The fourth individual (individual 4) is a newborn child. Its sex could not be determined.

Fig. 7. Diagrammatic representation of the bones of individual 4.

Fig. 8. Diagrammatic representation and images of the bones of individual 4.
Only nine bone fragments have been attributed to the fifth individual.
The bones show signs commonly found on cremated skeletons. Individual 5 was most probably an adult.

Fig. 9. Individual 2, cut marks.

Fig. 10. Individual 2, cut mark.

Fig. 11. Individual 2, cut mark.

Fig. 12. Individual 5, bones subjected to high temperatures after cremation.

Fig. 13. Individual 5, bones subjected to high temperatures after cremation.
The general view of the skeletal remains found on Kasta Hill suggests their having been stirred up by human intervention, probably in the interior of chamber 4 and the cist grave.