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Panther Cave (USA) : Rock Art recorded in 3D

Panther Cave Rock Art recorded in 3D

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High above the Rio Grande river in a towering wall of  limestone cliffs lies Panther Cave, named after the giant panther at the far end of the rockshelter. Here a nomadic people painted fantastic scenes consisting of human and animal figures, leaving a story that resists modern interpretation.

The cave contains Pecos River and Red Linear style pictographic imagery dating back approximately 4,000 years with figures ranging in size from less than 6 inches to over 10 feet  ( more than 3 metres) in height.

The larger Pecos River style figures are the most prominent, and include colourful human- and animal-like figures.

This site is accessible only by boat, and co-managed by Seminole Canyon State Park and Amistad National Recreation Area. This site is endangered by flooding related to the construction of Amistad Reservoir.

The 3D modelling was part of a 3 year rock art documentation project conducted by SHUMLA Archeological Research and Education Center, Amistad National Recreation Area, Seminole Canyon State Park, and Geo-Marine Inc. to digitally preserve the site for future generations.

The stunning 3D model has been created by Mark Willis using Structure from Motion photogrammetry and can be viewed in the video below. (Best viewed in High Definition.)