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Atlante tolteca-maya que servía para sostener un altar de losas de piedra. Data de 900-1200 d.C. Foto Armado Arias INAH.
About 30 items from the Toltec culture (650 A.D. to 1,200 A.D.) discovered in the archaeological area of Tula, located in the central Mexican state of Hidalgo, are being exhibited at a museum in that state, the National Anthropology and History Institute, or INAH, said.
The exhibition is made up of 30 pre-Columbian pieces from the Ancient Toltec period (650-900 A.D.) and the Recent Toltec period (900-1200 A.D.) that include sculptures, vessels and artifacts of obsidian and shell,” the INAH said in a statement.
The exhibit at the Fray Bernardino de Sahagun Museum in the former San Francisco Convent of Tepeapulco will be open until Jan. 19.

La exposición reúne objetos descubiertos en los trabajos de investigación que el INAH ha realizado en la Zona Arqueológica de Tula. Foto Armado Arias INAH.
Among the objects being shown is a small Toltec/Maya sculpture of a male figure dating from 900-1200 A.D. that served as a column to support stone slabs to form a table, the INAH said.
The Toltecs were a multiethnic people integrated with other cultures of the region such as the Nonoalcas, Chichimecas and Otomi, and revered the same gods - Quetzalcoatl, Tezcatlipoca and Huehueteotl, the INAH said.

La muestra se conforma de 30 piezas prehispánicas. Foto Armado Arias INAH.
The Toltecs came to control extensive areas in the central part of the country and on the coasts of the Gulf of Mexico and the Pacific Ocean, which explains their influence on Mayan culture.

Lápida con numerales. Pertenece al periodo Tolteca Reciente (900-1200). Foto Armado Arias INAH
The Toltec civilization, a militaristic society, prospered with the fall of Teotihuacan and reached its height between 650-1,200 A.D.