East Godavari - As more and more Buddhist sites are being found in East Godavari district dated back to the era of Before Christ, paucity of funds is forcing the department of Archaeology and Museums to adopt a wait and watch approach towards commencing excavations. According to historians, Buddhism and Jainism flourished in the district and there were numerous temples, monuments and reminiscences of these two faiths in different regions. With regard to Buddhism, Adurru, Kodavali and Kapavaram are the three cites where excavations are completed and the reminiscences are unearthed by the two departments. In the recent past, the State Archaeology department has spotted eight more Buddhist spots at Rampa Errampalem, Erravaram, Kummari Lova, Marlapadu, A. Kothapalli, A.P. Mallavaram, A. Mallavaram, Lampaka Lova, Onti Mamidi and Pandavula Metta – all are in the vicinity of East Godavari and Visakhapatnam border and close to Tuni town. The department is able to take Rampa Errampalem and Erravaram sites into its fold and commenced excavations at Erravaram. The remaining sites, however, are abandoned and the department is not in a position to take them into its possession due to shortage of funds. Most of the sites are on the village outskirts and being used for cattle gazing. The cattle gazers spotted a couple of Buddhist reminiscences in the spots and informed it to the village elders out of curiosity. Thus the department is coming to know through the village elders and the local police and marking the places as sites to be excavated.
Chester - Archaeologists working at The Queen’s School in Chester have discovered Roman artefacts and part of the original gaol building’s wall and foundations during a dig. Because archaeologists consider the site of significance, they dug three trial pits and observed two trenches while work was ongoing. Both trenches produced Roman tile and Roman ceramics were found in one. Within one of the trenches a sandstone wall was also uncovered which is thought to date to the time of the former gaol and one of the test pits uncovered the sandstone foundations. In another trench to the front of the gym, archaeologists uncovered a former cobbled yard, drain, kerb and red brick wall, which were removed, revealing substantial red brick and sandstone foundations of the eastern gable and perimeter walls of one of the airing yards belonging to the former prison.
GUADELOUPE – Goyave - La fouille archéologique préventive réalisée actuellement par l’Inrap, a été prescrite par l’État (direction des Affaires culturelles, service de l’archéologie de Guadeloupe). Elle est conduite actuellement à Sainte-Claire, sur la commune de Goyave, en amont des travaux de construction d’une station d’épuration sous la maitrise d’ouvrage du Syndicat intercommunal d’alimentation en eau et d’assainissement de la Guadeloupe (SIEAG). Cette intervention fait suite à un diagnostic réalisé par l’Inrap en mai 2013 qui avait mis au jour des vestiges de l’époque précolombienne avec des fosses et trous de poteaux datés de l'âge céramique tardif (650 de notre ère) et de l’époque coloniale ainsi que des maçonneries arasées de la même époque. Le site présente une configuration favorable à l’implantation humaine : un éperon dominant une rivière navigable, une embouchure marécageuse et un relief diversifié de plaines et de collines. À cet endroit, pas moins de cinq habitations figurent sur les cartes anciennes dans un rayon d’un kilomètre, en plus de l’Habitation La Grange et de ses dépendances localisées sur le lieu même du projet d’aménagement.Le sommet du morne a livré environ quatre cent structures (précolombiennes et coloniales), notamment des trous de poteaux et des fosses circulaires.
Dans la partie basse, des vestiges de maçonneries d’un bâtiment colonial ont été mis au jour. Le plan se poursuit hors du périmètre de l’intervention archéologique. Il s’agit d’un moulin à eau dont la fouille est en cours.
INDE - Chandayan - The chance discovery of a broken copper crown on the skull of a skeleton, a red ware bowl, a miniature pot and a sling ball at Chandayan village, 100 km from New Delhi, has made the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) excavate the site. There is excitement in the air because Chandayan could turn out to be a late Harappan site. A.K. Pandey, Superintending Archaeologist, Excavation Branch-II, ASI, said the artefacts came to light in August when labourers were digging farmland to collect clay for making bricks. Collared rims of pots were among the discoveries. So the ASI explored the site the same month and brought to light the fragment of a human bone, potsherds, storage jars, bowls and dish-on-stands. “Interestingly, most of the potsherds are sturdy red plain ware, except for a grey one and a few slightly decorated ones. Three graffiti marks have been noticed on the potsherds here. The pottery shows similarities with late Harappan pottery in a preliminary observation, reflecting a regional or local character,” said Mr. Pandey, who is the director of the excavation. Uttar Pradesh has several Harappan sites, including Sanauli, Mandi and Alamgirpur. The early Harappan phase lasted from 3300 BCE to 2600 BCE, the mature phase from 2600 BCE to 1900 BCE and the late phase from 1900 BCE to 1600 BCE. The period varies, depending on the site.