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30 JANVIER 2018: Sherford - Moku’ula - Gökçeseki - Provadiya - Grenoble - Carnac - Mer Baltique -






ROYAUME UNI 6147 original 5a6f4091217b6 Sherford - Artefacts dating back to the Stone Age have been found on the location of a new community development site in Sherford, Devon. The discoveries – which include pottery, personal artefacts, tools, barrows and roundhouses – revealed that Sherford was once home to historic communities dating back over 6,000 years.

HAWAII 1916blueprint Moku’ula - A 1916 Public Works map turned out to be the key to discovering the long-sought perimeter of Moku’ula, the former home of Native Hawaiian royalty that’s been buried under a Lahaina ballpark for a century. The exact location of the island has held back restoration for years. Now, archaeologists say they’ve unearthed enough portions of the stone wall that once surrounded the island to confirm its perimeter. The findings were published in a draft report released last month and presented to the public last Monday. Moku’ula was a 1-acre sandbar island surrounded by a 17-acre inland pond known as Loko o Mokuhinia. The island served as the home of the high chiefs of Pi’ilani in the 16th century, and later as the residence of King Kamehameha III from 1837 to 1845 when Lahaina was the capital of the Hawaiian Kingdom. In 1845, the capital was relocated to Honolulu and both the pond and the island became less prominent. As sugar plantations took water from the stream that fed Mokuhinia, the pond turned into a stagnant marsh. By 1917, it was completely filled in to prevent mosquito growth.

TURQUIE- 645x344 1517161515335  Gökçeseki  - On display at the Karaman Museum are the terra-cotta horse figures and toys that were discovered in excavations at the Gökçeseki archaeological site (Philadelphia) in Karaman province. Rock tombs were unearthed in excavations carried out in 2015 under the consultancy of Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey University (KMÜ). To the west of the tombs, in an area called the "ancient waste area," many other historical artifacts were discovered including pieces of rock sculptures, terra-cotta human and animal figures, ceramic cups, oil-lamps, coins, rings, bracelets, earrings, necklaces, chains, beads and various objects made of bones. The sculptures shine a light on the art interaction of Philadelphia with other centers and the local art of the period and ceramic cups present new information on the regional product and commercial relations. The artifacts displayed at Karaman Museum include seven busts, various medical tools, nails, bracelets, coins, rings made of iron and ceramic tableware. The most unique ones among them are four small horse figures made of terra-cotta and according to Kılıç, they are believed to be gifts left at the graves of those who have passed away at an early age. They are handmade and the details, from the horses' manes to their tails, are very fine and elaborate. "We believe these are toys because there are holes on the bottom of the feet to insert either rods or wheels or to tie ropes. The artifacts date back to second century A.D., to early Roman and Byzantium times," he added.

BULGARIEPhoto verybig 187408 Provadiya  - Some 6,700 years ago the residents of the Solnitsata (“The Salt Pit”) prehistoric town in today’s Provadiya in Northeast Bulgaria built what were Europe’s first fortress walls made of stone in order to protect their riches accumulated from the large-scale production of salt extracted from a massive rock salt deposit. Those early fortress walls of the Provadiya – Solnitsata prehistoric settlement, which has been dubbed “Europe’s oldest prehistoric town“, were really thick, too – 3 to 4 meters, lead archaeologist, Prof. Vasil Nikolov from the National Institute and Museum of Archaeology in Sofia has told BNT with respect to the results from the 2017 archaeological excavations. Notable also for its impressive size, the Salt Pit settlement mound in Bulgaria’s Provadiya is believed to have been the home of Europe’s richest residents in the middle of the 5th millennium BC.

FRANCEGrenoble Grenoble - C' est une petite cruche, pas plus grande qu'un vase que tient Annick Clavier entre ses mains. La conservatrice du patrimoine du département de l'Isère la considère comme la plus belle pièce déterrée par les archéologues qui se sont lancés à l'assaut de la place Grenette, dans le centre ville de Grenoble (Isère). La poterie, visiblement intacte, daterait du Ier, IIe ou IIIe siècle après Jésus-Christ. Il était considéré en premier lieu et à tort, qu'il s'agissait d'une urne funéraire. Des analyses sont en cours afin de déterminer son origine et son utilisation exacte. A priori, elle aurait été moulée pour servir de l'eau ou du vin. Elle a été déterrée peu après le début des travaux de végétalisation de la place lancés ce 15 janvier 2018. Elle se trouvait à 1 mètre 20  de profondeur, dans l'une des tranchées creusées pour planter des arbres. Selon les archéologues, le sous-sol de la place, située près de l'enceinte romaine, est un dépotoir de poteries.


FRANCE – Carnac - Depuis 2012, le Musée de Préhistoire de Carnac a noué un partenariat avec le CNRS et le Laboratoire de recherches archéologiques de Nantes.  C’est en 2012 que le Musée de Préhistoire de Carnac accepte de participer à une étude réalisée sur la gravure des pierres. « Il s’agissait de faire une étude complète sur les pierres gravées de Gavrinis. Ainsi, le travail a été lancé sur la dalle L6 », résume Céline Cornet, adjointe à la directrice du musée. Le but de cette étude est de comprendre comment ont été réalisées ces gravures. Les pierres étaient-elles horizontales, verticales ? Les gravures ont-elles été réalisées avant ou après le creusement des poignées dans les dalles… Autant de questions que les archéologues se posent pour tenter de comprendre et d’émettre des hypothèses. etudient-les-pierres-gravees-5529709

SUEDE1516965096 kogg dacksbalk och spant med dykare foto mikael fredholm smm 1516965214 kogg fotogrametri 3d bild sammansatt av ca 2500 bilder Mer Baltique - Two shipwrecks, including one possibly dating back to the 14th century, have been found at the bottom of the sea. Historic vessels are a fascinating, but not unusual, discovery in the Baltic Sea's shipwreck graveyard (there are at least 100 intact ships on the Baltic seabed). The water is too brackish for shipworm, which means that a huge number of wooden ships have survived on the bottom of the sea with almost intact hulls for centuries. Most shipwrecks found in Stockholm are from the 17th and 18th centuries, Sweden's maritime heyday, but one of the new finds is thought to be from the 14th or 15th century. Mostly submerged in the mud on the seabed, the wrecked ship – believed to be a cog – is 23-25 metres long and seven metres wide. Onboard the other shipwreck, estimated to be from the 16th century, a whopping 20 barrels of osmond iron, kitchen utensils and tools were found. The National Maritime Museums said the extent of the iron found was "unprecedented in previous maritime findings". The exact location of the wrecks has not been revealed.
