Offers various general as well as specialized courses online.
These courses are for anyone, whatever their educational level, who wishes to deepen their knowledge of civilizations, religions or ancient languages.
Along with introductory courses in archeology and anthropology,
INDIana UNIversitas offers Cycle on the history of civilizations, history of art, religions and ancient scriptures. See the List of Courses.
The courses are online, accessible to all, without obligation nor time limitations. In the twenty-first century, it is this way of learning which results in the best outcome, both financially and in a time-investment point of view.
You learn what you want, at your own pace, according to your schedule, without obligation nor constraint. You study according to your availability. You can have access to a Continuous Assessment if you wish. This option is mandatory if you wish to obtain a Course Completion Certificate.
Each course is made of 6 modules, each consisting of approximately 8 lessons. You therefore have 6 modules to order and have a whole year do so .
200 GBP per module, all inclusive.
6 modules at 200 GBP each.
Modules are ordered and paid for one at a time (spread over a maximum of 12 months). You have absolutely nothing else to pay, nor any obligation to continue. There is no contract to sign, nor any commitment for the future.
Pre-register yourself using the Contact form.
You will receive a registration form back via email. (Registration fees = 50 GBP)