologues ont mis au jour des traces d’occupations humaines concernant plusieurs périodes chronologiques. Quelques vestiges mobiliers (céramique et silex) attestent la présence de l’homme dès le Néolithique (- 6000 à - 2200 ans). Le secteur a surtout livré des vestiges protohistoriques, notamment des tessons de céramique témoignant d’une occupation humaine à l’âge du Bronze (- 2200 à - 800 ans). Durant cette période, un enclos parfaitement circulaire de 9 m de diamètre a été implanté sous la forme d’un fossé creusé dans le rocher. Potentiellement identifié comme une structure funéraire, cet enclos devait ceindre un tertre de terre, disparu avec le temps, qui servait de dernière demeure à son ou ses occupants. Seuls de rares exemples de ce type sont répertoriés dans la région, notamment à Cholet et à Auzay (en Vendée). Enfin, quelques fosses et fossés se rattachant à la période médiévale, viennent compléter le panel des vestiges découverts.
Zavidovici - A strange artifact has scientists stunned and baffled - and many believe that it's the oldest stone sphere made by humans. Bosnian archeologist Dr. Semir Osmanagic said that the sphere was discovered in a forest near the town of Zavidovici. It has an "extremely high" iron content, and Osmanagic said that the sphere proves the existence of a lost civilization from more than 1,500 years ago.
Siddipet : Archaeologists are excited over finding one more megalithic burial site on an elevated location at Narmeta village in Siddipet district. The villagers narrated that their forefathers used to refer to the huge boulders at the site as ‘Rakshasa Gundlu’ (boulders placed by the demons). The most exciting find is that the village was once a settlement of one of the most ancient human civilisations in the history of Telangana State, perhaps in India. The officials of the Department of Archaeological discovered at Pullur village under Siddipet mandal a megalithic burial site dating back to at least two thousand years (between 1000 BC and 300 AD). Now another megalithic burial site from the same era has been identified and is currently being excavated by Telangana State Archaeology and Museums Department at Narmeta village in Nangunoor mandal, just ten kilo metres away from Siddipet town Apart from Pullur and Narmeta excavations, another site identified around Siddipet is Palamakula, where excavations are yet to take place. Pieces of body bones have also been found on Monday at Narmeta site. These pits could also be ‘ghost pits’ as it is not necessary that every pit would have a person buried in it, as evident from excavations in the past. However, archaeologists are expecting around 30 burials to be present in this village
Rabat - Serious concerns have been raised by cultural heritage authorities over a proposal to demolish a Rabat townhouse believed to stand above ancient Roman remains. Neighbouring residents have also suggested the possible existence of a freshwater spring and underground caverns similar to the nearby Grotto of St Paul, all lying beneath the property. But a site visit by the Cultural Heritage Advisory Committee revealed an underground chamber with probable archaeological burial features beneath one of the outbuildings, which may continue below the main structure. Other caverns and catacombs were also found in the garden, and heritage experts believe a well and two other water sources beneath the same garden may lead to an ancient Roman water system. Residents of the area, meanwhile, have highlighted a historic ditch known as il-Foss running through the property, which could date back to the origins of Mdina.A structure listed on the plans as a rubble wall may in fact form part of the original ditch wall, according to neighbours, who have called for further studies before any development is approved, particularly as steel columns would be erected on top of the wall as part of the works.The areas around Rabat and Mdina, which overlie the ancient Roman city of Melite, are one of the most important archaeological areas on the island. The protected area around the two towns was extended four years ago, and it now covers an area of more than 1.5 square kilometres.
USA - Pittsburgh - At least 20 cannonballs must be removed from a construction site where workers unearthed them Monday in Pittsburgh's Lawrenceville neighborhood. Crews working construction on apartments at 39th and Butler streets knew they were on the site of the former Allegheny Arsenal, Public Safety spokeswoman Sonya Toler said. They were paying particular attention during excavation in case they stumbled across any Civil War-era explosives, she said. The operator of the excavation machinery noticed what looked like a cannonball in his bucket of dirt, which led to discovering several cannonballs in the bucket, Toler said. “Lo and behold, there were a lot more in the hole,” she said. Authorities were able to see at least 21 cannonballs in the hole.