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31 Aout 2018: Londres - Edinburgh - Zelenyi Yar - Upper Galilee -






ROYAUME UNITheatre reonstruction Londres -  Excavations at the site of Shakespeare's original London playhouse, the Theatre, suggest that the venue was part of a large complex for theatregoers designed by 16th-century actor and empresario James Burbage. According to a report a team from Museum of London Archaeology has uncovered sections of an expansive gravel yard surrounding the polygonal playhouse—built in 1576—where patrons could eat, drink, and socialize during long performances. Artifacts uncovered include a complete Elizabethan goblet, a unique fragment of ceramic depicting a bearded man, and pieces of money boxes used to collect entry fees. The Theatre is believed to have been the first purpose-built theatre in London since Roman times. Shakespeare performed there after first arriving in the city as a young man. The venue later hosted many of his iconic works, including Romeo and Juliet, which was staged the mid-1590s when he was resident playwright. In 1598, after losing a lease to the land, Shakespeare's company dimsantled the playhouse, moved the timbers across the Thames to Southwark, and built The Globe, which opened in 1599.

ROYAUME UNI 103227576 mediaitem103227575 Edinburgh - Artefacts dating back more than 800 years have been found at the Palace of Holyroodhouse in Edinburgh. A 12th Century jug fragment, a horse skeleton and a medieval shoe were among the items found. The diets of ambassadors and courtiers at Abbey Strand, during the reigns of Mary, Queen of Scots and James VI, were also revealed by the mass of oyster shells and wine bottles dug up. The palace is used by the Queen during official engagements in Scotland. Researchers also said wine and spirit containers, food debris and fragments of children's games give a glimpse of life for the 25 impoverished families living in cramped tenements in the area during the 18th and 19th Centuries. Excavations in the Abbey Strand buildings by the Edinburgh-based firm uncovered the earliest evidence of settlement on the site. Timber posts dating from the 12th Century are believed to mark the location of a terrace that led to the then low-lying island on which Holyrood Abbey was built in 1128. They could also have formed part of a structure used by the workmen who built the abbey. One of the earliest finds is a medieval leather shoe from beneath one of the cellars in the Abbey Strand. The bones of Highland cattle found in the gardens provide evidence of trading between Edinburgh and the Highlands and Western Isles.

RUSSIE1201859 Zelenyi Yar - Specialists of the Scientific Center for Arctic Studies found six necropolises in the Zelenyi Yar archaeological complex in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Region, where earlier they found mummies of people, who lived in the XIII century, the scientific center’s press service said on Thursday. "The expedition to the medieval necropolis near the Zelenyi Yar village made a new excavation area of 80 square meters, where they found six burials. Two were looted in ancient times, on one of them the archaeologists saw traces of three tools," the press service said. "Four burials have not suffered from looters: three bodies were, presumably, men aged 40-50 years, and one - a boy of 6-7 years." According to the Center’s archeology researcher Alexander Gusev, the children's burial is of great scientific importance. Inside the burial, the scientists found bronze temporal rings, copper plates, a bronze bracelet, a knife handle with the image of a bird, and -for the first time ever - a scabbard with a wooden blade inside. "The Zelenyi Yar archaeological monument is known, first of all, for the numerous mummified remains of men, women and children found here in different years," the press service said. "This year, scientists have not found anything alike." The researcher noted that studies of the burial grounds will tell more about how people lived in Western Siberia in the Middle Ages.

ISRAEL1228336029 Upper Galilee - An 8-year-old boy on a hike in the north of Israel had found what he thought was a pebble, but it turned out that it was a rare prehistoric figurine thought to be more than 11,000 years old. The find, in the form of a pregnant woman, is only the third of its kind ever found in Israel. The boy, Itamar Barnea of Kibbutz Malkiya near the Lebanese border, is now 10. He had found the prehistoric statue near the Dishon stream in the Upper Galilee  Ianir Milevski, who heads the prehistoric division of the Antiquities Authority, recognized that the find was a ritual fertility figurine dating back 11,500 years ago to the Pre-Pottery Neolithic period. "The figurine, which at first glance is hard to see as having been shaped by human hands, is made from a pebble and is 37 by 23 by 25 millimeters," or roughly measuring an inch to an inch and a half on each side. "It depicts the figure of a pregnant woman and was made by rubbing and etching the surface of the pebble. The rounded head is set off from the body by etching and the legs were also etched in." Two similar figurines, which are not exactly identical, were found at sites along the Oren stream in the Carmel region and in the Jordan Valley. "These figurines were a symbol of human fertility and there are researchers who view them as the 'mother goddess.' It's possible that the figurine served as an amulet," Milevski explained, referring to an object that was thought to protect its wearer from evil or harm. "This was a period during which humans in the Near East and southern Levant shifted to living in fixed locations, engaging in agriculture and beginning to domesticate animals. During the period, the issue of fertility in human society was very important."