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Tell Timai (Egypte) : VIDEO Excavations 2014

Robert Littman / Jay Silverstein

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In this second installment from the University of Hawaii excavations at Tell Timai in the Egyptian Nile Delta, viewers get a chance to meet Kufti archaeologists, explore ancient streets and the mudbricks that shaped them and dive into the port of Alexandria.

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Meet the team’s Kufti archaeologists, who hail from an Egyptian village where Flinders Petrie trained archaeologists in the late 19th century. The skills have been passed down to today’s team of excavators, who are now equipped with multi-generational field experience. Discover the pottery uncovered at Timai—the “DNA of the site”—as the team exposes Hellenistic and Roman neighborhoods. And take a look at the unique experimental mudbrick research and preservation at Timai, as recently described in Biblical Archaeology Review. Finally, cool off with the team off the coast of Alexandria with rare underwater video footage filmed at this ancient port city.


Videography by Alyssa Bokovoy. Courtesy of Robert Littman and Jay Silverstein. Click here to watch the first video submitted from Tell Timai, and visit the project website at
