– Saint-Dizier - Ce vendredi 25 juin, les archéologues de l'Institut national de recherches archéologiques préventives ont exhumé un sarcophage en pierre d'un peu plus de deux mètres. Une découverte faite à Saint-Dizier, en Haute-Marne, dans un site fouillé depuis plusieurs années. Il s'agissait d'une sépulture contenant un "personnage important" de l'époque mérovingienne, correspondant au VIIe siècle. Le défunt avait été inhumé avec un anneau et une poterie posée à ses pieds. Ce sont ces détails qui ont prouvé aux spécialistes que cette personne appartenait à un "rang élevé". Cette découverte est exceptionnelle dans la mesure où "tous les objets sont là" et que le sarcophage n'avait jamais été "visité" auparavant, ce qui était une crainte des archéologues. Sur ce site, "cette sépulture serait parmi les plus anciennes trouvées", comme l'indique l'experte Stéphanie Desbrosse-Degobertière. Sur place, ce sont plus de 800 sépultures qui ont été découvertes depuis près de dix ans de recherches. Mais très peu étaient aussi bien conservées que celle-ci.
VIDEO = Incroyable découverte archéologique en France (
Masirah Island - More than 127 archaeological sites have been discovered on Masirah Island so far. These sites include monuments dating back to the prehistoric period, the bronze age, the iron age, the Islamic age and the middle ages . The human bones that were unearthed in Masirah Island dated between 4,700 BC and 3,826 BC are the oldest bones found in Oman and the Arabian Peninsula. The human bones that were unearthed in Masirah Island dated between 4,700 BC and 3,826 BC are the oldest bones found in Oman and the Arabian Peninsula.
ECOSSE - Stirling - A long stretch of road was uncovered on Saturday during the first ever dig at Coxet Hill in Stirling. The hill is believed to be where the Scots King Robert the Bruce set up his camp to prepare for battle ahead of the first day of fighting, on June 23, 1314. It is also likely to be where the Scottish camp followers and soldiers untrained in Bruce's tactics were based during the decisive second day, when the English army was forced to flee. "This hard-packed stone road or track curves around the bottom of the Coxet Hill and doesn't show on any of the maps going back the last 200 years, which suggests a medieval origin. "The fact it is around the medieval royal wood suggests it was there before the Battle of Bannockburn and was in use at that time. It is logical that it was used by Robert the Bruce.
SUEDE - Sigtuna - Seven Christian tombs from the Viking Age have been found in the town of Sigtuna near the city of Uppsala. According to archaeologists, the tombs date back to the end of the 10th century. The graves were the final resting place of eight individuals who were buried with several items such as a knife, a belt, and a comb. One of the graves contained two infants who likely died during birth. A thousand years ago, the tombs were placed on a hill overlooking what then was a bay. There was a port that may have played a key role in Sigtuna's development. The archaeologists are looking forward to getting an insight into the foundation of Sigtuna and its connections to Birka, a fellow Viking-era settlement. Sigtuna was founded by Eric the Victorious in the 970s. The city later became the seat of his son, Sweden's first Christian king Olof Skötkonung, who had the first Swedish coins minted in Sigtuna.
TURQUIE - Gobeklitepe - Turkey announced Sunday that it has discovered 11 new hills around the famed ancient site of Gobeklitepe in southeastern Sanliurfa province. "We have [discovered] 11 more major hills on a 100-kilometer line around Gobeklitepe. Here, we will give the details for the first time, and now call it 12 hills," Culture and Tourism Minister Mehmet Nuri Ersoy said at an event in Sanliurfa. Speaking to reporters, Ersoy said a "major study" on the 12 hills is about to be completed and will be presented in September.
Tsukumo - A great white shark was one of the two most likely species responsible for the attack around 3,000 years ago in Japan’s Seto Inland Sea. That’s according to a recent report in the Journal of Archaeological Science. The adult male victim — who was likely alive at the time of the incident — was attacked by either a great white shark or a tiger shark, according to the researchers. The prehistoric man most likely lost his right leg and left hand in the attack, and his wounds would have been fatal as the shark left at least 790 tooth marks that reached to the bone. This new report reveals a shark attack on an adult male radiocarbon that dates back about 3,000 years ago during the fisher-hunter-gatherer Jomon period of the Japanese archipelago. The individual — identified as Tsukumo No. 24 — was buried at the Tsukumo site near Japan’s Seto Inland Sea, where modern shark attacks have been reported.
USA - Colombus - Unearthed bones recently discovered at a construction site in south central Indiana are believed to be thousands of years old, according to the Indiana Department of Natural Resources. Archaeologists from the University of Indianapolis analyzed the bones, determining them to be between 2,000 and 3,000 years old. The bones belong to an adult male, a preteen and an infant, according to the DNR. The bones are thought to be the bones of Native American people of the Adena culture, which existed in the Ohio River Valley as far back as 1000 B.C. The human bones were found roughly six feet deep and mixed with animal bones. A different settlement was also found around two feet from the surface, consisting of glass, nails and other artifacts dating to the late 1800s or early 1900s.