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Kato Pafos (Chypre) : Excavations at Fabrika Hill


Excavations at Fabrika Hill in Kato Pafos


The Ministry of Communications and Works, Department of Antiquities, announces that the French Archaeological Expedition at Pafos worked on Fabrika Hill from the 15th of April until the 10th of May, 2010. The excavation took place in two mains areas: the northern slope of the hill and behind the ancient theatre to the southeast.

On the north side, the excavations continued on the east-west wall, built with stone pillars. This wall appears to be the back wall of a house, probably dating to the Hellenistic period. It was backfilled at the time of the Flavian emperors (beginning of the 2nd half of the 1st century AD). Other walls were uncovered east of this house. Excavation in this area will continue in November. A trial sondage that was opened against the main terrace wall (40 m. long), which was revealed in 2008, confirmed that this north-south wall was built during the 1st century BC/ 1st century AD. The entire area seems to have then been filled.

On the eastern slope of Fabrika hill, the team continued the removal of the destruction level of the vaulted building, carved out of the bedrock, which was discovered in 2008. Seismologists confirmed that this building had been destroyed by an earthquake. The archaeological data seems to show that it was destroyed during the second half of the 13th century or the beginning of the 14th century. The work for the foundations of this building cut into a probable ancient rock-cut gallery. The gallery seems to have led to the theatre and it is high enough for a person to stand inside. Nothing was found inside it apart from tool marks. At the southeast corner of the building a well was uncovered, not yet fully excavated.

North of this building, the remains of a floor made out of rough slabs and stones were revealed. A human burial was found in this area. The skeleton of a man was found lying in a stone sarcophagus in an east-west orientation with his arms crossed on his chest.