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Huaca Maucallacta (Pérou): in danger of being destroyed

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Cultural authorities lack funding, personnel to care for site.

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Maucallacta was a religious center with a military presence during the age of the Incas. (Photos: Julio Angulo)


Just a few meters away from this ancient site are 200 head of cattle.


Because of the lack of surveillance, the animals destroy the progress on reconstruction that archaeologists have done.


According to Maucallacta caretaker Luis Arias Lopez, locals enter the site to hunt hares and drink.


These secretive entries have damaged stone structures and destroyed furnishings placed there by archaeologists.


In 2009, S/. 19,000 was given to the site to put up signs and create a small shelter, but it has since been badly damaged.


About S/. 19,000 more was spent on the site since 2009. That funding came from the Polish Ministry of Culture.


The site has a stone “ushnu,” a raised platform used for worshiping the mountain peaks.