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Peterborough (G-B): prehistoric and Roman-British settlement pottery

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Pottery dating from the 1st to 3rd century AD, evidencing domestic life from the late prehistoric and Romano-British periods, has been found at one of three excavations near Peterborough, where archaeologists are expecting significant historic discoveries.


A complete Roman Jar, thought to date from the 2nd or 3rd century AD, is one of the finds made by archaeologists in Cambridgeshire © Wessex Archaeology

Hundreds of evaluation trenches are being dug as part of a plan to create solar farms at Morris Fen, America Farm and Newborough Farm. Three Bronze Age barrows lie within a kilometre of the latter site, which is thought to hold Neolithic tidal creeks filled with sand.

Several roundhouses, enclosures and fields are poised on slightly raised gravel banks. America Farm is close to the famous Flag Fen Scheduled Ancient Monument, although experts from Wessex Archaeology, who moved in with a brief agreed by English Heritage and Peterborough City Council Archaeology Service, are not anticipating another Flag Fen.

The group expects to conclude its surveys and issue a full report within the next few weeks.

A section through the terminus of a ditch containing Roman pottery © Wessex Archaeology


The jar is made from a coarse shelly ware © Wessex Archaeology


Late Prehistoric or Romano-British field boundaries © Wessex Archaeology


A ring gully surrounding a possible Late Prehistoric or Romano-British roundhouse © Wessex Archaeology
